Embryo T3 Flashcards
What mutant has specific behavioral defects related to the cerebellum?
Due to what abnormal cell?
Formation of what abnormal
Radial glial cells in cerebellum
Formation of granular layer of the cerebellar cortex
What is characterized by abnormal behavior and absence of normal cortical layering?
What is defective?
What does this do?
Reelin: extracellular protein defective
Reelin: may serve as a stop signal for radial neuronal migration or as an insertional signal for migrating neurons
A closure defect in spinal cord
Spinal cord and meninges remain in place but bony covering is incomplete
Spine bifida occulata
Dura mater may be missing in the area of the defect and the arachnid layer bulge prominently beneath the skin. Spinal cord remains in place
Spinal cord bulges or is entirely displaced into the protruding subarachnoid space
Major derivatives of diencephalon?
Rostral patterning center?
What may serve as a stop signal for radial neuronal migration or as an insertional signal for migrating neurons
Dorsal patterning center?
BMPs and Wnts
Ventral patterning center
What is the major topographical change in the myelencpehalon?
Pronounced expansion of the roof plate to form the thin roof overlying the fourth ventricle
Express of what genes is responsible for differentiation of nuclei in myelencephalon?
Hox genes
Neural crest cells are from what?
Neural plate
While in the neural tube neural crest cells are?
What factors are involved in breaking free of the neural tube?
Snail-1, Snail-2, and Foxd3
Neural crest cells form many components of the nervous system but do not form what?
Motor neurons
Neural crest cells from trunk transplanted into head form most neural crest derivates except
-What also differentiates
Cartilage or skeletal elements (even though normally do)
Some cells differentiate into cholinergic parasym instead of adrenal sympathetic normally produced
Pathway of cells in circumpharyngeal ridge
Migrate ventrally and then cranially to provide pathway for XII and related musculature
Most neural crest cells from somites 1-3
Pass into pharyngeal arches 4 and 6 or form cardiac crest
Neural crest cells from somites R4-R7
Make up vagal crest
Form parasympathetic innervation for digestive tract
Vagal neural crest
- Associated with
- Para or Sym
- Factor
Gut enteric system
What maintains the competence of neural cells to differentiate into autonomic neuron?
What is involved in various pigment defects (white strip), deafness, cleft palate, ocular hypertelorism
- What crest(s)
- Mutation
Waardenburgs syndrome
Trunk and cranial
Pax3 mutations
What is characterized by coloboma, heart disease, atresia of nasal chonanae, retardation of development, genital hypoplasia in males, and anomalies of ear
-What crest(s)
Trunk and cranial
What is characterized by hypoplasia and reduced function of thymus, thyroid, and parathyroid glands and cardiovascular defects
- What crest(s)
- Mutation
DiGeorge Syndrome
Deletion of Chr 22
What is a genetic disease manifested by multiple tumors of neural crest origin?
What is characterized by cafe au lait spots, peripheral nerve tumors, gigantism
Preplacodal region is induced by
Involves activation of
Involves inhibition of
Cranial mesoderm
Activation FGF
Inhibition of Wnt and BMP
In preplacodal region low concentration of BMP form
In preplacodal region intermediate concentration of BMP form
Neural crest
In preplacodal region high concentration of BMP form
Neural plate
What induces formation of lens placed from lens ectoderm?
Optic vesicle
Absence of Pax6 in eye development
Optic vesicle can’t induce formation of lens placode
What induces ectoderm to form neural plate
What induces neural crest to form choroid, sclera?
Optic cup
What induces the formation of lens from lens vesicle?
Primitive retina and neural retina
Corneal epithelium is induced to from cornea by what?
Lens vesicle
Optic stalk is a lateral evagination of what?
groove in optic vesicle is what?
Choroid fissure
What runs in the choroid fissure?
Hyaloid artery to posterior chamber
What occurs in absence of Pax6
Early formation of optic vesicle but rest of eye doesn’t form
Optic vesicle can’t induce lens ectoderm
What inhibits expression of Pax 6
High concentrations of Shh
Low concentrations of Shh in distal optic stalk permits expression of Pax6 and development of what
Leads to formation of what
Optic vesicle
High concentrations of Shh in proximal optic stalk induces what
Expression of Pax2
-Provide guidance of axons of ganglion cells from retina
What is necessary for corneal induction
What is necessary for the differentiation of the pigmented retina
- Stimulated by what
-Stimulated by Shh
What axis is fixed first?
-Established by what gradients
Nasotemporal (anterior-posterior) axis
-Gradients of Ephrins and receptors
What axis is fixed second?
-Established by
Dorsoventral axis
-Antagonistic actions of Shh and BMP along with ventropin, Tbx-5, Pax2, and Vax2
The absence of eye, lack formation of optic vesicle
Small eyeball or vestigial eyeball
Nonclosure of the choroid tissue of the iris during the sixth or seventh week resulting in its persistence
Coloboma iridis
Rathke’s pouch is an evagination from the roof of what?
What is its primordium for the anterior pituitary
Stomodeal ectoderm
First arch develops into ______ because of the lack of _____ gene expression
Expression of what keeps arch 2 from differentiating into arch 1 and forming jaws
Arch I nerve
Arch 2 nerve
Arch 3 nerve
Arch 4 nerve
Segmentation of cranial neural tube occurs as a result of what gene expression
What gives rise to neural crest tissue?
Neural tube
Pharyngeal arch derived musculature from
Mesoderm somitomeres
Pharyngeal arch mesenchyme (no muscles) from
neural crest
Frontonasal ectoderm is induced by ____ from what?
Shh from forebrain
Frontonasal ectodermal zone, shaping of tip of snout is done by what
Shh and FGF-8
Primordia for jaw
- arch
- 3 components
First arch
Maxillary processes
Mandibular processes
Meckel’s cartilage
What part of Jaw primordial is from forebrain and midbrain
Maxillary processes
What part of jaw primordial is from midbrain and hindbrain
Mandibular processes
Meckel’s cartilage is derived from
Arch 1
Neural crest cells
What forms around meckel’s cartilage
Formation of temporomandibular joint involves early expression of what?
Quadrate bone of meckel’s cartilage forms
Articular bone of meckel’s cartilage forms
Stapes is derived from what arch
Arch II
Primary palate
- Name
- Formed from
- Pair/unpaired
Median palatine process
Secondary palate
- Formed from
- Pair/unpaired
lateral palatine processes
What is necessary for tooth development to continue past the bud stage
Primary enamel knots can give rise to secondary enamel knots which progress to what
Molar cusps
Salivary gland development depends on interactions between what
Epithelium and underlying mesenchyme
Branching pattern of salivary glands depends on what?
For salivary gland development the signaling between Shh and FGF occurs where
Within the epithelium
Rather then between epithelium and mesenchyme
Lack of fusion of maxillary and nasomedial processes
Cleft lips
Incomplete or absent fusion of palatal shelves
Cleft palate
Malformation of anterior endoderm and prechordial plate leads to this clinical
Abnormal dentin
Blue-grey or amber brown
Dentinogenesis imperfecta
Affect development of enamel
Amelogenesis imperfecta
Main organizer for pharyngeal arch development is
Foregut endoderm
Craniocaudal segmentation of pharyngeal arches is determined by
Hox genes
Pharyngeal arch formation depends on what?
First arch
Trigeminal nerve Meckels cartilage Lower jaw Malleus Quadrate --> incus Rhombomeeres 1 and 2 Otx-2
Second arch
Hyoid Facial nerve Reichert cartilage Lesser horn hyoid Stapes Styloid and stylohyoid Muscles facial expression Hoxa2
Third arch
Glossopharyngeal Hyoid bone Upper pharynx Greater horn hyoid Stylopharyngeus muscle
Fourth arch
Muscles and cartilage of larynx and lower pharynx
External auditory meatus
1st groove
First pouch
Tympanic cavity
Auditory tube
Second pouch
Fossa palatine tonsils
Third pouch
Inferior parathyroid: shh
Thymus: BMP-4
Fourth pouch
Superior parathyroids
Parafollicular C cells are from what pouch
- secrete
Fourth pouch
The opening of the thyroglossal duct that persists as a small pit at base of tongue
Foramen cecum
which kidney is nonfunctional
Pronephric kidney
Caudally to each mesonephric duct forms an evagination called
-Gives rise to
Ureteric bud or metanephric diverticulum
Ureter, renal pelvis, Collecting tubules
The metanephric tubules will not form in absence of what?
Mesonephric duct (and vice versa)
Prevents neurons from crossing the midline of the central nervous system
Slit-2 and Robo
Proteins that make the ureter epithelium impermeable to water
Displayed in children with bilateral renal a genesis
Flattened nose, wide inter pupillary space, receding chin, tapering fingers, low set ear
Potter sequence
Horseshoe kidney
Two kidneys fused at midline
Thousand of cyst within parenchymal kidney
Polycystic kidney disease
major defect in which the urinary bladder opens broadly onto the abdominal wall
Exstrophy of the bladder
Steps in potters syndrome
- Renal agenesis –>
- Reduced urinary output –>
- Oligohydramnios–>
4a. Hip dislocation
4b. pulmonary hypoplasia –> death
4c. flattened face and ears
What is the first part of the reproductive system to develop
The switch that determines whether the indifferent gonads develop into ovary to testis is
SRY on Y chromosome
Mesonephric tubules near the gonads will
- female
- male
anastomose w/ rete cords
- in female: rete cords will degenerate
- in males: tubules will be retained as part of closed duct system that convey sperm to exterior
In males the retained mesonephric tubules are called
Efferent ductules
If SRY gene then get what factor
Genital tubercle forms
Glans penis or clitoris
Genital folds
more medial paired genital fold will fuse in male to for
-Shaft of penis
remain unfused in female
-labia minora
Genital swellings
Fuse to form scrotum
Unfused to form labia majora
What maintains meiotic competency of germ cells and without individuals would be sterile
Primary heart field
- Name
- Part of heart
- Exposure
- Timeline
- Express
Heart crescent Left ventricle and atria -atria if high RA -ventral if not RA Most primitive Express Hand-1
Secondary heart field
- Part of heart
- Derived
- Form
- Express
Right ventricle and proximal outflow tract
Derived from pharyngeal mesoderm
Can form cardiac or skeletal muscle
Express Hand-2
What do interstitial cells and vasculature smooth muscle form from
Proepicardium –> epicaridum
Primary myocardium is guided by
What is the first asymmetrical embryonic structure to appear
Cardiac tube
Chamber myocardium is guided by
Broader proximal part of bulbus cordis
Conus arteriosus
Narrow distal part of bulbs cordis
Truncus arteriosus
Interatrial septum primum
Downward growth from cephalic wall of single atrium to endocardial cushion
Separates atrium into left and right chambers
Interatrial septum secundum
Forms to the right of septum primumand grows from dorsal to the ventral part of atrium
Interatrail foramen primum
right to left atrial shunt
Interatrail foramen secundum
continues right to left shunt after the foramen primum closes with fusion of the septum primum with the endocardial cushion
Foramen ovale
- what is it
- where
Right to left atrial shunt
Space formed within the septum secundum
Third pair aortic arches
Internal carotids
First and second aortic arches
common carotids are derived from
ventral aorta between 3rd and 4th aortic arches
Fourth aortic arch
- Right
- Left
Right- Right subclavian A
Left- Aortic arch
Fifth aortic arch
Sixth aortic arch
- associated with
- dorsal portion
Pulmonary system
Dorsal portion becomes ductus arterioles shunt –> ligamentum arteriosus
Right vitelline vein becomes
Portal vein
Left umbilical vein becomes
Hepatic portal vein
What allows oxygenated placental blood to bypass capillary network of liver
Ductus venosus