Emotions in Brain (3a) Flashcards
emotions: head or heart?
scientists suggest they work together
main structures of the limbic system
mammillary body
prefrontal cortex
what is the mammillary body a part of?
papez circuit (Papez, 1937)
- brain area linked to emotion processing
- system borders the thalamus
what was the papez circuit (PApez, 1937) late renamed to?
limbic system
which brain structures regulate the stress response? (HPA-axis)
what does stress lead to the release of and where?
corticotropin-release hormone (CRH) in the hypothalamus
what does HPA (HPA-axis) stand for?
pituitary gland
adrenal gland
what does the pituitary gland release
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
what does the adrenal gland release?
what is cortisol
the stress hormone
what does the release of cortisol lead to?
increased sympathic activation
2 parts of autonomous nervous system
sympathic nervous system
parasympathetic nervous system
cortical/ subcortical pathways for processing threatening emotional stimuli (LeDoux, 1998)
emotional stimulus
thalamus / superior colliculus
sensory (visual) cortex
emotional response
localisation theories of emotions
there are specific brain areas (physiological responses) for specific emotions
evidence for localisation theory (amygdala - fear)
- animal studies: amygdala has a pivotal role in fear and fear conditioning (Fendt & Fanselow, 1999)
- human lesion studies: SM did not experience of recognitise fear (Feinstein et al., 2011)
- neuroimaging studies: greater amygdala activation during the perception/ experience of fear or anxiety-related states compared to other emotions (Taylor & Whalen, 2015)
according to localisation theories, what emotion is the amygdala responsible for?
according to localisation theories, what emotion is the insula responsible for?
evidence for localisation theory (insula - disgust)
- animal studies: electrical stimulation of monkeys elicit behaviour, facial expressions and physiological responses of disgust (Caruana et al., 2011)
- human lesion studies: left lesions of insula and putamen - reduced disgust recognition in faces and sounds (Boucher et al., 2015)
- human neuroimaging/ intracranial recording studies: insula more activated during perceptions and expression of disgust than for other emotions (Krolak-Salmon et al., 2003)
- human electrical stimuluation studies: accuracy of disgust recognition reducted (Papagno et al., 2016)
according to localisation theories, what emotion is the anterior cingulate cortex responsible for?
according to localisation theories, what emotion is the orbitofrontal cortex responsible for?
according to localisation theories, what emotion is the supplementary motor area responsible for?