Elder Abuse Flashcards
What are risk factors for elder abuse?
Risk factors for victims:
1) increasing age
2) functional disability
3) child abuse within the regional population
4) cognitive impairment
gender is NOT a risk factor
1 in 25 over 65 yo are abused; physicians are mandated reporters of abuse on elders in almost all states
Risk factors for caretakers:
financial dependence on the elder person
substance abuse
perceiving the caretaking duty as burdensome
What are risk factors for domestic abuse?
1) female
2) 19-29 years
3) pregnant (highest risk)
4) low-income families/low socioeconomic status
5) Shorter length of relationship
6) EtOH dependence
Close to 25% of women experience domestic violence
What are abuser and victim signs of abuse?
injuries inconsistent with history
long delay between injury an treatment
repeat injuries
change in affect
constantly seeking partner approval
finding excuses to stay in treatment facility for prolonged period of time
repeated visits to the emergency department
significant time missed at work or decreased productivity at work
characteristics of the abuser:
refuses to leave patient alone
overly attentive
aggressive or hostile
refuses to let the patient answer their own questions
What is the physicians role in elder and domestic abuse?
Elder abuse- duty to report; most states must report and can admit if feel in danger
Domestic- duty to act; inquire about safety at home, but cannot offer protection