EKG interpretation Flashcards
SA node
Pacemaker of the heart
Automaticity- regular waves of depolarization, multidirectional stimulates atrial contraction, P wave
AV node
sole conduction pathway from atria to ventricles
Mitral and tricuspid valves are electrical insulation
Depolarization thru AV node is slow, Pause (blood passes thru AV valves, delap after the p wave)
Ventricular conduction system
initiated in the His bundle and quickly moves into bundle branches and purkinje fibers
Rapidly depolarizes ventricles
Naming QRS
Q: 1st downward deflection
R: 1st upward deflection
S: ANY downward deflection after an upward deflection
Ventricular repolarization
plateau phase ST segment
Rapid phase phase : T wave
Ventricular contraction persists thru complete repolarization: QT interval
EKG leads
Limb leads: AVL AVR and AVF (positives)
Augmented limb leads: 1 (at positive across chest to Larm), 2 (at positive Foot from r arm), 3 (at positive foot from left arm)
Precordial leads: cross section from center of body (V1 to left side V6)
Normal resting heart at rest 60-100 bpm (due to SA node automacity)
Bradycardia is <60 bpm (parasympathetic excess, young athletes vagal maneuvers)
Tachychardia is >100 bpm (sympathetic stimulation of SA node, exersice, stress)
If SA node fails, another pacemaker takes over (Atria-60-80 bpm, Junctional AV node- 40-60 bpm, Ventricular purkinje fibers-20-40bpm)
Overdrive suppression: automaticity focus (SA node usually) will suppress all slower foci, SA node»>Atrial focus»>Junctional»>Ventricular foci
Rate on EKGs
Choose a QRS (ideally on a bold line), then use the 300 rule (300/# of big boxes between QRSs), box countdown (300 150 100 etc)
Irregular: recognize potential for inaccuracies and investigate further, calculate range and mean
Is it normal sinus rhythm (coming from the sinus node, regular, constant cycles of equal length, best visualization in lead 2 (must be a p wave before every QRS, is there a QRS after every P
Sinus arrhythmia- common in young healthy, normal variation of HR with respiration (inspiration–> increased HR, decreased vagal tone–> sympathetic stim SA node), (exhalation–>decreased HR, increased vagal tone, parasympathetic inhib of SA node)
look at QRS leads 1 and AVF, sometimes lead 2
Lead 1 should be positive and lead AVF should be positive
If 1 is negative but AVF is positive: Righat axis deviation (RAD)
if both neg: FAR RAD
If Lead 1 is positive but lead AVF is negative (next look at lead 2, + normal, - LAD)
PR interval
Atrial depolarization and conduction into av node
Normal is .12 ro .2 s (3 to 5 little boxes)
Short: Wolf parkinson white
Prolonged: PR interval is 1st degree AV block, asymptomatic
QRS interval
Ventricular depolarization
QT interval
initiation of ventricular depolarization thru complete repolarization
Normal (
St segment and T wave
ST segment: Plateau phase of ventricular repolarization, baseline with PR interval,
T wave: rapid phase of ventricular repolarization T waves are typically upright, Wave of repolarization traveling away from electrodes