Banking Flashcards
rekening, A statement of monetary transactions with the resulting balance.
bank statement
A bank statement is a document that displays all of the transactions that have taken place on a bank account over a given period of time.
cash dispenser
current account
bankrekening zonder rente
direct debit
een persoon of bedrijf die automatisch geld van jou lening haalt op een vaste datum
hire purchase
Buying a product by paying off money over months or years. You only own the product when the payments are complete.
unable to pay debts
One of a series of payments used to pay for an expensive product.
hypotheek, A long-term loan which is used to buy a house.
savings account
spaarrekening, A bank account into which personal savings are paid and on which the bank pays a rate of interest.
solvabiliteit, je schulden al dan niet kunnen betalen, Ability to pay one’s debts in full when due.
standing order
doorlopende opdracht, lik papa met men kotgeld, An order in writing by a customer to his bank to pay a stated sum of money to a named party at certain stated dates.
to borrow
To obtain or receive (something, such as money) on loan for temporary use, intending to give it, or something equivalent or identical, back to the lender.
to lend
- To permit the use of (something) with the expectation of return of the same or an equivalent;
- To provide (money) temporarily, often at interest.
to overdraw
in het rood gaan, To draw on (a bank account) in excess of the credit balance.
to owe
verschuldigd zijn
to settle a bill
To pay what is due.
to withdraw cash
cash geld afhalen