Elbow Joint Flashcards
Type of Joint
Synovial hinge capable of one degree of freedom
Between trochea of distal humerus and trochlea notch of prox ulna
Modified ball and socket between head of radius and capitulum of humerus
Capable of one degree of freedom - flex/ext of forearm
Flex= ~145deg
Ext= 0-5deg
Supporting Ligaments
MCL (ulnar) -
- from med epicondyle of humerus
- to med edge of coronoid process (ant band) and med edge of olecranon process (post band)
- transverse band passes between distal attachments of the two
LCL (radial) -
-from lat epicondyle to annular ligt of sup RU jt: ant/post margins attach to margins of radial notch of ulna
Capsule and Bursae
Surrounds joint and sup RU blending with:
Med- MCL
Lat- LCL
Ant- brachioradialis (deep fibres)
Post- triceps (deep fibres)
-deep fibres prevent capsule becoming trapped during movement
Intratendinous – within tendon of triceps brachii
Subtendinous – between olecranon and tendon of triceps brachii (reduces F between the two during ext/flex of arm)
Subcutaneous (olecranon) bursa – between olecranon and overlying CT (implicated in olecranon bursitis)
Cubital Fossa
Apex - Imaginary line connecting med and lat epicondyles
Med border - pronator teres
Lat border - brachioradialis
Floor - brachialis and supinator
Roof - skin and fascia of arm/forearm, reinforced by bicipital aponeurosis (sheet of tendon-like material arises from tendon of biceps brachii).
-bicipital aponeurosis forms partial protective covering to median nerve, brachial, ulnar and radial arteries