Effects Of Institutionalistaion Flashcards
Strength: higher control over extraneous variables
In previous orphan studies the children had often experienced trauma, neglect or abuse before being institutionalised, difficult to tell if any long term effects were due to the neglect and abuse or institutional care, in RUTTERS research majority of orphans were handed over by loving parents who couldn’t afford to keep them, possible to study effects of institutionalisation without confounding variables, increases internal Val
Weakness: different confounding variables
Quality of care in institutions was very poor, children received very little intellectual stimulation or comfort, harmful effects seen in studies of Romanian orphans may be due to the effect of poor care rather than institutional care on its own
Strength: RTS by ZENNAH ET AL
Zeanah compared attachment types of 9-5 Romanian orphans and a control group of Romanians who had never been in an institution using the strange situation, found that 44% of Romanian orphans showed signs of disinhibited attachment, 20% of control group, increases internal Val of RUTTERS