EM spectrum Flashcards
What is the order of EM?
Radio waves, microwaves, IR, Visible light, Ultra violet, x rays, gamma rays. Increasing in frequency and decreasing in wavelength.
What are radio waves used for?
What are microwaves sued for?
Communication to and from satellites.
How do microwaves heat food?
They are absorbed by water molecules in food. The microwaves penetrate up to a few cm into the food before being absorbed and transferring the energy they are carrying to the water molecules in the food, causing the water to heat up. The water molecules transfer this energy to the rest of the molecules in the food, heating it up quickly
What are IR used for?
Used to monitor temperature. The hotter an object is, the brighter it appears. Also used to make things hotter. eg electric heaters
Use of visible light?
Fibre optic cables use visible light to transmit data
Use of UV?
Tanning, security pens
Use of x rays
Medicine, pass easily through the flesh but not through bones or metal. Used to treat canncer as it kills all living cells, especially cancer cells
Use of Gamma Rays?
Treat cancer, kill all living cells, medical tracer
Dangers of UV
Damages surface cells, can lead to sunburn, blindness, increased risk to skin cancer
Dangers of X rays and Gamma?
ionising radiation so can cause gene mutation, cell destruction or cancer.