Embryology Flashcards
How long is the germinal period?
0-2 weeks
Embryonic period lasts?
2-8 weeks
Fetal period lasts?
8-40 weeks
define gastrulation
Early embryo reorganizes into 3 tissue layers. All cells have the same DNA; however, different cells now begin to “turn on”
(express) different genes to become different
what are the 3 layers of gastrulation
endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm
digestive, respiratory systems
muscles, skeleton, circulatory system, reproductive system, dermis
CNS, PNS, eyes, ears, outer skin
process where the neural plate forms the neural tube
closure of cranial neuropore happens when?
and what happens if it doesnt close?
day 25; no formation of brain, not a viable fetus
closure of caudal neurpore happens when?
what can occur if it doesnt close?
day 28; spina bifida
brain development begins when?
day 28
3 main divisions of the brain
prosencephalon (forebrain)
mesenencephalon (midbrain)
rhomboencephalon (hindbrain)
Cells formed in segmental pairs along the neural tube from mesoderm layer.
Give rise to vertebrae, muscles of back and body wall, and dermis ofskin.
Cells in
dorsolateral regions form
muscle cells; migrate
beneath dorsal epithelium (dermatome).
cells in
ventromedial wall lose
epithelial arrangement; become mesenchymal.
embryo week 4
Neural folds fuse: folding of embryo into human-like shape Arm and leg buds appear Heart pumps blood Pharyngeal arches visible Length 4-5 mm 4-12 pairs of somites
embryo week 5
Lens placodes appear
Primitive mouth
Digital rays on hands
Forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain form
embryo week 6
Primitive nose Primary palate Auricular Hillocks form – precursor to visible auricle of ear Reflex Response to Touch Digital Rays begin to Develop Length 9-14 mm
embryo week 7
Eyelids begin to form
Motor behavior first appears as slow neck extensions
Limbs undergo considerable change in week 7
Notches appear between digitalrays
embryo week 8
Length 3.5 cm; Weight 2 g (.004 lb)
Ovaries and testes distinguishable
Eyes, ears, nose, mouth, digits formed
Muscle contraction appear - lateral flexion movements
Can see startle, hiccup, isolated arm/leg movement
week 9
increased activity and rapid growth Length, 5 cm Sensory organs developing Bone ossification Begins Head retroflexion Head rotation
week 12
Sex is Externally Recognizable Head large for body Brain configuration nearly complete Blood Forming in Marrow Sucking/Swallowing Yawn
weeks 13-16
Breathing and swallowing motion appears
Tactile stimulation elicits movements
Growth very rapid
Limb movements increasingly coordinated
week 16
Motor activity begins Scalp hair present Trunk size increasing relative to head size Heart muscle developed Sense organs formed
week 17
grasp reflex appears
week 20
Lower extremities have grown appreciably
Myelination of spinal cord begins
Fetus turns and moves easily
week 24
Lungs become viable organs
week 25
third trimester begins
week 26
eye opening
week 28
Increasing fat tissue development
Retina layered and light-receptive
fetus turns head down
week 32
Weight increasing more than length
Taste sense operative
week 36
Body More Rounded
Ossification begins distal femur
week 40
myelination of brain begins
intramembranous ossification
replacement of connective tissue membranes with bony tissue
endochondral ossification
replacement of hyaline cartilage with bony tissue
limb buds appear at?
upper limbs begin development?
week 4; 1-2 days before lower limbs
most muscle develops from?
cause human birth defects:
- congenital infection
- alcohol
- smoking
- drugs
- poor nutrition