Emotion and Motivation Flashcards
What are the 7 primary emotions?
Happiness, disgust, fear, sadness, surprise, anger, and contempt
_______ __________ are a small number of emotions believed by some theorists to be cross-culturally universal.
Primary emotions
What are the 3 secondary emotions?
Alarm, hatred, & Schadenfreude
Theories propose that emotions are ________ ___ _________
Products of thinking
_______-________ ________ ___ _______- is when an emotion-provoking event leads simultaneously to both an emotion and bodily reactions.
Cannon-Bard Theory of Emotion
___________________________ is Emotions that are a result of our interpretations of our bodily reactions to stimuli.
James-Lange Theory of Emotions
___________________ is Emotions that are produced by:
Undifferentiated arousal (“alertness”).
With a follow-up attribution (explanation) of that arousal.
Two-factor Theory
______________________ is when we use our “gut reactions” to inform our actions.
Limited support.
People without physiological aspects of emotion (e.g., those with pure autonomic failure) still make decisions.
Somatic Marker Theory
____________________ refers to the unconscious spillover of emotions into nonverbal behaviour.
Nonverbal leakage
______________ can communicate emotions, largely in unconscious ways.
__________________ convey emotion, such as through illustrators or manipulators.
__________________ are more culture-specific gestures
EX: OK sign, waving & thumbs up.
________________ is the study of personal space.
_____________ is the deliberate attempt to mislead others.
____________________ are saying things that are NOT true.
Lies of commission
___________________ are leaving out things that ARE true
Lies of ommission
_________________ are to protect or benefit the self
Anti-social lies
_________________ are to protect or benefit others
Prosocial Lies
Humans as lie detectors have about a ____% accuracy rate.
___________ is deception that leads to physiological changes.
_____________ rely on the ___________________, in that there are supposedly perfect physiological or behavioural indicators of lying
Polygraph tests, Pinocchio response
___________________ is using brain imaging techniques.
Brain fingerprinting
___________________ are Alternative to the polygraph test that relies on the premise that criminals harbour concealed knowledge about the crime that innocent people don’t.
Guilty Knowledge Tests
_________________ are Questionnaire that presumably assesses workers’ tendency to steal or cheat.
Integrity Tests
___________________ is a strategy of anticipating failure and compensating for this expectation by mentally overpreparing for negative outcomes.
Defensive pessimism
_____________________ theory says happiness predisposes us to think more openly, allowing us to see the “big picture”.
Broaden and build
_____________________ is the ability to predict our own and others’ happiness
Affective forecasting
________________ is the belief that both our good and bad moods will last longer than they do.
Durability Bias
___________________ is when our moods tend to adapt to external circumstances.
Hedonic Treadmill
____________________ is an inverted U-shaped relation between arousal (stress), mood and performance.
Yerkes-Dodson Law
_____________________ propose that we are often motivated by positive goals.
Incentive theories
_________________ is our own internal goals that we are self-motivated to achieve.
EX: Doing well in a course because you are passionate about learning the material.
Intrinsic Motivation
____________________ is where the goal is external, such as by receiving a reward or avoiding a negative consequence.
EX: Doing well in a subject in order to get into medical school.
Extrinsic Motivation
According to the _____________________, when our blood glucose levels drop, hunger creates a drive to eat to restore the proper levels of glucose.
Glucostatic theory
_____________________ is when we eat to maintain a certain rage of body and muscle mass.
Set point theory
___________________________: people born with this gene have a harder time feeling full after eating.
Melanocortin receptor 4 gene
_______________ signals the hypothalamus and brain stem to ___________ appetite and increase the amount of energy used.
Leptin, reduce
Some food smells can cause the release of neurotransmitters, such as _______________, which activates the brain’s pleasure circuits.
The sex hormone __________________ can enhance sexual interest
Lower sexual desire is associated with ____________________.
Higher serotonin
DRD4 gene is involved in ________________________ (reward system).
Dopamine transmission
As people age, the frequency of sexual activities ________________ but their sexual satisfaction does not.
The ___________________ may play a role in sexual attraction.
The ___________________ has been found to be larger in gay men compared to heterosexual men
Corpus collosum
______________ is physical nearness.
__________________ is the extent to which we have things in common with others.
___________________ is showing reciprocal affection, support, care and trust.
Like it or not, we often first ‘judge books by their covers’. This is ____________________
Physical attractiveness
____________________ is marked by powerful, even overwhelming, longing for one’s partner.
Passionate Love
________________________ play a role in sexual desire.
Testosterone and estrogen
_______________________ is marked by a sense of deep friendship and fondness for one’s partner.
Companionate Love
Compassionate love is linked with the hormone _________________, which plays a role in pair bonding and interpersonal trust.