electron affinity 2 Flashcards
Why do non-metals have a greater electron affinity compared to metals?
Due to non-metals having more valence electrons.Easier for non-metals to gain electrons,to have a full outer shell.
Why do non-metals have a graeter electron affinity compared to metals?
The valence electron shell of non-metals is closer to the nucleus.Making it easier to attract electrons from other elements.
Which other elements to non-metals attract electrons from?
Do non-metals have a higher electron affinity compared to metals?
Why do non-metals have a higher electron affinity?
This is because non-metals have more valenece eletrons present in it’ valence elctron shell,so gains an electron to form a full outer shell.So higher electron affinity.
Why do metals have a lower electron affinity?
Metals have a lower electron affiniy this is because they have less valence electrons,therefore they would lose vallenec electron shells to form a full outer shell.Therefore,the electron affinity is lower
Why is the electron affinity lower in metals?
They lose electrons to form a full outer shell therefore more energy is absorbed to lose an electron.So less energy is released.Results in lower electron affinity.
What does the attraction of electrons to the nucleus determine?
The stronger the attraction between the electrons and the nucleus the higher th electron affinity.
Why is the electron affinity higher as more energy is released?
Due to stronger attraction between the electrons and the nucleus.
Why does the electron affinity decrease as you down the group?
Shielding affect increases so there,is less attraction between the electrons and the nucleus.
What does weaker attraction caused by more shielding do?
Weaker attracation caused by more shielding,leads to less energy being released.
What is the trend of electron affinity as you go across the period?
The electron affinity increases as you go across the period.This is becuas ethe shielding effect remains the same.
How does shielding affect the electron affinity as you go across a period?
The shielding remains the same as you go across the period.Whilst the nuclear charge is increasing
What does increased nuclear charge and same shielding mean across the period?
This means there is a stronger attraction between electrons and the nucleus.So electron affinitity increases.
Why does the electron affinity increase?
Due to the stronger attraction between the electrons and the nuclues.Therefore,more energy is released.