emotion Flashcards
Emotion has 3 categories
(1) Behavioural/somatic (voluntary muscular, pulling back of a lip, species specific)
(2) Autonomic (neuronal feed from the brain)
(3) Hormonal (pituitary glands releasing hormones)
what is the Somatic ns
nervous system that translates sensory to voluntary muscular movement
what is the autonomic ns
portion of the nervous system that translates sensory into physiological process.
what is Somatic emotion
Voluntary skeletal muscles are organized in opposing pairs. There is intent but cant always immediately recognize movement
Whereas the somatic nervous system connects external sensory organs through the brain to muscles (red), the autonomic nervous system ………..
Whereas the somatic nervous system connects external sensory organs through the brain to muscles (red), the autonomic nervous system connects the brain to the organs and glands (blue).
• Sympathetic nerves are?
• Sympathetic nerves - thoracic and lumber spinal cord.
• Parasympathetic nerves -are
• Parasympathetic nerves - cranial nerves and sacral spinal cord.
what are cranial nerves
Cranial nerves emerge directly from the brainstem (collectively the pons, medulla and midbrain). The 12 cranial nerves (labelled I-XII) may be sensory or motor or mixed.
Those labelled A play a role in the autonomic NS controlling organs and glands.
The rest are part of the somatic NS.
• Hypothalamus is the …..
- Hypothalamus is the master endocrine gland.
- Controls the pituitary gland to release hormones into the blood stream via the circle of Willis, to act on receptors on endocrine gland and major organs to change physiological state.
• Hypothalamus uses ‘??????’ to control pituitary
• Hypothalamus uses ‘hypothalamic releasing factors’ to control pituitary
The amygdala receives sensory information from …..
The amygdala receives sensory information from the cortex, thalamus and hippocampus
• Lesions of the amygdala abolish ???????
• Lesions of the amygdala abolish conditioned fear indicating that it is the region mediating fear learning to previously neutral stimuli.
Extinction learning was correlated with activation of the ….
Extinction learning was correlated with activation of the VMPFC in response to the CS+.
The role of the frontal cortex in extinction learning could be due to ………
The role of the frontal cortex in extinction learning could be due to it exerting inhibitory control over the amygdala, it may be quicker at adapting to changes in contingency and override the amygdala, or it may encode the expected outcome to-be-compared with the actual outcome to generate a prediction error signal, i.e. when expectations are defied, which drives teaching signals (DA and 5HT) to modify associative learning in the amygdala. Evidence supports the latter position.
The role of the frontal cortex in extinction learning IS due to
OFC encodes expected shock. Present the CS, OFC says you should expect shock. It compares this prediction on whether you get shock. You then do not so it creates a predicting error signal or teaching stigma via dopamine or serotonin. This teaches the amygdala to change its learning.
OFC is prediction error detector
Human aggression and impulsivity are associated with reduced….
Human aggression and impulsivity are associated with reduced 5-HT (serotonin).
Reversal learning paradigm
- Touch screen, two images, press one and you get money, press the other and more likely to lose money
- Over trials, people learn to press the correct images to get money. Then reverse contingency. Should be a dip where people start to lose, they then switch their strategy
Reversal learning paradigm w bilateral lesions
- Humans with bilateral lesions to the OFC cannot switch choice when it ceases to payoff, showing perseveration in a reversal task.
- Fits with the view that the OFC encodes the expected outcome, to be compared to the actual outcome, to generate a prediction error signal which modifies learning.
what is Schoenbaum’s model
- In Schoenbaum’s model, the discrepancy between the expected and actual outcome is calculated by the dopamine and 5-HT neurotransmitter systems, to modify learning.
- Low 5-HT would weaken this learning.
- Low 5-HT may produce aggression and impulsivity because such individuals fail to learn to modify their aggressive behaviour when it produces no payoff.
- People with low serotonin, when they detect their impulsivity leads to losses, cant modify their strategy. Keep being aggressive
• Borod et al. (1998) found that ….
• Borod et al. (1998) found that patients with right hemisphere damage were less able to identify emotional faces or words than patients with left hemisphere damage. Left damage was the same as controls.
• Adolphs et al. (2000) tested…..
- Adolphs et al. (2000) tested the ability of 108 patient with focal brain damage to recognize emotional faces.
- The heat map shows that poorer recognition of emotional facial expressions was correlated with damage to somatosensory cortex of the right but not left hemisphere.
Mirror neuron hypothesis –
Mirror neuron hypothesis – neurons in the somatosensory cortex which respond to the person producing particular facial expressions also respond to someone else producing those same facial expressions.
info about mirror neuron hypothessis
- Neurons controlling emotional recognition and expression are linked.
- Supported by automatic mimicry of facial expressions by infants.
- Babies cannot see their own face in a mirror, so how do they know that their expression corresponds with their mother’s?
- Neurons for recognition must be connected to neurons controlling expression.
- Hardwired link between somatosensory and motor cortex?
what did Sackeim et al. 1978 research
- If the right controls emotion recognition, and is linked to expression in the motor strip, then the left face should be more expressive.
- Chimerical faces – faces stitched together from left side (controlled by the right) are judged as more expressive.
- Suggests the concept of emotions in the right cortex is the primary driver of facial emotional expressions.
what are • Chimerical faces
faces stitched together from left side (controlled by the right) are judged as more expressive.