artherosclerosis Flashcards
storage fats (aka fats, neutral fats, triacylglycerol)
3 Fa each in an ester linkage with single glycerol
Simple TGs have the same kind of FA in all 3 positions (18 1 triolein)
Natural occuring TGs are mixed 2-3 different FAs
High Triglycerides- independently predict risk of CVdis
if >1g/dL–> increase risk of pancreatitis
Essential component of membranes, precursor for synthesis of bile acids and steroid hormones, reduces fluidity of membranes, enriched in lipid rafts (signal transduction)
Cytotoxicity- excess–> formation of cholesterol crystals, triggering apoptosis, formation of toxic oxysterols, disruption of membrane domains, artherosclerosis (plaque)
Rate limiting step of cholesterol de novo biosynthesis: HMG CoA reductase (B-HMG CoA to mevalonate) INHIBITED by STATINS
Cholesterol will become bile acids, biliary cholesterol, or cholesteryl Esters (CEs), or tissue converts cholesterol to steroid hormones
Bile acids (gallbladder, taurocholic acid) secreted into small intestine after fatty meal to emulsify fat, to increase lipases
Cholesteryl esters (CEs) less polar than cholesterol
CEs contain a FA esterified to the oxygen, CEs become more hydrophobic and enters membranes, transported to lipoproteins to other tissues or stored in liver
Lipoprotein particles
lipids are carried thru PM on spherical particles, surface is made of proteins (Apolipoprotiens), free cholesterol and a phospholipid monolayer, interior contains cholesterol, TGs, CEs
Types largest to smallest: Chylomicrons, VLDL, LDL, HDL
Apolipoproteins solubilize the lipoprotein particle in the circulation, structural stability, co-factors for Lipolytic enzyme, ligand for surface receptors
Apolipoproteins to know
ApoA-1 : on HDL, Actvates LCAT, interacts with ABC transporter
ApoB-48: on chylomicrons, cholesterol transport/clearance
ApoB100: on VLDL and HDL, binds to LDL receptor
ApoC2: on Chylomicron, VLDL, HDL: activates lipoprotein lipase
ApoC3: on Chylomicron, VLDL, HDL: inhibits lipoprotein lipase
ApoE: on chylomicrons, VLDL, HDL, triggers clearance of VLDL and chylomicron remnants
Lipid absorption
Western diet: 100 g of fat, long chain TGs 92-96% of the total, (membrane lipids remaining)
20 g of phospholipids (mainly phosphatidylcholine) and 1-2 g of cholesterol enter duodenum in bile
humans absorb >95% of TG and 50% of the cholesteron
Dietary FA absorbtion
Bile salts emulsify fat in small intestine, forming mixed micelles, intestinal lipases degrade TGs, FAs and other break downs are taken up by intestinal mucosa (NPC1L1, inhibited by ezetimibe) and converted into TGs
TGs are incorporated with cholesteron and APOs into chylomicrons via ApoC2 (move through lymphatics and BS to tissue)
lipoprotein lipase activated by apoC2 in the capillary converts TG–> FA and glycerol
FA are oxidized as fuel or reesterified for storage
ABCG5/G8 export plat sterols back into intestinal lumen (
chylomicrons carry dietary TG
synthesized from the FAs of dietary TGs and cholesterol absorbed from the small intestine
Function: transport dietary TGs from the small intestine to peripheral adipocytes and the liver, essential for absorption of dietary fat and fat soluble vitamins
Composition: very high fat content (98%) 85% is FAs of dietary TGs (10:1 tg to chol)
Apolipoproteins on chylomicrons (ApoB48, C2, E). Apo48 (apolipoproteins synthesized by intestinal epithelial cells -B48) others acquired from HDL (Apo E and C123) after chylomicrons have been secreted into the lymph and enter plasma. ApoB48 synthesized only by intestinal epithelial cells is unique to chylomicrons. ApoC2 activates lipoproteins lipase to allow FFA release for fuel in adipose tissue, heart, sk muscle
Lipoprotein Lipase (LPL) hydrolyzes TGs
LPL is bound to capillary endothelium in heart, sk muscle, adipose and mammary glands
LPL-mediated hydrolysis of TG is required for delivery of FAs to adipose and muscle (for oxidation) takes place at vascular endothelial surface
Activated by the presence of apoC2 on chylomicrons and VLDL (TG–>DAG–>MAG), results in shrunken cholesterol rich particle (CM remnant) cholesterol phospholipids and apolipoproteins are transferred to HDL
LPLase defeciency–> high TGs (after 10 hours of fat meal)
Chylomicron remnants deposit cholesterol in liver
When chylomicrons are depleted of their dietary TG via LPL remnants go to liver to release their dietary cholesterol (now enriched in cholesryl esters), surface lipids and C proteins are transferred to HDL, ApoB48 is degraded (chylomicron remnants are rapidly removed from circulation via endocytosis at the liver thru ApoE for the LDLR or LDL receptor related protein (LRP)
Type 3 hyperlipoproteinemia
Also known as familial dysbetalipoproteinemia
inherited absence of functional ApoE, inhibited remnant clearance LRP or the LDLR, increased TG rich remnant lipoproteins in plasma
VLDL transports endogenous lipids to peripheral tissues
Produced in liver when TG production stimulated by increased flux of FFAs or by increased de novo synthesis of FAs by liver
Function: transports TG and CEs synthesized in liver to periphery
Comp: lipids (75% TGs) ApoB100, C123, E
Excess carb in diet also made into TG in the liver and packed into VLDL
Microsomal Triglyceride Transfer protein MTP helps transfer TGs to the VLDL core
ApoB100 to form VLDL in Liver, ApoB48 to form chylomicrons (bad MTP–> no chylomicrons,VLDL, LDL)
Acyl CoA ACAT (transferase)
esterifies free cholesterol to form cholesteryl esters (CEs)
diet or endogenous cholesterol in excess of need for membrane synthesis is metabolized to CE by ACAT for storage
ACAT catalyzes the esterification of cellular sterols with FAs, bile acids
VLDL transport TG to adipose tissue and muscle
ApoC2 activates lipoprotein lipase to release FAs
adipocytes take up the FFA, reconvert them to TG and store them in lipid droplets, muscle uses the TG for energy
VLDL remnants become IDL and LDL
VLDL fates are: 40-60% cleared from plasma by the liver via LDL R and LRP which recognize ligands (apoB100 and apoE) on the remnants. LPL and hepatic lipase convert the remainder of the remnants (IDL to LDL) all LDLs are derived from VLDL
The C apolipoproteins and apoE, and surface lipids, redistribute to HDL, the have lost 70% of TG and are enriched in CE
LDL deposit cholesterol in peeripheral tissue
VLDL remnants that escape uptake are transformed into LDL
Function (Transport of CE to peripheral cells and HDL derived CE back to the liver
Comp: 70% cholesterol, ApoB100
Plasma clearance of LDL particles mediated by LDL R (ApoB100)
Hepatic LDL receptors remove 75% of all LDL from the plasma (modulate LDL)
Oxidized LDL taken up by M@ scavenger receptors
decreases steady state expression of the LDL receptor on hepatocyte
Promotes intracellular degradation of the LDLR
LDLR/PCSK9 complex gets internalized and targeted to the lysosomal compartment for degradation
Prevents LDLR recycling to cell surface, reduces LDLR population on Cell surface, reduces clearance of LDL from circulation
loss of fucntion mutation PCSK9– higher levels of LDLR, Lower LDL and protection from CAD
Gain of funciton mutation– higher LDL (AD hypercholesterolemia)
LDL like particle where apoB100 is covalently bound to apo A
ApoA is expressed liver cells, half life= 3-4 days, risk factor for CVD
HDL is atheroprotective
antioxidant, antithrombotic, reduces vascular adhesion on endothelium, stimulates endothelial repair, promotes endothelial function, lowers inflammation, stabilizes plaques
HDL picks up cholesterol from peripheral cells and returns to liver for excretion via bile (lots of protein apoA1 and ApoA2 and C apos (HDL transferred to nascent VLDL and chylomicrons)
release free cholesterol to apoA1 to make discoid HDL
efflux of cell phospholipid and cholesterol to apoA1
LCATforms the CE core of HDL