Emergency Procedures Flashcards
Controlled bailout procedure
1) Run controlled ejection checklist (EI-7)
2) Proceed to END204/15 (EGI 444) on a heading of 204
3) Eject prior to stall/sink rate and no lower than 3300 MSL
Bird strike procedures
Notify controlling agency and SOF Get chase ship (if available) Controllability check (if necessary) Record location and altitude Report details to 71 FTW safety after landing
Barrier contact procedures
If contact with the barrier is suspected or reported, full stop as soon as practical
Notify Shoehorn/tower immediately
Do not change aircraft configuration
Fuel permitting, request a chase aircraft to visually inspect gear and flaps
Attempt to configure with at least 60% flaps and perform a straight-in
Make a 781 entry for barrier contact
Hot brakes procedures
Taxi to hot brake area (airfield diagram, page 3) Declare a ground emergency Park facing into the wind Leave engines running Advise ground and SOF Shutdown at fire chief's direction
Gear-flap overspeed
If gear overspeed is 40 KCAS or less, or flap overspeed - terminate mission, land via straight-in, taxi back
If gear overspeed is >40KCAS - declare IFE, coordinate for chase, land via straight-in, shut down on runway
Over-G procedures
Record max G, fuel, altitude, airspeed, and maneuver, pass information to the SOF
Major over-G, Declare an emergency for:
1) Greater than 1.0G over max allowable
2) Negative over-G
3) Any time exceeding 7.2G
4) If any damage is observed during BD check
Minor over-G, not meeting the above conditions: terminate mission
RTB as soon as practical to a straight-in, full stop, may burn down gas in the MOA
Icing procedures
Depart icing conditions immediately and notify SOF/controlling agency with an icing PIREP
If required to penetrate icing:
1) Check pitot heat / engine anti-ice on
2) Use speed brake, 80% power, 400 KCAS
3) Initiate level off at freezing level or clear of clouds
4) advance throttles slowly to check engines
5) Land as soon as practical
6) Make 781A entry and notify squadron sup
Lightning procedures within 25NM
SOF may direct aircrew to carry alternate fuel and continue operations. In pattern, alternate may be dropped by SOF
Lightning procedures within 10NM
SOF may direct aircrew to hold in assigned areas and/or prepare for divert
Aircraft in the pattern may be directed to land and taxi to park
Lightning procedures within 5NM
Airborne - SOF will direct all airborne aircraft to divert no later than reaching divert fuel
Ground - Stop taxiing at first available location and hold position until “lightning within 5” status is cleared. This may include shutting down engines if fuel reserves become critical. Aircrew will remain in their aircraft
SOF recall procedures
1) Discontinue maneuvering
2) Max endure (0.3 AOA / Divert page) at top of the area
3) If there is an alternate, request recovery with sufficient fuel to arrive at initial/FAF with divert fuel
Vance Single runway ops
SOF may direct area hold
In the pattern, remain with controlling agency
Fly straight through initial and report fuel
Controller will advise cleared to break
All landings to a full stop
Center and outside closure
With sufficient fuel, divert designated divert base
If unable to reach designated divert base, divert to Kegelman IAW IFG
Lost Comm general procedures
Check frequencies and connections
Attempt contact on guard
Squawk 7600 (7700 if an emergency exists)
If able, recover VFR to nearest suitable field
Remain predictable
Lost comm ground operations procedures
EOR - Raise/lower canopy and watch for light signals
Taxiing - Comply with last taxi clearance
Lost comm departure/established in MOA VMC procedures
Avoid active areas
Maintain area boundaries until below 10000’MSL
Return to the pattern via Carrier/Buffalo
Lost comm departure/established in MOA IMC procedures
Proceed direct to FEPER at FL240
Descend in holding, cross FEPER at or below 8000’MSL
Execute the published approach for the center runway
Lost comm recovery VMC procedures
Passing 10k’ proceed to Carrier/Buffalo
Lost comm recovery IMC procedures
Intercept the 15 DME arc at 4000’MSL
Execute the published approach for the center runway
Lost comm recovery from out-base VMC procedures
Proceed to END VORTAC at 13K’ then to Carrier/Buffalo
Lost comm recovery from out-base IMC procedures
Proceed to END VORTAC at 13K’ then to FEPER
Intercept 15 DME arc at FEPER
Execute the published approach for the center runway
Lost comm Shoehorn/tower pattern procedures
Rock wings on initial
Pitch out and land
Do not land if red light is observed
Lost comm radar pattern procedures
Intercept 15 DME arc at 4000’ MSL
Execute the published approach for the center runway
Caution: Do not descend below 4000’ MSL until established on a segment of the approach
RSU/tower comm failure
Attempt contact with other controller
If unable to contact RSU or tower, try SOF
Fly normal pattern, make all radio calls visually clear landing runway and plan a full stop
Attempt normal procedures for taxiing
Total electrical failure (day) procedures
Landing will be no flap, alternate gear extend required
From Carrier/Buffalo, fly a straight-in at 1800’ MSL
Fly over the RSU at 1800’ MSL, turn cross wind at departure end
Fly the normal straight-in ground track at 2300’ MSL
Watch light signals on final, expect barrier to be raised
Electrical failure pattern (night) procedures in the pattern
Execute a straight-in using night straight-in ground track as closely as possible
Electrical failure pattern (night) procedures outside the pattern
Maintain last assigned altitude and fly direct to END
Depart END heading 270
Once clear of night visual patter, descend to 3100’ MSL
Proceed to Buffalo/Carrier @ 3100’ MSL
Descend to 2300’ MSL, execute visual straight-in to outside runway
Watch for light gun signals
What does a steady green light mean?
Ground: cleared to cross/takeoff
Flight: cleared to land
What does a flashing green light mean?
Ground: cleared to taxi
Flight: return to land
What does a steady red light mean?
Ground: Stop
Flight: give way to other aircraft
What does a flashing red light mean?
Ground: clear the active runway
Flight: do not land
What does a flashing white light mean?
Ground: return to starting point
What does an alternating red and green light mean?
General warning exercise, extreme caution
Declare an IFE for a physiological incident if:
Cabin pressure exceeds FL180
Disconnected from aircraft oxygen supply
Airsickness/hypoxia (solo student) indications are experienced
Any loss of consciousness occurs
What are indications of a left gen fail no cross
Left gen light Left fuel pressure light No left fuel flow No left oil pressure No external lights No SAS
What are the recovery options for a left gen fail no cross
Land as soon as conditions permit, no AOA
What are the indications of a right gen fail no cross
Right gen light Right fuel pressure light Anti-ice light Canopy seal and air conditioning MFD snowman No HUD, UFCP, right fuel flow, right oil pressure, fuel quantity, flaps, trim, YSAS
What are the recovery options for a right gen fail no cross
No flap Standby instruments MFD backup display Backup UHF/NAV (ILS, TCN, VOR) EGI and VHF last selected
Indications for left essential DC fail
No: UFCP, NAV (VOR/ILS), EGI (last selected), AOA, speed brake, flaps, IFF, standby ADI (after 9 min), VHF, L/R FF, TCAS, left fire light test, crossfeed, landing gear position and caution/warning lights (bright)
Recovery options for left essential DC fail
No flap
PAR/ASR or TACAN (backup)
UHF (backup)
Landing gear position and caution/warning lights (dim)
Indications for right essential DC fail
No: EED, MFD, NWS, flap gauge, EGI, AOA, TACAN, YSAS, HUD data, UHF, fire detection, normal landing gear extention/warning tones/lights
Recovery options for right essential DC fail
Remain VMC or wing landing No gyro PAR/ASR Standby instruments Alt gear extend Verify flaps visually Stop straight ahead Pin gear after landing
Indications for dual TRU and battery failure
All indications of Left/Right essential DC failure to include
No: afterburner, static inverter, and engine start
Recovery options for dual TRU and battery failure
Remain VMC or wing landing Calculate no flap landing distance Standby instruments Alt gear extend Stop straight ahead Pin gear after landing
Indication for dual TRU failure (good battery)
PFL/TRU caution light
Recovery options for dual TRU failure (good battery)
Conserve battery power (approx 15 minutes)
Minimize radio ops
Alternate divert assumptions
Standard day, no wind, both engines operating
Divert profile begins from missed approach/go-around at DH/MAP/short final
Restricted climb (300KIAS to 10K’ then IAW climb schedule)
Descent distance based on:
1) max range descent (idle, 240 KIAS, approx 6 degrees nose low)
2) Arriving at 3,000’ MSL, 15NM prior to airport (not over airfield)
150# for an instrument approach and land with 600# remaining
Planned at FL280 max for DRVSM. Declare emergency and fly emergency divert profile if required