Electronic configuration Flashcards
what is electronic config?
arranging electrons in an atom into orbitals
Aufbau principle
build up from the bottom
pauli exclusion principle
each orbital holds a max of two electrons with opposite spins
Hund’s rule
every orbital in a sub shell gets one electron before any orbital gets two and the single electrons have parallel spin
exceptions to electron config
4s sub shell has lower energy than 3d and usually fills first but not for some atoms such as chromium and copper - half filled or completely filled shells are more stable
- 4th row transition metals lose 4s before 3d
periodicity or patterns on the periodic table
each row represents the number in front of the shell eg. 1s is row 1 each column represents a letter s - 1 and 2 p - 13-18 d - 3-12 f- lanthanoid and actinoid
condensed electron configs
use a noble gas
- effective nuclear charge (net charge of nucleus after considering attraction and repulsion of electrons)
- left to right: protons increase but number of shells is constant; Jeff increases
- top to bottom: protons and shells increase; Jeff decreases
atomic radii
- size of the entire atom, including electrons
- number of shells - atomic radius generally increases top to bottom
- zeff in a row - atomic radius generally decreases left to right
ionisation energy
- amount of energy required to remove one mol of electrons from one mol of gaseous atoms. energy is always positive - takes a lot
- as atomic radii decreases, more energy is required
- generally decreases down a group (outer electrons are further from the nucleus)
- generally increases across a period (Zeff increases)
low ionisation energy from
high ionisation energy from
cations; anions
successive ionisation energy
energy required to remove electrons after the first dramatically increases
electron affinity
the amount of energy required to add 1 mol of electrons to 1 mol of gaseous atoms - positive or negative (subsequent values are always positive)
- increases bottom to top and left to right
- lower electron affinity tend to form cations and the opposite tend to form anions
ground state
lowest energy for a set of electrons
excited state
when one electron is at a higher energy level than its ground state - energy required
set of orbitals with the same energy such as 2px, 2py, 2pz
ion size
cation - smaller than neutral
anion - larger than neutral