Electrolytes Flashcards
Causes of hypocalcemia
Alkalosis (more Ca binds to albumin) renal failure rhabdomyolysis tumour lysis syndrome decreased albumin
Causes of hyponatremia
Iso-osmolar: pseudohyponatremia (hyperlipidemia/ hypperproteinemia; addition of non Na containing isotonic solutions: TURPS with glycine/sorbitol infusions Hyperosmolar: hypergleycemia (Na(corr)= Na + glucose/3) Hyposomolar: hypotonic (diuretic; addissons; GI losses) (Na loss>H2O loss) Hyposomolar/ euvolemic: SIADH; polydypsia; acute adrenal insufficeincy Hypoosmoalr/hypoervolemic9increase in totla body H2O> Na increase): CCF; acute renal failure; nephrotic syndrome
manifestations of hypocalcemia
CNS: parasthesia; seziures; tetany CVS: prolonged QT- arrythmias; hypotension; inotrop unresponsiveness Resp: laryngospasm; bronchospasm; apnea