Emotional Development Flashcards
what type of responses are connected to your emotions?
Neural responses
- Physiological factors; (e.g., heart rate, breathing rate, and hormone levels)
Subjective feelings
- Emotional expressions
- The desire to take action; (e.g., escape, approach, or change environment)
provide an example the steps of emotions when you lose something important.
imagine that your favourite pet kitten goes missing, your brain might go blank (neural), you feel a sense of distress (sadness) and irritation (feeling), you physically experience short of breathing, tight chest, and you burst into tears (expression), and you feel like to ran out to find it (action).
How do researchers agree how babies communicate?
Facial expressions
Are emotional responses automatic?
Yes, they are not based on cognition
Which emotions are more distinctive than others?
Positive emotions (interest, joy) are more distinctive than negative emotions (fear, anger)
Which 2 emotions appear at different times over the first two years after birth?
Primary/basic emotions are a set of emotions present at birth or early in the first year
Secondary/Complex emotions are self-conscious or self-evaluative emotions that emerge in the second year.
What are the primary emotions?
There are six basic emotions: happiness, fear, anger, sadness, surprise, and disgust.
What are the secondary emotions?
embarrassment, shame, guilt, envy, and pride
What is the first clear sign of happiness in infants?
As infants get older how do their meanings of smiles evolve?
Newborns smile during REM sleep, smiles are non-social, biological state
3 month old infants show social smiles toward others
7 month old infants smile primarily at familiar people (mother), distress to strangers
What emotion do babies express at the age of 2-6 months
express surprise and joy when they realize the control they have over some objects
What emotion do infants express at 2-4 months
What emotions do infants express at 4-6 months?
What happens during the 2nd yr of life with children’s emotions?
children start to clown around and are delighted when they can make other people laugh.
School-age children value peer acceptance and achieving goals which become important sources of happiness and pride.
What is the 1st negative emotion seen in children?
generalized distress (can be evoked by a variety of experiences ranging from hunger and pain to overstimulation)
By 2 months of age facial expressions of a anger and sadness can be differentiated. How can they still be complicated to interpret?
1) the facial expressions are not distinctive for negative emotions in early years;
2) in addition, infants sometimes display negative emotions that seem incongruent with the situation they are experiencing.
When is differentiating between anger and other negative emotions easier in infants?
By the 2 yr of life