eliminative materialism Flashcards
define eliminative materialism
Some or all common-sense (“folk-psychological”) mental states/properties do not exist and our common-sense understanding is radically mistaken
define folk psychology
everyday common explanations of behaviour we use
argument for eliminativism? using folk psychology
- FP isn’t significantly different from obsolete scientific theories like phlogiston
- Phlogiston and similar theories are false, do not apply to reality, and the entities they describe do not exist
- so, it is likely that FP is false, and that the entities it describes do not exist
- FP is the theory that intentional states cause behaviour
- so intentional states likely do not exist
what are Churchland’s three issues with FP?
- EXPLANATORY FAILURES (mental illness, creative imagination, intelligence differences, sleep, memory)
- STAGNANT AND UNPRODUCTIVE (a theory of ‘retreat, infertility and decadence’, no progress)
- NOT COHERENT WITH OTHER SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE (chemistry, physics, biology, psychology)
—> RESPONSE: folk psychology doesn’t intend to do the above, it intends to be a mode of communication
Three critiques of eliminate isn’t
(It’s counter intuitive to deny the existence of such an obvious, immediate thing like intentional states, phenomenology)
RESPONSE: there’s still no evidence for them - SELF REFUTING
“Believe that beliefs don’t exist”
RESPONSE: you can’t express what it is to accept it without using FP because FP is so ingrained in language - PREDICTIVE + EXPLANATORY POWER
eliminitavism essay plan
EM is correct that intentional states do not exist, but we shouldn’t discard FP as it remains a useful method of communication and does not need to be scientifically correct
Too reductive
1. phlogiston argument
— goes against intuition (BUT intuition isn’t good evidence)
— is self refuting (BUT this is a language issue, not a theory issue)
- Churchland’s arguments for why F.P should be discarded:
— lacks explanatory powers (BUT it isn’t trying to scientifically explain everything, it doesn’t have to)
— stagnant and unproductive (BUT it has changed)
— doesn’t fit other scientific theories (BUT it doesn’t have to because it’s not a scientific theory)