Embryology Neuro - Acht Flashcards
Mostly adding things to help myself, so not necessarily comprehensive...
The neural tube will become?
The brain and the spinal cord
The neural crest will become the?
Peripheral nervous system and many non-neural derivatives
What will eventually become the ventricular system in the brain and the central canal of the spinal cord?
The neural canal
When do the neurpepithelial cells fo the neural tube differentiate?
Basically right when the neural tube closes
What do the cell layers of the neural tube become?
cellular areas become gray matter
marginal zone - white matter
What sulcus divides the neural tube in half?
The sulcus limitans
What does the sulcus limitans divide the neural tube into?
The alar plate - will become 2ndary sensory neurons
The basal plate - motor neuronrs
The intermediate area of the neural tube is located between what two areas?
Between the alar and basal plates
Will become the intermediate horn
Where cell bodies of sympathetic neurons originate
Positive Babinski response tells you:
This primitive reflex that is normally suppresssed after the age of 2 is no longer being suppressed. This indicated a serious CNS problem.
Spinal cord length in adults vs newborns?
Adults - stops at L1/L2
Newborns - stops at L2/L3
first 4 somites very important for?
Brain development
What are the two seoncary vesicles come from the hindbrain?
The metencephalon
The myelencephalon
What are the terminal structures of the metencephalon?
Terminal structures of the myelencephalon?
What separates anterior and posterior lobes of cerebeellum?
primary fissure
What is the oldest part, phylogenetically of the cerebellum?
Flocculonodular node
What is the cause of Waardenburg syndrome?
neural crest cells fail to differentiate properly
See unusually white-colored eyes (melanocytes), white patches of hair (melanocytes), pale skin, deafness (melanocytes), chronic constipation (autonomic ganglia in gut), or others
Difference between
spina bifida oculta
spina bifida oculta - can’t really tell from outside that the spinal column is not completely closed
meningocele - part of the meniges and CSF protrudes out the back
myelomenigocele - part of th eneinges and CSF protrudes under the skin out the back of the spine, the cauda equina is also in the bulge
What is holoprosencephaly?
Forebrain does NOT divide into two hemispheres
Dandy-Walker Malformation
Partial or complete absence of cerebellar vermis, creates hydrocephaly
PRoblems that occur with fetal alcohol syndrome?
smaller, malformed, can lack corpus callosum
What is the cause of Arnold Chiari malformation?
Problems range from most asymptmatic lowering of cerebellum, to herniation through into the foramen magnum, to a complete lack of cerebellar development
What happens if the neuropores do not close?
Will create ossification defects in the skull and vertebral column
Will cause SEVERE brain/spinal cord abnormalities
What is Hirschsprung Disease?
AKA - congenital megacolon
Caused failure of neural crest cells to migrate into the colon
Consequently, the parasympathetic ganglia do not form and normal peristalsis does not occur.
Fecal retention and ballooning of the colon and abdomen causes big issues
What is anencephaly/meroanencephaly?
anencephaly - no brain
Meroanencephaly - only remnants of the brain form, like brain stem
Where do the neural crest cells come from?
What do they become?
Origin: neuroectomdermal cells that lie dorsal and lateral to the neural tube. Migrate to many places in the developing embryo
Destiny: Form the peripheral nervous system
AND arachnoid/pia mater, connective tissues of arota, melanocytes, etc etc etc lots more
What fissure separates the anterior cerebellar lobe from the posterior cerebellar lobe?
the primary fissure