Emergency Management Program Flashcards
Provides guidance to help commanders confront th all hazards approach to physical threats, and captures the complete incident rsponse cycle;
The Emergency Management Program
Uses the installation disaster response force as the structure for all responses; is based on the NIMS methodology and aligns AF EM planning and response with the NRF as directed by HSPD-5.
Air Force Incident Management System (AFIMS)
Commanders can achieve unity of effort, use resources effectively, and identify shortfalls using the
Air Force Incident Management System (AFIMS)
Provides the AF with an incident management system that is consistent with the single, comprehensive approach to domestic incident management.
Air Force Incident Management System (AFIMS)
Major accident response phases include
Prevention, preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation
Includes broad categories of activities such as intelligence collection and analysis….also includes more specific tasks such as safety mishap investigations that contribute info to prevent future mishaps
Includes planning, AF EM program training, exercises and evaluations; also identifying augmentation manpower needs or reviewing expeditionary support plans (ESP)
Includes deploying the DRF, executing the Installation Emergency Management Plan (IEMP) 10-2, notification and warning
Includes implementing casualty treatment, UXO safing, CCA processing, airfield damage repair, and restoration; Planning and actions begin as soon as possible to restore normal ops and sustainment
Is an ongoing process and is considered part of every phase; includes all activities designed to reduce or eliminate risks to persons or property
Defines a major accident as an accident incolcing DoD materiel or activities that is serious enough to warrent response by the installation DRF
AFI 10-2501
Is responsible for responding to a major accident involving DoD resources or activities
the DOD
The base nearest the scene of a major accident is known as
The initial response base
The ___ will provide emergency response and recovery ops for the dispersal, protection, or sheltering of DOD personnel & resources during natural disasters
The installation Commander
A 3-5 min steady tone or voice announcement
Disaster Warning - affecting the base is imminent or in progress
A 3-5 min wavering tone or voice announcement
Attack Warning
Is the vehicle for installation preparation and response
IEMP 10-2
CBRN-capable nations, including developing nations, may use these weapons to achieve
political or military objectives