EMA Lecture 7 Flashcards
What does MSFD stand for?
EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive
When was the Marine Strategy Framework Directive first adopted?
17th June 2008
What do marine strategies apply to?
-Ecosystem based approach to the management of human activities to achieve good environmental status
What does EBM stand for?
Ecosystem Based Management
Name 1-5 indicators of good environmental status
- Biological Diversity
- Non-indigenous species
- Population of commercial fish/shellfish
- Elements of marine food webs
- Eutrophication
What does EBFM stand for?
Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management
Name 6-11 indicators of good environmental status
- Sea Floor Integrity
- Alteration of hydrographical conditions
- Concentrations of contaminants
- Contaminants in fish/seafood for human consumption
- Marine Litter
- Introduction of energy including underwater noise
What does EAFM stand for?
Ecosystem approach to fisheries management
What does SS stand for in relation to fisheries
Single Species
What are the goals for MSFD member states to achieve?
- Define when good environmental status is reach for 11 descriptors
- Assess and monitor status of each descriptors in their marine waters
- Set targets to reduce pressures and impacts from human activity
- Identify and implement actions to ensure GES
What does D1 stand for? GES
Biodiversity is maintained
What does D2 stand for? GES
Non-indigenous species do not adversely alter the ecosystem
What does D3 stand for? GES
The population of commercial fish species is healthy
What does D4 stand for? GES
Elements of food webs ensure long-term abundance and reproduction
What does D5 stand for? GES
Eutrophication is minimised
What does D6 stand for? GES
The sea floor integrity ensures function of the ecosystem
What does D7 stand for? GES
Permanent alteration of hydrographical conditions does not adversely affect the ecosystem
What does D8 stand for? GES
Concentrations of contaminants give no effects
What does D9 stand for? GES
Contaminants in seafood are below safe levels
What does D10 stand for? GES
Marine litter does not cause harm
What does D11 stand for? GES
Introduction of energy (including underwater noise) does not adversely affect the ecosystem
What does GES stand for?
Good Environmental Status
What is the function of EcoQOs
-Indicators - to provide specific issues for monitoring
-Objectives- Against which to measure progress for an ecosystem approach
Name 5 OSPAR EcoQOs for the North Sea
- Bycatch of harbour propoises
- Eliminate eutrophication
- Fish stocks at biologically safe levels
- Reduce the number of oiled guillemots
- Seal population trends in the North Sea
Explain the North Sea seal population EcoQO
-There should be no decline in pup production of grey seals of > 10% in a five year running-mean
Are seal populations declining in the North sea?
Explain the North sea EcoQO for increase of large fish?
At least 30% of fish (by weight) should be greater than 40 cm in length
What is the qualitative descriptor for the MSFD?
Biological diversity
What are the indicators for biodiversity by the MSFD
- Species distribution
- Population size
- Population condition
- Habitat distribution
- Habitat extent
- Habitat condition
- Ecosystem structure
Give a detailed description of an indicator and targets
Descriptor/Criteria- Biological diversity
Indicator- population abundance
Parameter/Metric- Trends in abundance over time
Target- No significant decrease in population size with regard to the baseline
What are good principles for target setting?
-Quantitative when possible
-Due consideration to socio-economics
-Link management measures when possible