What brain region is mostly related to emotion and fear?
Amygdala. (Temporal lobe)
In which main three nuclei can the amygdala be divided?
- Corticomedial nuclei
- Central nuclei
- Basolateral nuclei
Which five areas are part of the papez-circuit?
- Neocortex
- Cingulate cortex
- Hippocampus
- Hypothalamus
- Anterior nuclei of thalamus
What are the bundle of axons between the hippocampus and the hypothalamus in the papez-circuit?
What brain area codes for emotional experience?
Cingulate cortex.
What brain area codes for emotional expression?
How does information get processed in the amygdala?
- Olfactory input enters from the corticomedial nuclei.
Other inputs enter via the basolateral nuclei. - Information travels within the basolateral nuclei.
- Leaves as output via the central nucleus, to the hypothalamus and brainstem.
Or leaves as output via other two nuclei.
Of which three parts does emotion consist?
- Physiological (autonomic) component
- Behavioural component
- Cognitive (affect) component
What part of the limbic system is important for emotion?
Rostral limbic system: Amygdala, anterior cingulate cortex, orbito frontal lobe, septum.
In the papez circuit, anterior nucleus of the thalamus is connected to cingulated gyrus via which structure?
Internal capsule.
What is the function and structure of the basal ganglia loop with the amygdala?
- Amygdala and VTA(=dopamine) project onto the NAc –> onto dmThalamus –> Orbitofrontal cortex –> Amygdala
- Codes for rewards and contributes to affective dimension of emotions.