Elizabeth Later Years Flashcards
The importance of purveyance
In 1593 the commons asked for remedy over the issues of purveyance but willaim Cecil replied that request infringed on the royal prerogative however the Queen accepted there was a problem and agreed to help.
The succession
1.the MP Peter Wentworth wrote a pamphlet in which he urged the quee. To decide which claiment to the throne had the best claim. He was imprisoned for this.
- In 1597 he was sent to the tower this ended the issue and sealed the royal perrogative.
The importance of monopolies
- The issues came head in 1597 Elizabeth had used monopolies to reward courtiers as the pressure of the war meant they had little money.
- When the issue was raised Elizabeth agreed to get rid of monopolies that raised the price of goods
- However the issue did not go away as she only got rid of of a few and issued new ones.
- 1601 Mps were in general agreement that monopolies were being abused. The Queen acted and said should act immediately and the worst were ended immediately while others referred to court this helped keep her her prerogative.
Relations with Parliament
In 1588 Elizabeth summoned parleiment due the war with Spain as she needed money.
- This meant they were more unlikely to grant supply
- In 1589 they granted twice the normal amount however they agreed This was not to be the norm.
1588 armada
- The defeat of the armada played a significant role in the growing pride and that God chose england.
- Queen had to obtain forces loans of £75 000 from wealthy subjects.
Later aramdas and war in France and netherlands
- The couninted fighting both had and sea supporting navarre and dutch rebels consumed lost of money, Henry of narrve =£20,00 in 1589
The Impact on finance the armada had
- The total expenditure was £ 4.5 million with 2 Millon spent on ireland
- 1599 - 1600 Elizabeth was forced to sell Crown lands.
Harvest (social and economic problems)
- Bad harvest in the 1580’s which increased the price of bread.
- The price of wheat had doubled and the situation was worse due to bad transportation
- In 1595 - 97 the death rate due to malnaurtion had increased by 50%.
Parish had recorded almost every town has the plague in 95 to 97 book of order tried to help by introducing quartine.
The importance of of the Oxfordshire rebellion
- Oxfordshire rebellion was in 1596 the protest was due to enclosesure all the protestors met on enslow Hill
- The plot was betrayed to the goverment and the government wanted to make an example of the 5 ring leaders and the other 25 were questioned locally.
- This was not a major threat as only 4 people showed up on enslow Hill
- Tillage act was passed to reverse enclosure rules donr in 1588
The Impact of Ireland
- Lead by Earl of Tyrone and it lasted from 1598 to 1603
- The Irish rebellion was worrying as they could let the spainsh use there land as base of attack
- Tyrone was able to beat the englsih at yellow Ford at 1598
- Earl of Essex had to deal with the problem with 16 000 men sent but he was unable to deal with the problem.
- Essex would be sent home and replace by lord Mountjoy.
The Essex rebellion
- Essex reacted badly when he did not get his way in 1598 he angered the queen during discussions on who should be sent to ireland this resulted in him being slapped by the queen.
- Essex had built up a party at court and in the city of london.
- The queen had taken his sweet wine monopoly away the main source of income.
- This caused Essex to make contact with John6th of soctland which was treason
- He attempted to create a rebellion in London in whitehall but he had not public support and was of no real threat.