Employers to assess and respond to risk Flashcards
what must every employer do in terms of assessing and responding to risk
a) identify the hazards to health or safety to which employees may be exposed while they are at work
b) assess the risks to health or safety to which employees may be exposed while they are at work
c) record the significant hazards identified and risks assessed and
d) make those records available for inspection by employees
What must the employer do in terms of measures to respond to risk?
Every employer, after consulting the health and safety committee at the mine must determine all measures, including the organisation of work and the design of safe systems of work, necessary to:
a) Eliminate any recorded risk
b) control the risk at source
c) minimise the risk, and
d) in so far as the risk remains (i) provide for personal protective equipment and
(ii) institute a programme to monitor the risk to which employees may be exposed
what must the employer do with the measures?
Every Employer must, as far as reasonable practicable, implement the measures determined necessary in terms of subsection 2 in the order in which the measures are listed in the paragraphs of that subsection
what must the employer do in terms of reviewing hazards and risks assessed and with whom must the employer consult regarding the review.
Every employer must
a) periodically review the hazards identified and risks assessed, including the results of occupational hygiene measurements and medical surveillance, to determine whether further elimination, control and minimisation of risk is possible
b) consult with the health and safety committee on the review