Elizabeth and Economics Flashcards
What two things happened in 1563?
Act for Maintaining Tillage
Statue of Artificers
What is the Act for Maintaining Tillage?
Land which had been under tillage (the prep of land for growing crops) for 4 years since 1528 could not be converted to pasture.
What is the statue of Artificers?
All unemployed people to seek work and fixed a maximum wage - increased poverty for those with work Trade Embargo (a governmental order to restrict trade of certain goods or all goods entirely with a foreign country) with the Netherlands; Merchant Adventurers granted a new charter.
What act was passed in 1572?
Vagabonds Act
What was the Vagabonds Act?
Serve penalties against vagrants. JP’s to keep a register of the poor in their parish and raise poor rate to provide shelter for the elderly and the sick.
When was the Act for the Relief of the Poor 1576?
What was the Act for the Relief of the Poor?
The able - bodied poor were to be directed by JP’s to find work. Those that refused were sent to a house of correction.
What happened in 1592 to 1593?
Statue regarding the Export of Corn
What was the Statue regarding the Export of Corn?
Banned the export of corn unless the home prices was below twenty shillings a quarter.
What two acts were introduced in 1598?
Act for the relief of the poor
Act for the punishment of Rouges
What was the Act for the Relief of the Poor 1598?
Overseers appointed to supervise the admin of the poor relief; secure apprenticeships for children, provide employment or materials for adults, build hospitals for the old and sick. Compulsory poor rate from the inhabitants of each parish.
What was the Act for the Punishment of Rouges?
JP’s to establish houses of correction rogues and vagabonds. Rogues were to be whipped. Statute against the Conversations to Pasture - stop further enclosure.
What happened in 1601 for the third time?
Act for the Relief for the Poor