EM Toxicology 6: Cyanide Flashcards
Cyanide in history
- used by Nazi Germany in the gas chambers during the Holocaust
-World Trace Center bombing in 1993
pathophy of cyanide poisoning
binding with very high affinity to the ferric ion cytochroma a3 portion of CYTOCHROME OXIDASE withtin the mitochondria, resulting in an abrupt cessation of electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation, thus INHIBITING AEROBIC METABOLISM
THUS, following an acute exposure, organs and tissues with high O2 consumption are the first and most severely affected
cyanide in food
Cassave, a tropical root, contains the cyanogenic glycosides linamarin and lotaustralin that liberate cyanide when metabolized in the body
Chronic exposure to dietary cyanisde is linked to tropical ataxic neuropathy
the primary mechanism for detoxification of cyanide is
its metabolism in the liver by RHODANESE to THIOCYANATE, a nontoxic compound that’s renally excreted.
Toxicity occurse when this mechanism is rapidly overwhelmed
other sources of cyanide
Burning of wool, nylon, silk, acrylic
fabricatoin of plastics, mining, photography
bamboo shoots, seeds from cherries, peaches
illicit phencylidine manufacturing
cigarette smoke
vehicle exhaust
symptoms of cyanide poisoning
dyspnea headache
cardiac dysrhythmias
cardiovascular collapse
median lethal dose of hydrogen cyanide for humans
200 parts per milion for a 30-min exposure
600-700 parts per million for a 5-min exposure
other clinical features of cynaide poisoning
typical for serious poison:
altered consciouness, hyperventilating, hypotensive, BRADYCARDIC
smell of BITTER ALMONDS and a CHERRY-RED SKIN COLOR (from inc’d venous hgb O2 saturation) - altho unreliable
SEVERE UNEXPLAINED METABOLIC ACIDOSIS is a consistent clinical features ⭐️
slow release of cyanide happens from spontaneou degradation of this compound
sodium nitroprusside
spontaneous degradation is increased by exposure to sunlight
Main management of cyanide toxicity
1 - 100% oxygen
2 - crystaloid +/- vasopressors
3 - Hydroxocobalamin
-cobalt component binds cyanide, removing it from cytochrome oxidase and forming cyanocobalamin, which is exreted via the kidneys
-5 g IV for 15 mins, 2nd dose of 5g IV may be repeated for a total of 10 g
Cyanide antidote kit
-production of methemoglobin (by nitrites) makes this 2nd line if exposure involves fire smoke or any other potential source of concomitant carbon monoxide poisoning
anticipated laboratory findings in cyanide poisoning
Lactate >90mg/dL (>10 mmol/L)
-correlates with toxic cyanide level
normal SpO2
-hgb rtains normal O2-carrying capacity
whole blood cyanide level
Toxic >0.5 mcg/mL
(>12 mmol/L)
Fatal >2.5 mcg/mL
(>60 mmol/L)
note: plasma cyanide levels are roughly 1/10 of the whole blood cyanide levels
management of cyanide poisoning (summary)
1 - 100% O2
2 - crystalloids and vasopressors
3 - +/- sodium bicarbonate
4 - antidote:
cyanide antidote kit
-amyl nitrite inhaler
-sodium nititrite 3% solution
-sodium thiosulfate 25% solution
indication for hydroxocobalamin
exposure to smoke and/or fire
GCS <10 with signs of end-organ damage (i.e., cardiac arrest, seizures, respiratory distress)
carboxyhemoglobin level >10%
lactate >8 mmol/L
remarks on hydroxocobalamin
vitamin B12a
-a metalloprotein with a cobalt center that binds cyanide, removing it from cytochrom oxidase and forming CYANOCOBALAMIN, which is then eliminated via the kidneys
5 g IV over 15 mins
2nd dose of 5 g IV may be repeated once (total of 10g)
70 mg/kg (max of 5g) IV over 15 mins
hydroxocobalamin side effects
transient hypertension
reddish discoloration of skin and mucous membranes
rare anaphylactic reactions