EFC / DT Flashcards
Mount escape
Elbow escape to half-guard
Half-Guard escape
Wrestle up
Side Control Escape
Wrestle up
(Bottom) Guard
Kick off/away to Technical stand up
- Butterfly (open)
- Tripod (open)
- Scissor (closed)
- Hip bump (closed)
Side Control escapes
Wrestle up
Top Guard - Suspect has open guard
Stand and:
- Pass to KOT
- Pass to leg/knee staple position
- Disengage
(3 options)
Top Guard - Suspect closes guard
Strike until guard opens, then disengage
Cooperative Handcuffing - Main points
Kneeling - main point
Prone - main difference
- Turn around
- Feet together
- Hands behind back, knuckles together
- Grab top two fingers (or all fingers if your hands big enough)
- Cross your feet at ankles (left foot over right)
- Hands behind back (then back mount + double shelf)
KOT (stomach)
Standard hand positioning?
2-on-1 suspect’s near arm tricep, push his near arm over his face
KOT (stomach)
If suspect hides near side arm (so can’t 2-on-1 it)
What to do?
Head pressure with my LH (or both hands) until he reaches for my LH with his near arm
- Now his near arm is available so I can go 2-On-1 his (near) tricep
- Now push his near arm over/across his face (standard position)
KOT (stomach)
Suspect becomes cooperative
What to do next?
- Roll him over by pushing 2-On-1 his near side (R) arm + knee drive
- Once to KOT (back), my LH to his head, give commands
KOT (stomach)
Suspect reaches towards me with his far hand/arm
What to do?
- My RH pins his L wrist, my LH pins his head, sprawl out
- Circle around, now his L tricep is exposed (since he is on his R side), go 2-on-1 on it
- Continue to roll him over via knee dive with my L knee (like cooperative roll)
KOT (stomach)
Suspect starts to roll TOWARDS me
- My RH pins his L wrist, my LH pins his head, sprawl out
- Circle around, now his L tricep is exposed (since he is on his R side), go 2-on-1 on it
- Continue to roll him over via knee dive with my L knee (like cooperative roll)
KOT (stomach)
Suspect starts to roll AWAY from me
- Just roll him over like cooperative roll
KOT (stomach)
Suspect Un-Cooperative
What to do next?
(Note: Don’t be in a rush to roll if he’s uncooperative. Ideally use pressure for 90-100 seconds to gain compliance if possible).
- Two-On-One near side arm+ push across his face
- Gift wrap that arm with my LH (EFC calls arm wrap)
- My RH grabs pants at knee or whizzers
- Knee drive (in the upper portion of his back)
- Ends in KOT (back), both my hands on his head
Note: His far arm can’t really stop the roll, if he posts it out
Alternate position to KOT (suspect on stomach)
Leg Drag pin
Leg Drag Pin
If suspect does pushup
If suspect rolls away
Arm extract
Go to low mount
KOT (back)
Standard hand position - Cooperative
Standard hand position - Uncooperative
My LH on his head, my R hand on his R tricep (ready to catch)
Both hands to head if uncooperative
KOT (back)
From standard KOT (back) position (my LH on his head, my RH on R tricep):
- Give commands for him to put his arms behind his back (be ready to catch his R wrist, as they usually give R arm first)
KOT (back)
Suspect hiding hands
Lateral Head Displace
-Start @ LH on Sus head, RH on Sus R tricep (standard KOT-back position)
- Use L wrist/forearm to drive head away/UP + momentary step up with my L foot
- My RH grabs their far wrist/hand
- Put head back DOWN
- Turn their hand to flare elbow, then SHELF
- Then extract opposite arm (if resists, see back mount arm mount)
Back mount arm extract (advanced)
- Back of my L elbow to R side of sus face, laterally displace it to the left. Should cause sus R elbow to be exposed
- Grab his right wrist with my R hand
- Put his head back down with my LH
- Turn their flare to flare elbow, bring behind, shelf HIGH and put my chest down on his R arm
- Now use R elbow to displace (to the right), same procedure but with LH
(only used if skilled enough to get hooks in. Typically don’t go to high back mount until at least one armed shelved)
KOT (back)
Suspect starts doing pushup
Arm extract
KOT (back)
Suspect starts to build house
Staple + Ankle Pick
- Staple his near calf with my RK
- Grabs his ankle with my RH
- Chop his near arm with my LH
- Return to KOT (back) still holding his R ankle with my RH, my LH goes to head pressure
Alternate position to KOT (back)
Low Mount
What is the ideal take down for a solo Officer?
Body Lock takedowns
(best/easiest variation = Rear Body Lock Takedown)
Rear Body Lock takedown - how to do?
- Ear to his back
- Gable grip on opposite hip (or ideally double grabbing sus far arm)
- Crimp IN, step back with my RF
- Once he’s on ground, push his near side arm away and go to KOT (back)
Note: Can also drive suspect forward or sideways, causing him to base / push back
Takedown used when gained underhook
Duck under to Rear Body Lock
Takedown procedure when you’ve grabbed Suspect’s L arm with your R hand
Arm drag to Rear Body Lock
Takedown procedure when you’ve grabbed Suspect’s L arm with your L hand
2-on-1 to Rear Body Lock
Takedown(s) used if suspect punching
Bodylock from (direct) front
- Crash to bicep control
- Wrap arms behind suspect; Gable grip at small of suspect’s back
- Push my ear (either) to chest while crimp’ing, causing Suspect to go backwards
- Go to KOT
If get underhook (Inside Head Control position) after crash:
- No whizzer: Duck Under to Rear Body Lock
- Whizzer: Side body lock (my head inside with ear to chest, my gable grip on opposite hip, crimp inwards with my gable grip + tilt suspect backwards with my head)
If an Officer does a 2-on-1 takedown SOLO, what are the goals?
- Get suspect’s far arm to ground
- Leg Staple + Ankle Pick to KOT (back)
Multiple Officer Takedown - High Officer job
2-on-1 suspect’s near arm, drive suspect face down
(note, if suspect pulls him arms in = Wrist weave)
Multiple Officer Takedown - Low Officer job
- Gable grip above suspect’s knees, Officer’s head behind Suspect’s legs (R trap to near lag)
- Crimp inwards (bring my elbows to ribcage)
Multiple Officer Takedown - If suspect bases
- Low Officer gets behind
- Grabs Sus above ankles
- Pushes Sus forward (Ofc R shoulder to Sus butt)
Multiple Officer Post- Takedown Duties
High - KOT (back) standard position, arm extracts
Low - Bear hug heavy or go to Figure-4
3rd - Head control
Figure-Four Leg Control
From bear hug, assuming I have been bear hugging with my L trap down
- My far (R arm) backstrokes swims up/out, goes under near leg, then over far leg, grabs far shin (from the outside)
- My RH lifts that shin (causing the other foot to come up too) then
- Post my R foot on the far side (on sole of foot) so his R shoelace on my R quad
- Press his L foot down in his R knee pit
- I place my R shin on top of the outside of his L foot (my RF live toes)
- Now can push his R foot over/down to the left
Officer’s Weapon Out - Retention
Main concept / acronym?
(then move, tap/rack)
Officer’s Weapon Out - Retention
Suspect tries to take with R hand
(Core, Uppercut, Twist, Twist. Then move tap/rack)
Officer’s Weapon Out - Retention
Suspect tries to take with both hands
(Core, Uppercut, Twist, Twist. Then move tap/rack)
Officer’s Weapon Out - Retention
Suspect tries to take with L hands
(Core, Uppercut, Twist, Twist. Then move tap/rack)
Officer Weapon Retention - HOLSTERED
Main concept / acronym?
Human Retention
Angle (turn)
Take hand off weapon (peel)
[then distance, draw, commands]
Officer Weapon Retention, Holstered, Standing
Front: Cross grab (most common)
Human Retention, Angle/turn, Take hand off weapon (peel). Then distance, draw, commands
Officer Weapon Retention, Holstered, Standing
Front: Two-hand grab
Human Retention, Angle/turn, Take hand off weapon (peel). Then distance, draw, commands
Officer Weapon Retention, Holstered, Standing
Front: Same side grab
Arm drag (peel to arm drag to rear body lock or disengage)
Human Retention, Angle/turn, Take hand off weapon (peel). Then distance, draw, commands
Officer Weapon Retention, Holstered, Standing
Rear: With RH (most common)
Human Retention, Angle/turn, Take hand off weapon (peel). Then distance, draw, commands
Officer Weapon Retention, Holstered, Standing
Rear: With Two-hands
Human Retention, Angle/turn, Take hand off weapon (peel). Then distance, draw, commands
Officer Weapon Retention, Holstered, Standing
Rear: With L hand
Arm drag (peel to arm drag to rear body lock or disengage)
Officer Weapon Retention, Holstered, from KOT
Far arm grab
- RH HR, LH pushing near arm across face
- L knee to his face, step back with R foot, peel his hand off (with both hands)
- Disengage or 2-on-1 near arm tricep (which should be exposed via your angle) then return to KOT
Officer Weapon Retention, Holstered, from KOT
Near arm grab
(Less likely because you will be trying to control near arm for KOT, but essentially same as far arm)
- RH HR, LK to face
- Step back with RF, peel off w/ both my hands
- Return to KOT (2-on-1 near tricep)
Officer Weapon Retention, Holstered, from bottom guard
Same side grab
- LH wedges/frames, RH HR
- BRIDGE onto RIGHT HIP then GRIND, with your LF on Sus hip to stretch him out
- Open guard + square up, feet to Sus hips, kick him back, technical stand up
Alternate: Open guard, push/wedge, technical stand up
Officer Weapon Retention, Holstered, from bottom guard
Cross grab
- LH wedges/frames, RH HR
- BRIDGE onto RIGHT HIP then GRIND, with your LF on Sus hip to stretch him out
- Open guard + square up, feet to Sus hips, kick him back, technical stand up
Alternate: Open guard, push/wedge, technical stand up
Officer Weapon Retention, Holstered, from bottom guard
Two hand grab
- LH wedges/frames, RH HR
- BRIDGE onto RIGHT HIP then GRIND, with your LF on Sus hip to stretch him out
- Open guard + square up, feet to Sus hips, kick him back, technical stand up
Alternate: Open guard, push/wedge, technical stand up
Suspect w/ Firearm Out
Standing - Gun Still Low - Recommended
EFC does NOT recommend doing gun-takeaways (disarming Suspect), it’s better to control/pin their gun and get to a position where you can use your own
- If still low, immediately grab at barrel with L hand and pin, get to their L side
- RH comes around back for TD, keeping gun pinned
- Draw own weapon (best time to Present weapon is when suspect is on ground)
Suspect w/ Firearm Out
Standing - Gun Still Low - Disarm
- Grab barrel with LH and PIN to suspect
- RH grabs grip
- Rip grip towards me to disarm
Suspect w/ Firearm Out
Standing - Gun UP - Disarm
- Two hand grab at barrel (stepped to my R side)
- Bend barrel up then rip/pull down
Suspect w/ Firearm Out
Suspect on ground
- Pin with two hands
- Keep pinned with L hand, draw my own gun with my RH
(don’t need to disarm if I have my own gun)
Suspect w/ Knife Out
Main concept / acronymn?
Control Weapon Arm (then beat elbow, to 2-On-1)
Angle (Disengage from 2-On-1 + turn hips, lateral movement - not backwards)
Transition (to my gun, put rounds on target while creating space)
Suspect w/ Knife Out
Sewing Machine
Control Weapon Arm (then beat elbow, to 2-On-1)
Angle (Disengage from 2-On-1 + turn hips, lateral movement - not backwards)
Transition (to my gun, put rounds on target while creating space)
[most common]
Suspect w/ Knife Out
Ice Pick
Control Weapon Arm (then beat elbow, to 2-On-1)
Angle (Disengage from 2-On-1 + turn hips, lateral movement - not backwards)
Transition (to my gun, put rounds on target while creating space)
Suspect Attempting to Access Weapon
Control (nearside arm)
Suspect Attempting to Access Weapon
Suspect standing
If gripped:
Option 1
- Pin to inside head control to (inside) trapped arm body lock
- Inside Body Lock takedown (ear to chest, tilt him backwards with head)
Option 2
- Pin to inside head control to (inside) trapped arm body lock
- My RH stays on his wrist, my LH draws my defensive blade
If not gripped and I catch his RH first:
- Go to Inside Head Position with Wrist Tie
- Duck under, keep his LH grapped, go all the way around to his R side
- Present my weapon
Suspect Attempting to Access Weapon
From KOT - Suspect on back, reaching with his RH
- Staple his RH 45
- Pin his far (left) arm at wrist with my LH
- Present
Suspect Attempting to Access Weapon
From KOT - Suspect on back, reaching with his LH
- Pin his LH 45 with my RH, my LH stays on R tricep
- Change KOT sides (while keeping 45 pinned)
- Now staple his LH 45 with my L knee
- Control his far (R) arm at wrist with my LH
- Present
(not shown in video because unlikely)