Electricity Flashcards
Define current
What we need to memorise:
It is the rate of flow of charge so I=Q/t
What we need to understand:
ie how much charge passes through the circuit in a given time. Think about water in a pipe as charge.
Define potential difference
What we need to memorise:
The energy transferred per coulomb between 2 points in a circuit so V=W/Q
What we need to understand:
ie it is the energy required to move the charge from one place to another
How do we measure current
Using an ammeter. The ammeter has to be in series with the component we are measuring so that the current also flows through the ammeter
How do we measure voltage
Using a voltmeter. The voltmeter has to be in parallel with the component we are measuring because when measuring voltage, we are measuring it between 2 points in the circuit, not in the whole circuit
Define 1 coulomb
The amount of charge that passes through In 1 second given that the current is 1 ampere
Define 1 volt
When 1 joule of energy is converted in order to move 1 coulomb of charge through the component
Define resistance
A components resistance is a measure of how difficult it is for current (charge per second) to flow through it at a given pd so R=V/I
Define 1 Ohm
The resistance if a potential difference of 1V can make a current of 1A
What is Ohm’s law
It states that, for an ohmic conductor, the current is directly proportional the pd across it, given that physical conditions e.g. temperature remain constant
Describe the I/V characteristic of an ohmic conductor and the difference with a V/I graph
- In both I/V and V/I graphs, the current is directly proportional to the voltage
- However, in an I/V graph, a steeper gradient means a lower resistance, because you can produce more current with a smaller increase in pd
- In a V/I graph, a shallower gradient means a lower resistance, because increasing the current more, doesn’t increase the pd as much so less work is needed to increase the current more
Describe and explain the I/V and V/I characteristics of a filament lamp
- filament lap is a metal wire so it acts as an ohmic conductor at low current
- However at higher currents, the wire heats up , so physical conditions are not constant, so ohms law stops applying, resistance is not constant
- As the temp increases, resistance increases, so it requires more pd to increase the same current.
- Therefore, for an I/V graph, the curve becomes shallower at higher currents (in either direction) but for a V/I graph, the curve becomes steeper at higher currents (in either direction)
Explain why as temperature increases, resistance increases, in the filament lamp
As temperature increases, the ions in the metal wire vibrate more vigorously, so there are more collision with the free electrons (the charge), so the current decreases at the same pd, so the resistance increases. (The ions of the metal are resisting the charge more.)
Describe and explain the I/V and V/I characteristic of a diode
- Diodes only allow current to flow in one direction, past a specific voltage, called the threshold voltage.
-This direction is the forward bias. Here the resistance is very low so current passes through easily - In the direction of the reverse bias, the resistance is extremely high, so very little current can flow
- The I/V graph has no current (y=0) below the threshold voltage (a point on the x axis and then after that the graph is very steep
- The V/I graph has no current (x=0) until the threshold voltage (a point on the y axis), then the graph is shallow
What generic circuit do we use when obtaining the I/V characteristic of a component
Power supply with ammeter, variable resistor and component in series, with voltmeter connected in parallel with component
Why is the resistance in an ammeter assumed to be 0
Because if the ammeter had resistance, it would decrease the amount of current that passes through that point in the circuit so the value on the ammeter would be wrong
Why do we assume the resistance of a voltmeter to be infinite
Because the voltmeter is in parallel so we don’t want current to be able to pass through the voltmeter, because then less current would be able to pass through the other branch of the circuit, which would affect the voltage, meaning the reading would be wrong
Define the resistivity of a material
- It is a measure of how easily a material conducts electricity
-It is defined as the resistance of a material with length 1m and cross-sectional area 1m^2 - Therefore a lower resistivity means a lower resistance, so a better conductor
Resistivity formula: p=RA/l
What are the units of resistivity
because p=RA/l and m^2/m = m and then you need to x by Ω
How do length, area and resistivity affect resistance
- Increased length increases the amount material that the current has to pass through so makes it harder to current to pass, so increases resistance
-Increased area means more electrons can flow through a point at the same time, so the resistance decreases - Increased resistivity implies increased resistance in that material
This helps to explain the resistivity formula because it means R=pl/A so p=RA/l
How does temperature affect resistivity
Increased temperature means ions in the material vibrate more and increases their kinetic energy so more collisions with free electrons which slows them down so decreases current
- Therefore, an increased temperature increases resistivity, which is what leads to the increase resistance
How do thermistors work
- Across a thermistor temperature provides the opposite effect on resistance to that of a metal
- This is because warming the thermistor gives electrons enough energy to leave their atoms and become free electrons, which increases the charge carriers, so increases current, meaning a lower resistance
Describe the graph of resistance against temperature in a thermistor
negative gradient because inversely proportional relationship. Graph is curved (convex) so at higher temperatures, the same increase in temperature, doesn’t decrease the resistance as much compared to at lower temperatures
Describe an application of thermistors
e,g, you can set the heating to turn on at a specific resistance and therefore at a specific temperature
Define and explain a superconductor
- A material, which below the critical temperature, has 0 resistivity and therefore resistance
- This is because ions in the metal have very little kinetic energy so there are no collisions with charge carriers
- The critical temperature depends on the material but it is very low (close to 0K to have low Ek)
- Therefore, it is expensive and difficult to create a superconductor
What are the uses of superconductors
- Since there is 0 resistance, current can flow freely with no energy lost
Therefore: - It can be used in power cables which transmit electricity with no power loss
- Very strong magnetic fields which don’t need a constant power source to maintain e.g. maglev trains where there would be no friction between the train and rails, and certain medical applications
How would the resistance (Ω) /temperature(K) graph look like for a superconductor
- At high temperatures, the same decrease in temperature would decrease the resistance more than at low temperatures (positive gradient)
- Then at a certain x value close to 0K, the critical temperature, the resistance instantly drops to 0
Derive the formula for finding the total resistance in a parallel circuit
Using Kirchoff’s first law:
It = I1+I2+I3+…
V/Rt = V/R1+V/R2+V/R3+…
V’s cancel so
1/Rt = 1/R1+1/R2+1/R3+…
Derive the formula for finding the total resistance in a series circuit
Using Kirchoff’s second law:
Vt = V1+V2+V3+…
IRt = IR1+IR2 + IR3 +…
I’s cancel so
R1 = R1+R2+R3+…
Define power
The rate of transfer of energy (in watts), where 1 watt is equal to 1 joule per second
so P=E/t
What are the 3 variations of the formula to calculate power
What are the 3 variations of the formula to calculate energy
How are current and voltage shared in a series circuit
- The current is the same everywhere
- The voltage is shared across all elements in the circuit, so the sum of the voltage across all elements = the supply pd
How are the current and voltage shared in a parallel circuit
- The sum of the currents in each parallel branch is = to the total current
- The potential difference across each branch is the same
What is Kirchoff’s first law and what does it show
- The total current flowing into a junction is equal to the total current flowing out of the junction
- It shows that no charge is lost at any point in a circuit so charge is conserved
What is Kirchoff’s second law and what does it show
- The sum of all the voltages in a series circuit is equal to the total emf
- It shows that no energy is lost at any point in the circuit so energy is conserved
- This is because energy transferred to the charge is emf and the energy transferred from a charge being moved is pd, so these have to be equal for energy to be conserved
What causes internal resistance
- Electrons collide with the atoms within the battery. This causes resistance.
- Therefore, some energy is lost before the electrons even leave the battery
Define emf
The electrical energy transferred by a cell per coulomb of charge that passes through it
so ϵ=E/Q
Define the terminal pd
The energy transferred when 1 coulomb of charge passes through the load resistance
ie the pd across the load resistance
Explain why the terminal pd is not equal to the emf
Some energy is lost overcoming the internal resistance
What are the lost volts in a circuit
The energy lost per coulomb in overcoming the internal resistance
ie the pd across r
What are the 2 formulas for emf and rearrange them for the terminal pd
ϵ = V+v
ϵ = I(R+r)
We can also rearrange these for V
Explain how you can work out the total emf across multiple cells in both series and parallel
In series:
Add the emf of each cell because every time the charge passes through a new cell, it gains more electrical energy so the total emf increases
In parallel:
total emf is the same as the emf for each cell in parallel because the charge only gains emf from the cells it travels through
Define a potential divider
A circuit containing several resistors in series, connected to a voltage source, used to produce a required fraction of the source potential difference
How can you create a variable output voltage in a potential divider
- imagine a potential divider with 2 fixed resistors, R1 and R2, with R2 giving you the output voltage
- replace R1 with a variable resistor. So if we set the variable resistor to 0 ohms, all the voltage will go to R2, so the output voltage will equal the supply voltage
- As you increase R2, the output voltage decreases
What is a light dependent resistor
resistor with a very high resistance in the dark but very low resistance in the light
How can we use an LDR or thermistor in a potential divider to change the output voltage
- If we replace one of the fixed resistors with an LDR, then if light shines on the LDR, its resistance decreases, so output voltage increases for the other resistor
- Same concept with thermistor
- We can use this circuit as a control switch, which turns on a light or heating system at a threshold voltage
- If we wanted the effect to be reversed we could swap the position of the LDR with the resistor, so as light intensity increases, output voltage decreases