effects of anxiety on EWT Flashcards
Does anxiety enhance or hinder EWT?
What was the procedure of Loftus and Burns (1982)’s study?
-participants were shown a violent version of a crime where a boy is shot in the face.
What study included participants being shown a violent crime where a boy is shot in the face?
Loftus and Burns (1982)
What were the findings of Loftus and Burns (1982) study?
-Participants had significantly impaired recall for events leading up to the violent incident, suggesting that anxiety has a negative effect of EWT
What was the procedure of Christianson and Hubinette (1993)’s study?
-58 victims of a real bank robbery were questioned
What study involved the questioning of the 58 victims of a real bank robbery ?
Christiansen and Hubbinette (1993)
What the findings of Christianson and Hubbinette (1993)
Those that had been threatened were more accurate in their recall compared to those that were just onlookers.
This continued to be true 15 months later
This suggests that anxiety has a positive effect on EWT
What was the procedure of the Johnson and Scott (1976)’s study?
-participants in a lab setting overheard/witnessed an argument in another room
-there were two conditions:
-greasy pen- participants watched someone walk out the room after the argument with a greasy pen
-bloody knife- someone walked out the room after the argument with a bloody knife
-participants were then given a photo recognition task where they were given fifty photos and had to identify the correct man.
What study investigated weapon focus effect?
Johnson and Scott’s greasy pen/bloody knife experiment
What were the findings of Johnson and Scott’s (1976) study?
-the greasy pen condition showed 49% accuracy
-the bloody knife condition showed 33% accuracy
-this suggests that anxiety has a negative effect on EWT
What is the ‘weapon focus effect’?
-the anxiety of seeing a weapon focuses all the attention on to it and away from other aspects causing less EWT accuracy
What was the procedure of Yuille and Cutshall’s (1986) study?
-Witnesses to a real life shooting were interviewed 4-5 months later and their accounts were compared to their original ones
What study involved comparing the accounts of witnesses to a real-life shooting to their new ones 4-5 months later?
Yuille and Cutshall 1986
What were the findings of Yuille and Cutshall (1986)’s study?
-Higher stress- 88% accuracy
-Lower stress- 75% accuracy
-Suggests that anxiety has a positive effect on recall
What did Yerkes and Dodson propose?
Yerkes-Dodson Law- suggested that the relationship between emotional arousal and performance can be portrayed as an inverted U shape.
-Emotional arousal is anxiety and performance is recall of the event
-For recall, moderate anxiety is optimum. anxiety will positively impact EWT to a point but too much will negatively impact it
What does fight or flight have to do with our anxiety and EWT?
-Witnessing a stressful event, causes anxiety, triggering our fight or flight response.
-This increases alertness improving memory for the event as we become more aware of queues in the situation.
What is the strength of the effects of anxiety on EWT explanation?
-research support uses evidence from real crimes
What are the limitations of anxiety on EWT explanation?
-validity of research support
-issues with real world research
-weapon focus may be caused by surprise rather than anxiety
Explain the strength of anxiety effects on EWT that research support uses evidence from real crimes?
-Hübinette (1993) interviewed 58 witnesses to real bank robberies in Sweden.
-Some witnesses were directly involved and others were indirectly involved.
-The researchers assumed that those directly involved would experience the most anxiety.
-It was found that recall was more than 75% accurate across all witnesses.
-The direct victims (most anxious) were even more accurate.
-These findings from actual crimes confirm that anxiety does not reduce the accuracy of recall for eyewitnesses and may even enhance it.
Explain the limitation of anxiety effects on EWT that weapon focus may be caused by surprise rather than anxiety?
-Pickel (1998) conducted an experiment using scissors, a handgun, a wallet or raw chicken as the handheld items in a hairdressing salon video.
-It would be assumed that the scissors would create high anxiety and low unusualness.
-They found that EWT accuracy was poorer in the high unusualness conditions- raw chicken and handgun.
-This suggests that the weapon focus effect is due to unusualness, rather than anxiety/ threat therefore tells us nothing specifically about the effects of anxiety on EWT
-this discredits Johnson and Scott (1976)’s study.
Explain the limitation of anxiety effects on EWT that there are issues with real world research?
-Researchers usually interview real-life eyewitnesses sometime after the event.
-In this time many things could have occurred that the researcher has no control over such as coming into contact with misleading information or post event discussion.
-This is a limitation because it is possible that these extraneous variables may be responsible for recall accuracy.
Explain the limitation of anxiety effects on EWT: poor validity of research support?
-Johnson and Scott’s weapon focus research is limited because ‘mock’ crimes were used which means the research lacks realism, and can be therefore said to have low ecological validity.
-This means that we should be careful generalizing findings from such studies as people may not respond in the same way when witnessing a real violent crime involving a weapon.