Embryo Quiz 4 CQ Flashcards
Which of the following cell and tissue types arise from crania, but not trunk, neural crest cells? a. adrenal medulla b. schwann cells c. melanocytes d. sensory ganglia e. none of the above
none of the above
Which of the following is a poor substrate for migrating neural neural crest cells? a. fibronectin b. chondroitin sulfate c. laminin d. collagen IV e. hyaluronic acid
chondroitin sulfate
Neural crest cells arise from which of the following? a. somite b. dorsal-non-neural ectoderm c. neural tube d. splanchnic mesoderm e. yolk sac endoderm
neural tube
- Which of the following is involved in the migration of neural crest cells from the neural tube? a. Snail b. BMP-2 c. Mash-1 d. Norepinephrine e. Glial growth factor
- Which is not a derivative of the neural crest? a. Sensory neurons b. Motor neurons c. Schwann cells d. Adrenal medulla e. Dental papilla
Motor neurons
- What maintains the competence of neural cells to differentiate into autonomic neurons? a. Shh b. Acetylcholine c. Mash 1 d. Glial growth factor e. TGF-beta
- If trunk neural crest cells are transplanted into the cranial region they can form all the following types of cells except? a. Pigment b. Schwann c. Sensory neurons d. Cartilage e. Autonomic neurons
- What molecules produced by notochord is instrumental in inducing the floor plate of the neural tube? a. Hoxa-5 b. Retinoic acid c. Pax-3 d. Msx-1 e. Shh
- The cell bodies of the motor neurons of a spinal nerve arise from which of the following? a. Basal plate b. Marginal zone c. Floor plate d. Roof plate e. Alar plate
Basal plate
- Infant w/ Tuft of hair, dura and arachnoid layers complete, neural arches of several vertebrae missing? Which of the following did it have? a. Meningocele b. Meningomyelocele c. Encephalocele d. Spina bifida occulta e. Rachischisis
Spina bifida occulta
- Growth cones adhere strongly to a substrate containing which of the following? a. Acetylcholine b. Laminin c. Epinephrine d. Norepinephrine e. Shh
Complete fail of the neural tube to close in the region of the spinal cord is which of the following? a. Spina bifida occulta b. Meningocele c. Cranioschisis d. Rachischisis e. Myelomeningocele
- Rhombomeres are segmental divisions of which of the following? a. Forebrain b. Midbrain c. Hindbrain d. Spinal cord e. None of the above
Rathke’s pouch arises from which the following? a. Diencephalon b. Stomodeal ectoderm c. Mesencephalon d. Pharyngeal endoderm e. Infundibulum
Stomodeal ectoderm
- Neural crest-derived cells constitute a significant component of which tissue of the eye? a. Neural retina b. Lens c. Optic nerve d. Cornea e. None of the above
- What molecule palys a role in guidance of advancing retinal axons through the optic nerve? a. Pax-2 b. FGF-3 c. BMP-4 d. Pax-6 e. BMP-7
Surface ectoderm is induced to become corneal epithelium by an inductive event originating in which of the following? a. Optic cup b. Chordamesoderm c. Optic vesicle d. Lens vesicle e. Neural retina
Lens vesicle
- Which of the following is caused by failure of the choroid fissure to close during the sixth week of pregnancy? a. Anophthalmos b. Microphthalamos c. Cyclopia d. Colobomo e. Presbyopia
In early days after birth, infant does not pass fecal material and develops abdominal swelling. An anal opening is present. What is condition? a. CHARGE association b. Von Recklinghausen’s disease c. Hirchsprung’s disease d. Waardenburg’s syndrome e. None of the above
Congenital megacolon (hirschsprung’s disease)
newborn diagnosed as having incomplete separation btw aorta and pulmonary artery (a mild form of persistent truncus arteriosus). Later, after corrective heart surgery she has more colds and sore throats than her siblings. After testing, the physician tells parents there is evidence of immunodificency. The physician also tells the parents to check parathyroid hormone. What is the basis? a. CHARGE association b. Von Recklinghausen’s disease c. Hirchsprung’s disease d. Waardenburg’s syndrome e. DiGeorge
DiGeorge’s syndrome
6 month- old infant exhibits multiple congenital defects, including cleft palate, deafness, ocular hypertelorism, and a white forelock but otherwise but otherwise dark hair on his head. The probable diagnosis is a. CHARGE association b. Von Recklinghausen’s disease c. Hirchsprung’s disease d. Waardenburg’s syndrome e. None of the above
Waardenburg’s syndrome
The otic placode arises through an inductive message given off by the Telencephalon Rhombencephalon Infundibulum Diencephalon Mesencephalon
The second pharyngeal arch contributes to the Cochlea and earlobe Auditory tube and incus Stapes and earlobe Auditory tube and stapes Otic vesicle and stapes
Auditory tube and stapes
What extracellular matrix molecule is often associated with migration of mesenchymal cells, and where does such an event occur in the developing eye
Hyaluronic acid Migration of N.C. cells into developing cornea occurs during a period when large amounts of hyaluronic acid have been secreted into the primary corneal stroma
Why are malformations or hypoplasia of the lower jaw commonly associated with abnormalities in the shape or position of the ears?
Similar to the lower jaw, much of the external ear arises from tissue of the 1st arch bordering the 1st pharyngeal cleft