effects of alcohol on the body Flashcards
What are the common signs found on general examination in chronic alcohol abusers?
- Palmar erythema
- Dupuytren’s contracture
- Caput medusae
- spider naevi
What condition common to alcoholic patients is palmar erythema associated with?
liver cirrhosis
Dupuytren’s contracture is caused by fibrosis of the _____ _____ of the fingers
flexor tendons
Caput medusae arise due to ____ _____
portal hypertension
What is subdural haematoma?
bleeding in the subdural space of the brain common in alcohilics
Ataxia (an abnormally shaky gait) and abnormal eye movements are characteristic of _______ ___________
Wernicke’s syndrome
Loss of memory, often coupled with attempts to mask it (confabulation), is known as _____ _______
Korsakoff’s syndrome
What is the main site of infection in aspiration pneumonia?
right lower lobe
What effects does chronic alcohol abuse have on the heart? How is it brought on?
dilated cardimyopathy
-alcohol is a negative inotrope - it reduces contractility. This is compensated by increase heart rate
How does alcohol ingestion affect fat metabolism in the liver?
- increased peripheral free fatty acid is delivered to the liver
- NAD is converted by alcohol to NADH, which stimulates lipid synthesis
- mitochondrial oxidation of free fatty acids is reduced by alcohol
- transport of fat out of hepatocytes is reduced (due to impaired intracellular tubulin)
What is the presentation of acute alcoholic steatohepatitis?
- fever
- liver tenderness
- jaundice
What is the histopathology of alcoholic steatohepatitis?
- acute inflammatory cell infiltration
- cellular steatosis
- hepatocyte ballooning
- Mallory’s hyaline (pink inclusion in cytoplasm)
What is Boerhaave syndrome?
Oesophageal rupture resulting from protracted vomiting
The tearing of the eosophageal muocsa is known as…
Mallory-Weiss tear
What is Barret’s oesophagus?
change of the normal squamous epithelium to the columnar lined mucosa in response to repeat insult from gastric contents