embryology Flashcards
kidneys develop from what 3 systems?
appear when?
appear 4th week of development - begins in cervical region
its intermediate mesoderm
= pronephric duct + pronephric tubules
develop inferior to pronephros
pronephric duct INTO
MESONEPHRIC tubules and duct
appear when?
forms what?
forms definitive kidney - appears 5th week and is functional on 12th week
ureteric bud sprouts from mesonephric duct - forms collecting system, ureter, pelvis etc
and metanephric mesoderm - forms excretory system and nephrons
what mesoderm forms kidney and repro?
intermediate plate mesoderm
out pouching of endoderm at hindgut - has waste products and increases in size
cloaca divides into? 2
separated by?
rectum posteriorly
urogenital sinus anteriorly
separated by urorectal septum
allantois fate?
obliterates at birth - forms urachus (runs in umbilical cord)
urogenital sinus forms what?
urinary bladder
what happens to mesonephos?
will be incorporated into developing gonad and recycled
mesonephric tubules - rete testis
mesonephric duct - vas deferens(spermatic cord)
nephron includes?
renal corpuscle
proximal tube
loop of Henle
distal tube
uriniferous tubule includes?
nephron + collecting duct
kidney ascent meaning?
last process
appear to ascend into abdomen -
and come to lie at T12-L3
AND rotates so hilum lies medially
mesonephros duct drains into?
ureter develops from?
ureteric bud