Elderly Flashcards
General considerations
Aging associated with increased mortality and morbidity Major adverse cardiac events Airway and pulmonary problems Healthcare-associated infections Post op cognitive delirium
Vascular changes affecting drug administration
Decreased elasticity
- exaggerated hypotension during induction
- exaggerated hypertension during emergence
More than 10 meds-> increased mortality
- receptor up regulation (beta-blockers)
- receptor downregulation (opioids and benzos)
Increased body fat in elderly
Increased % of body fat
- can overdose on drug on total body weight
Elderly and pharmacokinetic changes
Decreased volume of distribution
- higher blood concentrations
Lower GFR -> prolonged elimination
Higher variability between patients
Elderly and pharmacodynamics
Decreased MAC & MAC-awake
Loss of consciousness at higher BIS index
CV changes with age
Decreased elasticity -> higher afterload, systolic HTN, LVH
LVH and CAD -> increased coroNary perfusion pressure
- maintain diastolic >70
Diastolic dysfunction - impaired filling
Increased incidence of arrhythmias, chf, aortic stenosis
Pulmonary changes with age
Decreased compliance, residual volume
Decreased airway reflexes, muscle strength, cough -> aspiration
V/Q mismatching
Decreased carotid body functioning
Decreased response to hypoxia and hypercarbia
Renal system changes with age
Decreased GFR with no change in creatinine (low muscle mass) - prolonged half-lives Increased contrast studies Decreased renal concentration Increased renal failure
Nervous system changes with age
Increased carotid disease -> maintain cerebral perfusion pressure and time
Decreased neuronal density -> downregulation of opioid and GABA
Prolonged emergence
Increased risk of hypotension and respiratory depression with spinal and epidural anesthesia
Avoiding overdose in elderly
Administer reduced [ ] of inhaled
Correct IV dosing for age
Allow for slower onset time
Take into account longer duration of action