Effects of 9-11 Flashcards
Negitive economic effects (4):
- Stock market droped
- Tourisum/hotels
- Airlines
- Insurance
Stcok market dropped
No one was travilling. Everyone was staying home, scared of another attack.
No one was buy plane tickets, everyone was tarified to fly. MOthns after the attack, ariports were deserted.
People in the Twin Towers had life insureance, the planes were insured, so were the bulidings. The insurance companies almost went broke and had to increase prices.
Possitive economic effects:
- Security compaines
- Defense industries
* Making products for military
Secruity Companies
These were compaines thta sold producs/services such as secruity camras, serccruity gards, ect.
Defense industries
U.S wqas planning to go to war, so they saw a drastic increase in suplies for the miltary such as tents, cantenns, wepons, ect.
Emotaional effects 7
- Shock
- Fear
- Confusion
- Painc
- Sadness
- Anger
- Patriotism
What were the secruity effects of 9/11 (6)?
- The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was created after 9-11 to prevent further attacts
- FBI-more spying
- Immigration powers
- Aiarport secruity thighter
- Aressted susspects
- Whent to war
It is highly unusal for a new department to be created. Their sole job is to protect American citizens aganist terroist attcaks.
Were granted federal permission to tap the phones of susspected terrorist.
Immigration officals were granted more powers, making secruity tighter.
Arressted suspecs
In the day following the attacks, more than a thousand people were arrssed, many of the U.S citizens with middle Eatern Haritige.
U.S goes to war in Afganastan.