Electrica Codes, Licenses, and Permits Flashcards
An _____________ specifies
the written provisions necessary
for protecting people and property
from the improper use of
electricity and electrical
electrical code
The _____________________ is a set of
specifications and standards in the form of a ___________ that can be adopted into ________ by the ______________
National Electrical Code (NEC), model
code, local law, local government entity
The NEC was established in _____ through the combined
efforts of ________, _______, _________, and other
interested groups.
1897, insurance, electrical, architectural
In _________, the __________ became the sponsor of the NEC and
continues to act in this capacity.
1911, National Fire Protection
Association (NFPA)
Philippine Electrical Code
PEC- 2017
______________ of persons and property from
hazards arising from the use of electricity.
Practical Safeguarding
Contains provisions that are considered
minimum requirements necessary for safety.
Hazards often occur because of overloading of wiring
systems by methods or usage not in conformity with this code.
FPN No. 1
It is highly recommended that a licensed electrical
practitioner be consulted for any electrical requirements, including
FPN No. 2
ire Hazard, electrocution, serious injury or even death may
also occur with lack or improper maintenance of wiring system.
FPN No.3
__________ as a design specification or an instruction manual
to qualified persons.
The requirements
in this code address the fundamental principles of
protection for safety contained in ________ of ____________, ________________.
Relation to Other International Standards, Section 131 of IEC 60364-
1, Electrical Installation of Buildings.
Encompasses protection
against thermal effects, protection against overcurrent,
protection against fault currents, and protection against
FPN. IEC 60634-1, Section 131.
This code has been approved and adopted by
the Board of Electrical Engineering and PRC.
virtue of authority vested in the Board
under _________ it hereby direct strict
adherence to the provisions of this code.
RA 7920
This code intended for ___________ by the
office of the Building official/EE over electrical
mandatory application
are those that identity
actions that are specifically required or
prohibited and are characterized by the use of
terms shall or shall not.
Mandatory rules
identify actions that are
allowed but not required, are normally used to
describe options or alternative methods.
Permissive rules
references to other
standards, references to related sections of this
Explanatory material
Information related to a code rule in the form of
Explanatory material, fine print notes (FPN).
are not part of the enforceable
requirements of the PECI, but are included for
information purposes only.
An ______
product meets ____________ as
determined by __________ by an independent
testing company or organization.
approved, minimum safety standards, extensive testing
is a not-for-profit product safety testing
and certification organization. Is the leading third-party certification org. in the
United States and has been evaluation products in the interest of public safety
since _______.
Underwriters Laboratory, Inc. (UL), 1894
is the leading
trade association in U.S. representing the interests of electrical manufacturing.
NEMA’s member companies manufactured products are used in the
generation, transmission and distribution, control, and end use of electricity.
The National Electrical Manufacturing Association (NEMA)
is known in most other countries in North and South
America as ________________.
The Council for Harmonization of Electrotechnical Standards of the
Nations of the Americas, Consejo de Armonizacion de Normas Electrotecnicas de la
Naciones de las Americas (CANENA)
The purpose of ________ is to facilitate,
and promote the development of harmonized __________ and
standards and ___________.
CANENA, electrotechnical codes, uniform conformity assessment methods
means that the person must have a minimum number
of years of experience working with a licensed
electrician and must pass a ________ that deals
with the electrical code being used and with ____________.
written test, methods
of installations
Most municipalities require that a permit be
issued _______ any electrical installations may
be made on a project.
A _____________ may also be required for
review and approval by a plans examiner
before installation begins.
complete electrical
construction drawing
Municipalities that require a permit will have
_____________ who check the project
during regularly scheduled visits. This
inspectors will inspect the installation _____the
rough writing is in but _________ it is concealed
behind construction materials.
electrical inspectors, after, before