Bowlbys Monotropic Theory Flashcards
Strength: RTS by LORENZ
Lorenz found a critical period of 12-17 hours, if imprinting did not take place in this period it wouldn’t happen later, supports Bowlby’s concept of a critical period, infants must attach within the first 2.5 years, otherwise it is difficult to form attachments later, strengthens Bowlby’s theory
Created the love quiz, found that securely attached children had happy and long lasting relationships later in life, insecurely attached children found it hard to form relationships and many were divorced, supports internal working model as early infant attachments provide a template for further relationships
Weakness: not only explanation
Alternative explanation is the learning theory, proposes that we learn to attach to a feeder via stimulus, response and association, rather than attachment being innate as it gives us a survival advantage, lacks validity as not a full explanation