What systems do you have if powered by ONE Generator only ?
Both Main AC Busses will still operate but Load shedding may occur:
Electrical load shedding occurs automatically to ensure power is available to critical and essential equipment.
The load shedding is galley power first, then utility busses. Utility busses are followed by individual equipment items powered by the main AC busses. When an additional power source becomes available or the load decreases, the electrical system automatically restores power to the shed systems (in the reverse order).
Examples of load shedding that may be observed during NORMAL operations include:
an electric hydraulic pump prior to engine start
center tank fuel pumps prior to engine start
utility busses during engine start.
Examples of load shedding that may be observed during NON-NORMAL operations include:
utility busses after a generator failure
center tank fuel pump after an engine failure
cabin ceiling lights after an engine failure.
If you lose all Generators what instruments do you have ?
If you lose IDGs, APU Generator and HDG you are down to Battery Power only.
The battery/standby power electrical system can supply DC and AC power to selected flight instruments, communications and navigation systems, and other critical systems, if there are main AC and DC electrical power system failures.
How long will the battery provide power to the Standby Bus ?
The main battery can provide power to the standby bus for a minimum of 90 minutes
What power sources are available in flight ?
Left and Right IDGs and the APU Generator
In the generator control (GEN CONT )switch
What does the White ON bar indicate
What does the Amber OFF light indicate ?
The switch is ON to arm the generator breaker for automatic operation
The generator breaker is open
Which FOUR buses can be powered by the Batteries ?
Hot Battery Bus
Battery Bus
Standby AC Bus
Standby DC Bus
What causes the HDG to start operating ? **
When both Right and Left main AC Buses are unpowered.
How are the DC buses powered?
By right and left TRUs supplied by the AC Buses
Name the Aircraft batteries ?
Main and APU batteries
Which units charge the Main and APU batteries ?
The battery chargers
Which Bus provides the power for the Battery Chargers ?
The Ground Service Bus
Which sources can power the Ground handling Bus ?
APU or External Power
Can the Ground Handling Bus be powered in flight ?
Is the Ground Service Bus powered in flight ?
Which Main Bus normally supplies the Ground Service Bus ?
Right main AC Bus