EKG Basics Flashcards
What are the steps to review EKG?
Rate- double check dashes for 6 vs 10s strip Rhythm Sinus Pwave B4 QRS Intervals-PR, QRS, QT Ischemia+Infart Hypertrophy Axis Confirm looking at LII strip Confirm waves with other leads
What is cardiac conduction system pathway and sinus rate at each pathway?
SA node-60-100 Atrial Syncytium- 60-80(APs, along the surface of the muscle fiber Atrial Junctional fibers- 40-60 AV node-40-60 Bundle of His L+R Branches Purkinje Fibers Ventricular Syncytium 20-40- Endo 1st, External 2nd
Describe what it means if HR is 50bpm, and not an athlete?
Signal is coming mainly from AV node. NOT SA.
Athletes HR adapts usual now 50-60 avg.
IF one part not firing, another will back up, BUT HR will be less.
Delay is 0.12s due to time needed to fill ventricle before atria and ventricle contract? What node is this?
Atrioventricular junction/ AV node
This is the primary pacemaker node of heart d/t its automaticity?
Sinoatrial node
Sinus node
Normal 60-100, starts here
How do you set up the leads on the body to get a transverse plan EKG of heart?
Precordial leads Remove all 'noise'- hair, wire bra, sweat, dried leads V1- R 4th ICS -nipple level V2- L across from V1 V3- Lbtwn V2 and V4 V4- L 5th ICS midclavic- below nipple V5- L 5th ICS btwn V4 and V6, ant axillary V6- L 5th ICS ANt midaxillary IC
How do you set up the leads on the body to get a FRONTAL plane EKG of heart?
Limb leads AVR- R limb or clavicle AVL- L limb or clavicle AVF- Hip or ankle I= volts from AVR and AVL II= volts from AVL and AVF III= volts from AVF and AVR
Why is the axis of heart important?
Axis determine direction of depolarization. AVL -30deg I 0deg II +60 AVF +90 III +120 AVR -150 Primarily LIMB leads I, AVF are used to determine AXIS
Describe steps for AXIS
- Find biphasic- means electricity is + and - deflection at that lead
- Find Lead 90 to biphasic lead= IF that lead is + or - that is AXIS direction
- Confirm with Lead I + AVF
- If no biphasic- Find I+ AVF deflection
Tips- which deflection is more + or -
Tips- confirm with II, since that lead is NORMAL axis of 60deg
Describe the PQRSTU intervals and segments of each in relation to heart pump and heart electricity?
P- wave= atrial depolarization + contraction
Q- interventricular septum depolar
R- ventricular depolar
S- ventricular small fibers
T- ventricuclar +atrial repolarization+ relaxes
U- RARE, if see a wave, likely p-wave. U is repolar of Purkinje fibers
Describe the height and width of box in a strip.
Width of 1 small box= 0.04s, big box 0.20s
Ht- 1 sm bx= 1mm, .1mV
Describe what each interval and segment represent and Normal time of each.
PR segment- time from atria to ventric contraction
2-3 bx. P to QRS (sometime Q missing-normal)
PR interval- wave and time to QRS 3-5 boxes- N.0.12-0.20sec. BEg P- Beg QRS- time from atria to AV junction
QRS interval- ht in volts, narrow is normal. .08-.12, 2-3 bx., time to spread in ventricle. IF less, benign. Narrow or Wide
QT interval- wave and time beg Q to end of T, 8-9bx- Ventric Depolar and Repolar
ST segment- line, end of S to BEG. of T, time to repoloarize, relax
ST interval- time to S to END of T
These are the cause of what Axis deviation; Normal in children RV enlarge Lateral MI L tension pneumothorax PE L post hemiblock COPD
Right AXIS
These are the cause of what Axis deviation; Normal d/t diaphragm elevation LV enlarge Inferior MI R tension pneumothorax Ventricular pacemaker L ANT. hemiblock
How do you determine AXIS w/ two thumbs up method?
LEAD I +, AVF - = LAD axis
LEAD I - , AVF - = Indeterminate
If there is 4 lines btwn the R-R peak waves and rhythm is regular, then What is the bpm?
Box method- 75 300- 1 bx 150- 2 bx 100- 3 bx 75- 4 bx 60- 5bx 50- 6bx Steps: 1. start w/ R on a line 2. count thick black line 3. use box number ONLY for REGULAR rhtymn
<60bpm and >100bpm is defined as
Sinus bradycardia- w/ P wave
Sinus tachycardia- w/ P wave, confirm with other lead
What if the rate is slow or irregular (unevenly spaced) beat, how do you calculate rate?
Be mindful of 6sec or 10sec strip
Count R intervals
IF 6 sec strip R # x 10
IF 10 sec strip R# x 6= MC, look for dashes
What is required for normal sinus rhythm?
P wave b4 every QRS, same morphology + size
Means impulse originates at SA- 60-100
P wave always upright in Lead I, II
INVerted in AVR
What is evenly spaced R-R intervals?
Any IRRegular rhythm is AFIB until proven otherwise*
During inspiration and expiration what should be seen?
Sinus arrhythmia
R-R shorter in inspire- less ventric expansion to fill, INC HR to match output squeezed by lung
R-R longer in expire- lung deflate, heart has space/time to fill, slower HR
What is progressive lengthen of PR interval and then 1 drop in QRS?
AV 2nd degree block
delay from SA or Block of SA node
no p wave, may mean after QRS, not a U wave
Pt is dizzy, SOB, feeling heart beat? What my be seen on EKG?
2nd degree block
PR interval same length
But 2 missing QRS