Emergency Memory Items Flashcards
Emergency Engine Shutdown
- Unscheduled Engine Torque Increase in Flight
- Engine Fire in Flight
- Engine Failure in Flight
Affected engine:
- Condition Lever….Fuel Cutoff
- Prop Lever…………Feather
- Firewall Shutoff Valve…..Close
- Fire Extinguisher (if installed)…..Actuate
Engine Fire on Ground
Affected Engine:
1. Condition Lever…………….Fuel Cutoff
2. Firewall Shutoff Valve…Close
3. Ignition and Engine Start….Starter Only
If Fire Warning Persists:
4. Fire Extinguisher (if installed)…..Actuate
Emergency Engine Shutdown On Ground
- Condition Levers….Fuel Cutoff
- Prop Levers………….Feather
- Firewall Shutoff Valves…..Close
- Master Switch (gang bar)….Off
- ESIS Power (if installed)…….Off
Engine Failure During Takeoff (At or Below V1)- Takeoff Aborted
- Power Levers……Ground Fine
- Brakes…..As Required to Achieve Stopping Dist.
- Operative Engine….Maximum Reverse
Engine Failure During Takeoff (At of Above V1)- Takeoff Continued
- Power…..Maximum Allowable
- Airspeed….. Maintain T/O Speed or Above
- Landing Gear (after positive rate)…..UP
- Prop (inop engine)…..Verify Feathered
- Airspeed (after obs. clr. alt. reached)…. Vyse
Engine Flameout (2nd Engine)
- Power Lever……IDLE
- Prop Lever…..DO NOT FEATHER
- Condition Lever…..FUEL CUTOFF
- Conduct Air Start Proc. (Abnormal cklist)
Fuel Pressure Low
- Stby pump (failed side)…..ON
Electrical Smoke or Fire
Environmental System Smoke or Fumes
- Ox Masks…..DON
- Mask Selector Switch…..EMERG POS.
- MIC Switches…..OXY MASK
Airstair Door/Cargo Door Unlocked
If [DOOR UNLOCKED] or [CABIN DOOR] illuminate OR if an unlatched airstair door/cargo door is suspected:
- All Occupants….seated with seat belts securely fastened
Emergency Descent
- Power Levers…..IDLE
- Prop Levers……FULL FORWARD
- Flaps (200kts max)…..APR
- Landing Gear (181 max)…..DOWN
Airspeed…….. 181 MAX
- Landing Gear…..UP
- Flaps…..UP
- Props…..FEATHER
- Airspeed….. 135 kts
Use of Oxygen
- Oxygen Masks…..DON
- Headsets….Don, or audio speakers on
- Mic switches…..OXY MASK
Pressurization Loss
- Oxy Masks…..DON
- Heatsets….Don, or audio speakers on
- Mic switches…..OXY MASK
- Passenger Manual Drop-out….PULL ON
- Descend…..AS REQ
High Differential Pressure
Exceeding 6.6 psi
- Bleed Air Valves….ENVIR OFF
- Oxygen (pax and crew)…..as required
- Descend…..as required
Auto-deployment Oxy System Failure
- Passenger Manual Drop-Out….Pull On
Bleed Air Fail
- Bleed Air Valve (affected engine)…. Inst and Envir Off
- Control Column….. Full Forward, Ailerons Neutral
- Full Rudder……Opposite direction of spin
- Power Levers….Idle
- Rudder…..Neutralize when rotation stops
- Execute smooth pullout
Unscheduled Electric Elevator Trim Actuation
- Airplane Attitude…maintain using elevator control
2. A/P Disconnect…. depress fully and hold
Unscheduled Rudder Boost Activation
- Directional Control….maintain with rudder
- Rudder Boost…..Off
If condition persists: - Rudder Boost C/B…..Pull
Autopilot Automatic Disengagement
- Maintain airplane control
2. AP/YD disconnect…..depress to 1st level to cancel horn
Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System
- Wings……level
- Power…..Max allowable
- Pitch…..increase (20-25 deg. avoid stall, 100kias)
- Gear and Flaps….UP
Engine Failure in Flight Below Vmca
- Power…..reduce as required to regain control
2. Pitch Attitude….lower to accelerate to Vmca
Autopilot Failures
Autopilot Trim Fail [TRIM]
- Flight Controls….Hold Firmly
2. A/P…..disengage
Inverter Failure
- Inverter…..select other inverter
Dual Generator Failure
- Generators……Reset, then ON
If either generator resets: - Operating Generator Loadmeter…..do not exceed 100%