Elbow & Wrist Flashcards
What kind of joint is the elbow
Hing joint
What kind of injuries are the elbow prone to
Lateral epicondylitis i.e tennis elbow and medial i.e golfers elbow
What are the three main ligaments of the elbow
Ulnar collateral ligament
Radial collateral ligament
Angular ligament
What membrane connects the ulnar and radius
Interosseous membrane
What muscle is found on the flexor of the elbow
The anterior part of the forearm which are the flexors is inervated by what nerve
The posterior part which contains the extensors of are innervated by
Radial nerve
Which muscle act as an anti gravity muscle in the forearm
Flexor muscle
What are the superficial veins of the forearm
Cephalic, median antebrachial , basilic vein
Radial tuberosity Inserts which tendon
Biceps brachii
How many muscles are in the forearm
In the anterior compartment muscles of elbow what muscles are in the superficial compartment muscles from medial to lateral
Fpfp Flexor carpi ulnaris Palmaris longus Flexor capi radialis Pronator teres
In the intermediate compartment of the elbow muscles
Flexor digitorum superficialis
Deep compartment muscles from medial to lateral
Flexor digitorum profundus,
Flexor pollicis longus,
Pronator quadratus&
In the posterior compartment of the elbow superficial muscles from lateral to medail
Brachioradialis, extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis , extensor digitorum, extensor digit minimi , extensor carpi ulnaris, anconeus
Deep compartment muscles of the elbowlateral to medial
Supinator, abductor policies longus, extensor pollicies longus and brevis , extensor indicis
In the forearm region what are the two major arteries that supply
Radial and ulnar arteris
Major veins of the elbow from lateral to medial
Cephalic vein , median antebrachium vein , basiclic, ulnar vein
Function of the pivot joint of the forearm
Pronation and supination of the forearm
What type of joints are the intercarpal joints
Synovial plane joint e.g biaxial
The carpal bones are the proximal bones and has how many
8 set of irregularly shaped bones
And the location is the wrist area
The distal part consists of the metacarpal and they are how many
5 and each finger has 3 phalanges except the thumb
The eigjt carpal bones from laterl to medial
Scaphoid , lunate, triquetrum and pisiform
Distal row from lateral to medial
Trapezium, trapezoid, capitate and hamate
Nick name for styloid process of the radius
Lister’s turbercule
Which bone can be palpated at the base of the anatomical snuffbox
Which of the wrist bones can be palpated in the exterior
The pisiform
The muscles of the hand are innervated by?
Radial, median & ulanr nerves from the brachial plexus
The intrinsic group of the wrist can be divided into
Thenar(thumb) and hypothenar (little fingers)
Muscles of the thenar or thumb includes
Opponens pollicies
Abductor pollicies brevis
Flexor pollicies brevis
Adductor pollicies
The hypothenar muscles are? From superficial to deep
Palmaris brevis
Abductor digiti minimi
Flexor digiti minimi
Opponens digiti minimi
Function of the 7 interossei muscles
Finger adduction and abduction
Which part of the interossei muscles assist in flexion of metacarpophalangeal joint
Which part of the interossei muscles assist in the extension of the interphalangeal joint
Ligaments of the wrist
Palmar radiocarpal
Dorsal radiocarpal
Ulnar and radial radiocarpal