Elimination Reactions Flashcards
What is (Z) used for?
Highest priority groups located on the same side
What is (E) used for?
Highest priority groups located on opposite sides
How are stabilities of alkenes determined?
The amount of attached alkyl groups (substituted)
Cycloalkenes with five or less carbons only exist in…
cis form
What are alpha and beta carbons?
The alpha carbon has the leaving group, and beta carbons are adjacent to the alpha carbon
What is the difference between an E2 and E1 reaction?
Two differences
E2 is second order and has one transition state
E1 is first order and has two transition states
What is the process of an E2 reaction?
A beta hydrogen is removed from a beta carbon as a double bond forms and the leaving group departs
What is the process of an E1 reaction?
A cation is first formed, then a beta hydrogen atom is removed as a double bond is formed
How is the “major product” determined?
The more stable product structure is favored because it has a lower energy transition state
How can a less substituted product be favored in a reaction?
Using a bulky base such as tert-butoxide
What determines whether an SN1 or E1 reaction occurs?
If the solvent reacts as a base, an E1 reaction occurs
If the solvent reacts as a nucleophile an SN1 reaction occurs
Which type of alcohol dehydrates the easiest?
What is an elimination reacton favored by?
Three things
Strong bases, sterically hindered substrates, and high temperatures