Cerebral Hemispheres - Severson Flashcards
What line divides the frontal and parietal lobes?
The central sulcus
Anterior to central sulcus? What is ti used for?
Precentral gyrus and paracentral lobule - Area 4 Used for precise control
What is the premotor area for? Where is it?
Motor programming or indirect motor movement control
located anterior to primary motor cortex
What special field is located at the caudal end of the middle and superior frontal gyri?
Frontal eye fields
Used for voluntary eye movements
The supplementary motor area controls what?
Motor movement initiation and planning
Cortical micturation control center
The pre-frontal cortex is used for what?
attention, motivation, planning, problem solving, judgment, social skills, emotional behavior, personality, working memory (short term)
Where is Broca’s area?
Areas 44 and 45
The left inferior frontal gyrus
What do you lose if you have a problem with the right inferior frontal gyrus?
You lose your prosody of speech.
You can’t express your emotions in language
Where is your primary somatosensory cortex located?
POstcentral gyrus and posterior paracentral lobule (areas 3,1,2)
Fucntion: localiation of touch
Where is the somatosensory association cortex?
What’s it for?
Superior parietal lobule, precuneus
Use it for identifying objects with touch without seeing them
What is the multimodal association cortex for?
Where is it?
Integration of sensory information
Inferior parietal lobule
What do you use the left posterior parietal lobule for?
the right?
Left: analytical skills
Right: visuospatial orientation
What is the function of the calcarine cortex?
thats the location of the Primary Visual Cortex
(area 17, the lingual gyrus and part of cuneus)
Location of visual association cortex (for color, motion, depth) ?
Lateral, medial, and inferior occiptial gyri
Where do you find the involuntary cortical eye fields?
(for scanning eye movements)
Lateral occipital gyri
Where do you fidn the primary auditory cortex?
(for hearing)
Areas 41 and 42
The Trasnverse temporal gyri
What do you call the area surrounding the primary auditory cortex?
What’s it for?
Thats the auditory association cortex
Wernicke’s area in the superior temporal gyrus!
For language comprehension!!!!!!!!!!!
Where is short-term memory incorporated into long-term memory?
The hippocampal formation
(within the temporal lobe)
Limbic lobe parts:
Cingulate gyrus
Isthmus of cngulate gyrus
parahippocmapl gyrus
What are the anterior and posterior parts of the limbic lobe for?
Anterior: emotional behavior and homeostasis
Posterior: Leranign and memory
Where is the lcoation of the primary olfacotry cortex?
Rostral parahippocampal gyrus, uncus, temporal pole
Part of the brain that has to do with pain
Insula lobe
What is the middle bend of the internal capsule called?
the genu
What is anosognosis and what kind of lesion causes this problem?
Lack of awareness of disease
Occurs with lesions involving the right parietal lobule
Broca’s area vs Wericke’s area problems:
Broca’s aphasia: Expressive aphasia - cant form speech
Wernicke’s aphase: Receptive Aphasia - Failure to recognize or comprehend meaning of known words