Electrical Flashcards
What types of components
generally use AC power?
Aircraft components incorporating some type of
movement or motor function (e.g., motors, heaters, and
Ref: AOM 2A
What types of components
generally use DC power?
Normally used for control functions or steady-state
Ref: AOM 2A
How many TRU’s convert AC to
DC power?
Five (5)
Ref: AOM 2A
What’s the difference between red
and black circuit breakers?
Red CB’s are related to essential circuits and black CB’s
are considered non-essential
Ref: AOM 2A
What’s the rating of IDG’s?
They’re rated at 40 kVA and provide three-phase, 400
Hz, 115 VAC power
Ref: AOM 2A
How can a GCU be reset?
By cycling associated generator control switch (L GEN,
R GEN or APU GEN) to OFF and then ON. This action
causes the software to re-initialize.
Ref: AOM 2A
Describe the APU generator
It’s mounted on APU, is usable on ground, or in flight
and produces 3-phase, 400 Hz, 115V AC power. It’s
physically and distinctly different from IDG’s but
produces the same type of power.
Ref: AOM 2A
What’s the purpose of GCU’s?
They work with aircraft electrical system to provide
“quality power”
Ref: AOM 2A
True/False: All non-failure AC
power transfers are NBPT’s,
except between external AC power
and APU power sources.
Ref: AOM 2A
Would transfer of power between
the APU generator and external
AC power be a break or no-break
power transfer?
APU generator and external AC power are not frequency
controlled by GCU and BPCU; therefore, power transfer
between these two sources are, break power transfers and,
result in momentary power loss during transfer.
Ref: AOM 2A
How is electrical power normally
By two (2) BPCU’s and three (3) GCU’s. BPCU’s are the brains of the system and control most of the contactors. Ref: AOM 2A
What causes “AC” legend of
AC/DC RESET switchlight to
Fault in Main AC or Emergency AC bus, logic fault
within BPCU, or by relay or component failure
Ref: AOM 2A
What happens when you depress
RESET switch?
It resets lockout and allows tripped contactors to close if
the fault no longer exists
Ref: AOM 2A
When would you select L/R Bus
Tie to ISLN?
When directed by checklist. It prevents the associated
contactor from closing and isolates respective main AC
bus from other power sources.
Ref: AOM 2A
If both AC and DC external power
is connected, which has priority?
External AC
Ref: AOM 2A
Describe RAT deployment.
It’s totally manual and is accomplished by pulling the
guarded RAT DEPLOY handle.
Ref: AOM 2A
What’s the rating of the RAT?
15 kVA
Ref: AOM 2A
What does the RAT power once it
reaches operating speed (usually
5-8 seconds)?
FCC UPS bus and EBHA bus through Emerg AC bus,
and both Essential DC buses through Left and Right
Ref: AOM 2A
How is the RAT stowed?
On ground using an installed hand-operated piston
pump that is mounted above RAT assembly: it cannot
be stowed in flight.
Ref: AOM 2A
What happens as airspeed falls
below the limit of RAT operation
(180 knots)?
RAT stops operating and Main, UPS and EBHA
batteries begin to power flight critical systems for up to
16 minutes
Ref: AOM 2A
What’s the source of power for
personal electronic devices,
electric razors, hair dryers,
blender, toaster, etc.?
50 or 60 Hz power system comprised of two converters.
One converter is active while the other operates in
standby. New architecture has converters operating in
parallel for more power: if one fails, it reverts to single
converter operation.
Ref: AOM 2A
True/False: CABIN / GALLEY
and 60 HZ Master switches are
wired in series (i.e., both must be
selected ON for converters to
produce power).
True. CABIN / GALLEY Master switch also controls
28 VDC to cabin. It’s a single switch for load shedding
all power to cabin.
Ref: AOM 2A
When are L and R AUX DC buses
load shed?
During single generator operation, Aux TRU is not
powered, or when Aux TRU is powering another DC
bus. Load shed feature is inhibited on ground.
Ref: AOM 2A
Describe the purpose of fifth or
Aux TRU.
It serves as backup to primary TRU’s. When not serving
in backup role, Aux TRU powers Left and Right Aux
DC buses which provide 28 VDC power to cabin loads.
Ref: AOM 2A
What causes “DC” legend of
AC/DC RESET switchlight to
Fault in Main DC, Essential DC or Aux DC buses, logic
fault within BPCU, or by relay or component failure
Ref: AOM 2A
When L MAIN TRU switch is
depressed, the switchlight
indicates R AC. What does this
It means the Left Main TRU is powered by Right Main
AC bus.
Ref: PTH
Describe the main batteries.
Two main batteries are located in tail compartment:
they’re Ni-Cad (28V DC, 53 amp/hour).
Ref: AOM 2A
The batteries have three modes of
operation. What are they?
Charge, discharge, and TR
Ref: AOM 2A
What are main battery charging
AC power applied, battery switches must be on and
battery voltage > 22 volts
Ref: AOM 2A
When is battery/charger TR mode
If battery switches are selected ON, main AC buses are
powered, and the following occur – APU start switch is
selected ON, aux pump is turned on, or essential DC
buses require power from batteries.
Ref: AOM 2A
What mode of battery/chargers is
lost with loss of Main AC buses?
Charger and TR mode
Ref: AOM 2A
The batteries have a split bus
configuration. What does that
Only the left battery is involved in APU start. Both
batteries power the aux pump.
Ref: AOM 2A
When should you remove the
Cold soak conditions (-20°C)
Ref: AOM 2A
switches indicate amber ON?
When starting APU (left battery discharge only),
operating aux pump, or powering ESS DC buses if MAIN BATTERY switches are selected ON and ESS
DC buses have no other source of power
Ref: AOM 2A
What additional function does the
right battery have on ground?
It’s used to power ground service bus when not powered
by the right main DC bus or external DC power
Ref: AOM 2A
What’s the minimum battery
voltage required during cockpit
preflight inspection?
22 volts
Ref: AOM 2A
What action should be taken if
voltage on either of the main
batteries is < 22 volts?
Refer to GVI (G650) Maintenance Manual
Ref: QRH
On a dark airplane, what occurs
switch is selected to ON?
Power is provided from both main aircraft batteries and
the anti-collision beacon illuminates
Ref: AOM 2A
What’s the Aux TRU priority?
Essential before main and left before right
Ref: AOM 2A
What’s the function of EBHA
It provides power to MCE’s on electric backup
hydraulic actuators (EBHA’s)
Ref: AOM 2A
What’s the purpose of UPS
It’s a dedicated source of power for FCC Channel 1A,
FCC Channel 2B, BFCU(Backup Flight Control Unit), and EBHA remote electronics
units (REU’s).
Ref: AOM 2A
Describe the emergency batteries.
There are two (2) 24V DC, 10.5 amp/hour lead acid
emergency batteries on the aircraft: one located up
forward in LEER and one located back aft on left side of
baggage compartment in Auxiliary EER.
Ref: AOM 2A
What are the three modes of
emergency batteries?
Like the main batteries, they have three (3) modes of
operation: charge, discharge, and charger in TR mode.
Ref: AOM 2A
If all sources of power are lost,
how many minutes will emergency
batteries provide electrical power
to the left and right emergency DC
buses, essential flight instrument
bus, and inertial reference units to
support equipment essential for
safety of flight as well as
emergency lighting?
Ref: AOM 2A
How are emergency batteries
ON switch is depressed or they’re ARMED and the left
or right essential DC bus drops below 20 VDC (even
Ref: AOM 2A
How many MCDU’s can be used
to simultaneously control SSPC’s?
Two: third MCDU indicates “SSPC SYSTEM BUSY,
Ref: AOM 2A
What items are powered down to
emergency batteries?
Both SFD’s without air data
Both clocks
MCDU#1 displays STBY ENGINE page
MCDU#3 displays Backup radio tuning page
All three ACP’s
Ref: QRH
What’s the purpose of ground
service bus (GSB)?
To provide DC power to equipment required for
servicing while on the ground
Ref: AOM 2A
What are the sources of power for
ground service bus?
Right main DC bus, external DC, or right battery
Ref: AOM 2A
Name the locations of the four (4)
GSB control switches.
One behind the cockpit on REER System/Monitor Test
panel, one in Security / Gnd Svc panel, one on ground
service panel in tail compartment, and one in refuel
Ref: AOM 2A
What happens on a dark airplane
when GND SVC BUS switch on
Security / Gnd Svc panel is
selected to ON?
Right battery powers the ground service bus and anti-
collision beacon illuminates. In addition, both SMC’s
and MCDU #2 are powered.
Ref: AOM 2A
There are four (4) GND SVC Bus
annunciator lights: one on cockpit
EPCP, one in Security / Gnd Svc
panel, one in refuel panel, and one
in ground service panel in tail
compartment. When do they
When GND SVC BUS is powered by right battery or by
external DC power (i.e., other than normal source of
power). Ref: AOM 2A
When ground service bus is
automatically deactivated?
When all the doors are closed: tail compartment door,
main door, Security / Gnd Svc panel door, and refuel
Ref: AOM 2A
What’s the purpose of Secondary
Power Distribution System
It takes 28 VDC and 115 VAC power from primary
power system and distributes it to various aircraft loads
Ref: AOM 2A
SPDS is composed of two (2)
Remote Interface Units (RIU’s)
and eight (8) Modular Power Tiles
(MPT’s) (4 for AC and 4 for DC).
What’s the difference between
RIU’s and MPT’s?
RIU’s perform system control functions and interface
with other aircraft systems: they’re the brains of this
system. MPT’s perform power routing and circuit
protection functions using AC and DC Solid State
Power Controllers (SSPC’s).
Ref: AOM 2A