DUI Flashcards
Generally speaking, if a driver arrested for driving under the influence becomes UNCONCIOUS, the officer (will / will not) have an exigency allowing a warrantless blood draw.
Mitchell v Wisconsin 2019
You arrest a suspect for DUI. They admitted they are high and drunk, and you see indicators of both intoxicants. You also found beer and marijuana in the center console. Do you do a breath or blood test?
Blood (if you think a combination)
47 OS 67-751
Policy 504.5.5
What BAC is aggravated DUI?
Is that a felony?
0.15 or higher
Not necessarily. Usually a misdemeanor for a first offense but it really just depends on how he is convicted/sentenced
47 OS 11-902.D
A man gets convicted of a DUI. In the following ten years, if he gets a second DUI, would it be a felony?
Yes, any DUI(s) within ten years of the first one would be felonies
47 OS 11-902.C.2
DUI arrests - Blood, Breath, and Refusals
In which instance do you seize the offender’s driver’s license?
In which instance do you provide the arrestee a copy of the IDAP form?
- You don’t ever seize their DL anymore (as of November 2021)
- You don’t do IDAP paperwork anymore (DUI violators arrested after November 2022 will be automatically enrolled in IDAP)
According to STATE LAW 47 OS 10-104.B, a driver who causes an accident resulting in death or GBI SHALL submit to drug and alcohol testing if there is probable cause to believe the driver ____
a, committed a citable traffic offense
b. did not have a driver’s license at the time of the accident
c. had improper equipment on their vehicle that mechanically failed
a. citable traffic offense (47 OS 10-104.B)
Note: If there is also PC they were DUI, they still have to be read implied consent, asked for consent for the blood draw, and if they refuse the blood draw, the Officer must get a warrant (State (OK) v Burtum 2023)
You have PC that an intoxicated driver committed a citable traffic offense then caused a SBI/death accident. You read them implied consent and they refuse the blood draw.
Do you need to get a warrant, or can you take their blood anyway pursuant to 47 OS 10-104.B (because they committed the citable traffic offense)?
Need warrant
State v Bartum 2023
- You respond to the call of vehicle with a flat tire. The driver is standing outside the vehicle when you arrive. No one saw him driving, and the vehicle is now inoperable/immobile. Can you arrest for DUI/APC?
- What if you notice a tire mark on the curb where the vehicle hit, which caused the flat tire. Could you arrest for DUI then?
- No
- Yes, because you have PC they were driving while intoxicated AND their vehicle was involved in an ACCIDENT
Policy 100.3.1
According to MPD policy, when can a blood sample be taken WITHOUT CONSENT?
(For this question, assume suspect has NOT indicated they will physically resist)
A. When a search warrant has been obtained
B. Exigent circumstances exist and the Officer has PC to believe the person arrested for DUI operated a motor vehicle in such a manner to cause the death/SBI to another person AND the person indicates they will NOT physically resist
C. A or B
C (A or B)
504.6.1a and 504.6.1b
47 OS 753
According to MPD policy, a forced* blood sample can be taken only when
A. A search warrant has been obtained
B. When the Officer has PC to believe the person arrested for DUI operated a motor vehicle in such a manner as to have caused the death/SBI to another person
C. Both (A and B)
*Forced = without consent + Suspect indicating they will PHYSICALLY RESIST
C. Both (A and B)
43 OS 753
Walk and turn clues
Can’t keep balance
Start too soon
Improper turn
Wrong number steps
Arms to balance
Steps off line
Misses heel toe
Stops walking
Name some alcohol indicators
Odor of alcohol
Droopy eyes
Bloodshot eyes
Slow, sluggish reactions
Slurred speech
Heroin, morphine, codeine, fentanyl, hydrocodone, oxycodone (opiates)
Constricted pupils
Depressed reflexes
Droopy eyelids
Puncture marks
Slow, low speech
Slowed breathing
Flaccid muscle tone
Cannabis indicators
Redness of eyes
Odor of MJ
Impaired perception of time/distance
Relaxed inhibitions
How many validated clues available?
How many clues needed to indicate intoxication?
How many validated clues available?
How many clues needed to indicate intoxication?
How many validated clues available?
How many clues needed to indicate intoxication?
CNS Depressants
Benzos (Xanax, Valium, Klonopin)
Sedatives (Ambien)
Droopy eyelids
Drunk-like behavior
Slow, sluggish reactions
Thick, slurred speech
Gait ataxia (staggering walking)
The breath test sequence must be completed within __
hours of the arrest time
(or the machine will display an error displaying the time entered is outside the arrest window)
Oklahoma Intoxilyzer 8000 Manual
Intoxilyzer machine is asking “Deprivation Y/N”
What should you answer?
Always answer yes so the machine does the 16 minute deprivation timer
What is the intoxilyzer password?
What is your intoxilyzer PIN?
Your SSN’s last four
How do you restart the deprivation period on the Intoxilyzer?
Hit F4
Towards the end of the testing process, the Intoxilyzer will ask “Review Data Y/N”.
What should you do?
Type ‘N’
(assuming you know you typed everything correctly the first time and don’t need/want to review your entries)
Then the machine will begin to print the Officer’s Impaired Driving Affidavit
How many Liters of air needed for a breath sample?
The subject has a ___ minute window to provide a breath sample.
If during that window, the subject is purposely not blowing hard enough, the operator can press the __ key, and the machine will document the refusal
If that window expires, and the subject had purposefully not provided a sufficient sample (either on the first or second breath), the machine will display “Deficient Sample”, go into ready mode, and print and “Deficient Sample” message. The operator then can ____
complete a refusal affidavit (articulating how the subject would not comply with the directions)
Will the machine let you leave the ‘Citation Number’ blank?
Yes (you can hand write in the citation number once you have it)
What information do you need to completely enter all data into the intoxilyzer?
(best to have prior to putting your phone into Airplane mode)
Subject’s driver’s license info
Vehicle info
10-15 time
(note: machine will ask for citation number but it can be left blank and hand-written later)
Intoxilyzer - Officer’s Affidavit
County #
City #
CNS Stimulants indicators (ie METH)
Dilated Pupils
Eyelid / body tremors
Walk and Turn
Place (left/right) foot on the line
Put your (left/right) heel against your (left/right) toe
Right, Left
What are the three batteries of SFST tests?
Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus
Walk and Turn
One Leg Stand
Clues for HGN test
Lack of Smooth Pursuit
Distinct and Sustained Nystagmus at maximum deviation
Onset of Nystagmus prior to 45 degrees
Can you APC someone in back seat?
No, must be in front seat only (per D21)
Due to metabolism, the average person’s BAC drops by about _____ per hour
For the average male, a BAC of 0.015 is the equivalent of ___ a standard drink
For the average female, a BAC of 0.015 is the equivalent of ___ a standard drink
Person under 21 cannot have BAC of ___ or greater
Three phases of DUI Detection
- Vehicle in motion
- Personal contact
- Pre-arrest screening
PBTs should be used (before/after) SFSTs
Accuracy percentages of 0.08 BAC
1998 San Diego study
What are you looking for during SFSTs?
Validated clues
What do validated clues indicate?
If you observe validated clues at or above the threshold for the given test (4/6, 2/8, or 2/4), indicates BAC above 0.08
Onset of Nystagmus Prior to 45 Degrees
What is the ‘clue’ you are looking for?
Locate the point at which the eyes begin jerking and see if it began prior to a 45 degree angle
While checking for Onset of Nystagmus Prior to 45 Degrees:
If you see jerking of the eye, you should ___
stop stimulus/pen and see if jerking continues
Onset of Nystagmus Prior to 45 Degrees
Should some white still be visible in the corner of the eye?
While checking for Onset of Nystagmus Prior to 45 Degrees, you saw jerking of the eye so you stopped.
Once you stopped, the jerking stopped. Does that mean you had observed Nystagmus prior to 45 degrees?
If the jerking is not evident with the stimulus held steady, you have not located the point of onset.
Onset of Nystagmus Prior to 45 Degrees
When you locate the point of onset of nystagmus, ___ moving the stimulus and determine whether it is ___
prior to approximately 45 degrees.
Onset of Nystagmus Prior to 45 Degrees
You had not observed nystagmus prior to 45 degrees during the four second movement over the eye. What do?
Stop and hold pen at 45 degrees to verify nystagmus is not present
“If nystagmus is not observed prior to approximately 45 degrees, stop and hold the stimulus at an approximate 45-degree angle to verify the nystagmus is not present”
If you observe an Onset of Nystagmus very early, such as around a 10 degree angle, what could that indicate?
A very high BAC
From NHSTA DRE Manual, 2023 (Angle of Onset Nystagmus section)
During the Walk and Turn test, the subject falls or almost falls.
What do? Continue?
No - stop
NHSTA SFST manual, 2023
While checking for Onset of Nystagmus Prior to 45 Degrees, it should take approximately __ seconds or more from the center of nose across subject’s face to the 45 degree angle
Onset of Nystagmus Prior to 45 Degrees
What can you do to make it easier to see when the subject’s eye first begins to jerk?
Move the stimulus “at a slower speed”
A private DRIVEWAY which extends from a highway to a single-family residence (is / is not) contained within areas in which someone can be charged with driving under the influence
State v Silas 2020 OK CR10, Travis White email, D21 PDR, 47 OS 11-902
Is it an offense for a person under 21 to possess an alcoholic beverage in public?
3-109 (Minors in Possession of Intoxicating Beverages in Public Prohibited)
Ask before giving HGN instructions
Are you on any medications?
Do you have any medical issues?
Do you have any physical disabilities?
Before the HGN test, If they are wearing glasses, do what?
What if wearing a hat?
Have them remove
Same, remove
If performing the HGN test at night, ensure what?
Subject needs to be facing away from flashing lights
NHSTA SFST Manual, 2023
HGN Test
Should a subject be standing, sitting, or either?
(may need them to sit if subject very tall)
NHSTA SFST manual, 2023
If the subject is wearing contacts, do they need to be removed?
If the subject is wearing contacts, does the HGN procedure change?
No (DRE Manual)
No (just note some colored contacts may affect the Officer’s ability to compare pupil sizes per the NHSTA SFST Manual)
HGN verbal instructions
- Put feet together, hands at the side
- Keep head still
- Look at the stimulus
- Follow movement of the stimulus with the eyes only
- Keep looking at the stimulus until told the test is over
NHSTA Manual 2024, page 238
Do you hold your pen up while giving the HGN verbal instructions?
No (you position the stimulus after giving the verbal instructions)
After giving the HGN verbal instructions, do what?
- Hold up and position stimulus
- Check for equal pupil size
- Check for resting nystagmus
- Check for equal tracking
(pre-test checks)
Which hand do you use to hold the stimulus?
Can be either (book shows HGN demonstrations with both left and right hands)
NHSTA SFST Manual 2023
What is the correct initial positioning for the pen when you are about to begin the HGN pre-test checks
12-15” in front of the nose
Slightly above eye level
When the HGN test is administered, always begin with the subjects ___ eye.
(So this means go ___ with the pen/stimulus)
During (the three main) HGN tests, always check the eyes
A. One time
B. Two times
B (two times, minimum)
During HGN tests, can you check each eye more than twice?
Yes (have to check each eye AT LEAST twice)
NHTSA SFST Manual, 2023 edition
Equal pupil size, Resting Nystagmus, Equal tracking
What is this segment of the HGN battery called?
Pre-Test Checks
If, during the HGN pre-test checks, you observe one of the below abnormal findings, should you continue the HGN test?
Unequal pupil size
Resting nystagmus
Unequal tracking
NHTSA SFST Manual, 2023 edition
If a subject says they are blind in one eye or they have an artificial eye, yet their eyes equally track, you should (continue/discontinue) the test
(but make note of the abnormality)
Equal Tracking
Check with eye first?
So move pen which direction first?
When doing equal tracking:
__ seconds out, ___ seconds back
Do you stop/pause in the center?
Equal tracking
How many times must you go over each eye?
(but can be done more than once per NHSTA manual 2023)
During equal tracking, what are you looking for?
To see if both of the subject’s eyes can follow an object (track) together
Should there be a distinct break between the Equal Tracking pre-test check and before beginning Lack of Smooth Pursuit?
Yes, should be “clear and distinguishable”
NHTSA SFST Manual, 2023 edition
Lack of Smooth Pursuit segment
Go which way first with pen?
This will ensure their __ eye is checked first, as required.
Lack of Smooth Pursuit segment
__ seconds out, ___ seconds back to center
Lack of Smooth Pursuit
How far to the left/right should you go with the pen?
Do you stop and hold the pen (at that location)?
To maximum deviation
During Lack of Smooth Pursuit, do you stop at the center/nose once you check an eye?
No (keep pen moving)
Lack of Smooth Pursuit segment
Check each eye how many times?
If the eye jerks just once during Lack of Smooth Pursuit, is that a clue?
NHTSA SFST Manual, 2023 edition
Distinct/Sustained Nystagmus @ Max Deviation segment
Go which way first with pen?
This will ensure their __ eye is checked first, as required.
Distinct/Sustained Nystagmus @ Maximum Deviation
What is correct eye position?
Eye moved as far to the side as possible
Distinct/Sustained Nystagmus @ Max Deviation segment
Hold for minimum of __ seconds
Distinct/Sustained Nystagmus @ Max Deviation segment
While at maximum deviation, you observe some slight jerking of the eye, but it only lasts a second or two. Does that count as a clue?
‘In order to “count” this clue as evidence of impairment, the nystagmus must be distinct and sustained for a minimum of 4 seconds.’
Distinct/Sustained Nystagmus @ Max Deviation
At maximum deviation, does the jerking of the eye have to last for four seconds?
‘In order to “count” this clue as evidence of impairment, the nystagmus must be distinct and sustained for a minimum of 4 seconds.’
Distinct/Sustained Nystagmus @ Max Deviation segment
Check each eye how many times?
Onset of Nystagmus Prior to 45 Degrees segment
Go which way first with pen?
This will ensure their __ eye is checked first, as required.
Onset of Nystagmus Prior to 45 Degrees segment
It should take __ seconds to reach the 45 degree angle
Onset of Nystagmus Prior to 45 Degrees segment
Check each eye how many times?
HGN: You have completed the main three tests (Lack, Distinct, Onset).
Now what?
Check for vertical nystagmus
Vertical Gaze Nystagmus
Do you keep your pen vertical or rotate it horizontally?
Rotate pen horizontally
(NHSTA SFST Manual and video shows to do that)
While checking for vertical gaze nystagmus, hold stimulus/pen up for a minimum of ___ seconds
Vertical Gaze Nystagmus:
Raise your pen until the subject’s eyes are elevated ___
as far as possible
(then hold for four)
NHTSA SFST Manual, 2023 edition
How many times do you do the vertical gaze nystagmus (VGN) check?
2 (at least)
NHTSA SFST Manual, 2023 edition
During the Vertical Gaze Nystagmus check, you see the eye jerk once or twice. Does that indicate VGN?
No (“For VGN to be recorded, it must be distinct and sustained for a minimum of four seconds at maximum elevation”)
NHTSA SFST Manual, 2023 edition
What does Vertical Gaze Nystagmus indicate?
The presence of this type of nystagmus is associated with HIGH DOESES of alcohol for that individual.
WAT and OLS - If it is raining/snowing/icing and the ground is SLIPPERY, what should you do? (two options)
Perform the test elsewhere OR
Only administer HGN
NHTSA SFST Manual, 2023 edition
Walk and Turn Instructions
What are the key tasks?
- Get subject into the heel-to-toe position
- Give the verbal instructions + demonstration
Walk and Turn
If the subject is wearing heels more than __ inches high, the subject should be given the opportunity to remove their shoes
NHTSA SFST Manual, 2023 edition
Walk and Turn
Instructions to get subject into the Heel-To-Toe position
- Place your left foot on the line (real or imaginary)
- Place your right foot on the line ahead of the left foot, with the feel of your right foot against the toe of the left foot
- Place your arms down at yoursides
- Maintain this position until I have completed the instructions
- DO NOT START to walk until told to do so
- Do you understand?
Walk and Turn - Can’t Balance During Instructions
While the subject is in the Heel-to-Toe position as you are giving instructions, what two acts would constitute an observation of this clue?
Feet break apart (from Heel-to-Toe)
Steps off line (thus breaking Heel-to-Toe)
NHSTA SFST Manual, 2023 edition
Walk and Turn - Can’t Balance During Instructions
The subject is maintaining heel-to-toe position as you are giving the next instructions, but he/she is swaying and uses his/her arms to balance. Is that a clue?
(the clue is observed if they fail to maintain the heel-to-toe position)
NHSTA SFST Manual, 2023 edition
Walk and Turn: Once the subject is in the Heel-To-Toe position, do you ___
A. Verbally explain the walking stage then demonstrate after
B. Demonstrate while providing the instructions
NHTSA SFST Manual, 2023 edition
Walk and Turn
Walking Stage verbal instructions (with demonstration)
- When I tell you to start, take nine heel-to-toe steps on the line, turn, and take nine heel-to-toe steps down the line
- When you turn, keep the front (lead) foot on the line, and turn by taking a series of small steps with the other foot, like this.
Walk and Turn - What to say after completing my demonstration
- While you are walking, keep your arms at your sides, watch your feet at all times, and count your steps out loud.
- Once you start walking, don’t stop until you have completed the test.
- Do you understand the instructions? (Make sure subject understands.)
- Instruct the person to begin the test.
Walk and Turn
During the test, if the subject is not __ or __ , remind them to do so.
COUNTING out loud
WATCHING their feet
NHTSA SFST Manual, 2023 edition
Walk and Turn
The subject is walking slowly. Is that a clue for ‘Stops Walking’?
NHSTA SFST Manual, 2023 edition
Walk and Turn - Misses Heel-to-Toe
This clue is observed when there is ___ inch space or greater between the heel and toe during the steps
NHSTA SFST Manual, 2023 edition
Walk and Turn - Arms Used to Balance
If the subject raises just ONE arm to balance, is that a clue?
NHSTA SFST Manual, 2023 edition
Walk and Turn - Arms Used to Balance
This clue is observed when a subject’s hands are raised ___ inches or more from his/her sides to maintain balance
NHSTA SFST Manual, 2023 edition
Walk and Turn
If the subject is committing errors (clues), such as stepping off the line, should you have them restart from the beginning?
NHSTA SFST Manual, 2023 edition
Walk and Turn
Should you give the subject multiple opportunities to complete the test?
NHSTA SFST Manual, 2023 edition
One Leg Stand. What do you do first?
Get them into the Instruction Stage position
One Leg Stand. Verbal instructions to get the subject into the instruction stance
- Please stand with your feet together and your arms down at the sides, like this.
- Do not start to perform the test until I tell you to do so.
- Do you understand the instructions so far?
One Leg Stand. You have gotten the subject into the Instruction Stage position. Now you are going to give the Balance and Counting stage instructions. Do you ___
A. give verbal instructions first, then demonstrate after
B. give the instructions accompanied by demonstrations
B (accompanied)
NHTSA SFST Manual, 2023 edition
When counting during the OLS, what is the correct way to count during your demonstration?
A. One one-thousand, Two one-thousand
B. One thousand one, One Thousand Two
C. One Mississippi, Two Mississippi
NHTSA SFST Manual, 2023 edition
One Leg Stand - The subject is in the Instruction Stage position.
Recite the Balance and Counting Stage instructions
- When I tell you to start, raise either leg with the foot approximately six inches off the ground, keeping your foot parallel to the ground.
- Keep both legs straight and your arms at your side.
- While holding that position, count out loud in the following manner: “one thousand one, one thousand two, one thousand three,” and so on until told to stop.
- Keep your arms at your sides at all times and keep watching the raised foot.
- Do you understand?
- Go ahead and perform the test.
(Officer should always time the 30 seconds. Test should be discontinued after 30 seconds.)
How long should the OLS be timed for?
Are there scenarios in which the subject should be allowed to continue past that time?
30 seconds
NHTSA SFST Manual, 2023 edition
During the OLS, do you tell the subject how long the Balance and Counting stage will last?
During the OLS, if the subject put their foot down, do what?
Tell them to pick the foot up again and counting counting from previous number
NHTSA SFST Manual, 2023 edition
One Leg Stand
If the subject almost falls or is in danger of falling, should you continue the test?
(document test as ‘unable to complete for subject’s safety due to apparent danger of falling’)
NHSTA SFST Manual, 2023
One Leg Stand - Sways
Do slight tremors of the foot or leg count as ‘Swaying’?
NHSTA SFST Manual, 2023
One Leg Stand - Uses arms to Balance
If the subject uses one arm to balance, but keeps the other arm down, does that count as a clue?
NHSTA SFST Manual, 2023
One Leg Stand - Uses arms to Balance
This clue is observed if one or both of the subject’s arms move __ inches or more from the side of their body.
NHSTA SFST Manual, 2023
When you ask ‘Do you understand?’ during SFST instructions, do you need to get a verbal response?
If someone is showing significant impairment but blows 0.00 or very low, what do?
Request DRE evaluation (If the arresting officer reviews the subject’s breath alcohol concentration (BrAC) test results and determines.. if the impairment is NOT explained by the BrAC, the officer requests a DRE evaluation)
Also should summon a DRE because “In some courts or motor vehicle hearings officers may find a low BAC result, by itself, does not provide adequate basis for requesting the subject to submit to a second chemical test.” -NHSTA DRE Manual
(note - a DRE’s 12-step Drug Influence Evaluation includes at blood test at Step #12, the Toxicological Analysis)
You are asked “Retry Y/N?”
Always put no
Do all depressants cause HGN?
If they have Onset Prior to 45 Degrees, will they automatically have LOSP and DSNAMD?
If you observe Vertical Gaze Nystagmus (VGN), it will cause at least __ clues of HGN
NHTSA SFST Manual, 2023 edition
Is a Portable Breath Test (PBT) admissible in a DUI trial?
If so, under what circumstances?
Pass/fail only, to show alcohol presence (can’t be used to show specific alcohol concentration)
State v Humberto (2020 OK CR 15) [cited in D21 PDR]
Does the body’s natural dissipation of alcohol create a per se exigency?
Missouri v McNelly 569 US 141 (2013); from D21 PDR
47 OS 10-104(B) has a per se rule permitting nonconsenual blood draws in cases where the driver was involved in a GBi/death accident and committed a citable traffic offense.
Does this law create a per se exigency justifying a warrantless blood draw?
Stewart v State, 2019 OK CR 6; from D21 PDR
(The above case found 10-104(B) unconstitutional, as it seems to automatically permit warrantless blood draws based on the flawed logic that a GBI/death accident created a per se exigency)
Are you REQUIRED to get a blood draw within two hours of an arrest?
Sanders v State, 2002 OK CR 42; from D21 PDR
Note: the blood draw should be done ‘as soon as practicable’ per State v Cudjoe S-2015-25, OCCA (unpublished, 8/5/2016)
If DUI accident with Death/GBI, still don’t have to do within two hours per State v Gonzales S-2022-355, Walkley case (see DUI Accident OneNote)
Someone’s pupils are LARGER than expected given the lighting conditions.
Dilated or constricted?
Possible indicator of what type of drug?
Meth (CNS stimulant) or Hallucinogens
Someone’s pupils are SMALLER than expected given the lighting conditions.
Dilated or constricted?
Possible indicator of what type of drug?
Opiates (Narcotic Analgesics)
The effects drugs have on the eyes (ie not changing to different lighting conditions) are ___ reactions
NHTSA SFST Manual, 2023 edition
Intoxilyzer - Before you press the ‘start test’ button, do what?
Check if Breath Hose warm
Check mouth for loose materials and/or foreign substances
Turn off radio and cell phone
If the Intoxilyzer 8000 is found to be ‘Standby Mode.’ What to do?
Press the green ‘start test’ button
(then will run a self-diagnostic check and boot to ‘Ready Mode’)
Once the Intoxilyzer is in Ready mode, do what?
Press ‘Start Test’ button
When the subject is blowing into the Breath Hose, should they be seated, standing, or either?
standing (if capable)
Oklahoma Intoxilyzer 8000 Manaul
If a motorist is suspected of drugged driving: Wherever possible, a local __ should be summoned to assist with the investigation
Officer’s Impaired Driving Affidavit (from BOT, aka Hand Written Refusal Affidavit)
In the two sections given for you to type a mini-report, what two things are you asked to describe?
Reasonable grounds - driving behavior or circumstances that led to contact
Persons condition - odor, their actions, etc
Juvenile DUI.
Read implied consent?
If they say yes, blow?
Do you need parent present?
What if they don’t have license?
What do after?
Doesn’t matter. Same procedure
Fit + Pivot OR release to parent
Someone is drunk and operating / in APC of a Class A, B, or C Commercial Motor vehicle.
At what BAC level would they be in violation?
Which one do you use when referring to breath samples?
a) 0.08 BAC g/100mL
b) 0.08 BrAC g/210L
BAC = Blood Alcohol Concentration
BrAC = Breath Alcohol Concentration
Intoxilyzer - Once ready for breath test sample the machine will show “Please blow until tone stops”. Recommended commands to subject:
If a 175 pound male consumes __ drinks in rapid succession on an empty stomach, his BAC will likely be over 0.08
For the average male, 2/3 a drink will raise BAC by .015
0.08 / 0.15 = 5.3
5.3 * 0.67 = 3.551
If an average male consumes a six pack of beer, it will take __ hours before they drop below 0.08
Assuming the six pack brought them to .12, then .12 - (3x0.015) = 0.075
If an average female consumes __ drinks in rapid succession on an empty stomach, her BAC will likely be over 0.08
For an average female, half a drink will raise their BAC by 0.015
0.08 / 0.15 = 5.3
5.3 * 0.5 = 2.65
____ Effect
Once you stop drinking, your body’s alcohol absorption mechanisms finally catch up, and then CNS effect of the alcohol (how impaired you feel) will decrease, despite the fact your BAC is actually still the same.
So despite the fact you feel ___ and as if the effects are ___, your impairment may be ___
A Deprivation Period ___ be conducted on all subjects prior to any breath test collection
The deprivation period is required in (all/some) testing situations.
Oklahoma Intoxilyzer 8000 manual
What kind of tests are the WAT and OLS?
Divided attention
(technically psychophysical is also a correct answer, but the WAT and OLS are designed to require simultaneous concentration on mental and physical tasks)
Does a DRE’s 12-step Drug Influence Evaluation include HGN, WAT, and OLS tests?
Yes (also includes MRB - Modified Romberg Balance and FTN - Finger to Nose)
- NHSTA DRE 7-Day School Participant Manual, 2023
What is the first step in a DRE’s 12-step Drug Influence Evaluation? Is it always done?
Breath Alcohol Test (intoxilyzer)
NHSTA DRE Manual, 2023
At any given time, __% of drivers on the road are DWI.
During late night hours on Friday and Saturday nights, as many as __% of drivers are DWI.
On certain holidays, the number can go even higher.
NHSTA SFST manual, 2023
According to a study published by the Tuoro College of Pharmacy in 2014, sober individuals ‘fail’ SFSTs at a rate of __%.
See journal publication “False Positive Rates among Sober Subjects”
Panicked, violent, or psychotic behavior caused by high doses of methamphetamine
Methamphetamine Psychosis
NHTSA DRE Manual, 2023
The stimulus may be _____, the eraser on a pencil, the tip of a penlight, the tip of your finger, or any similar small object.
the tip of a pen
NHSTA SFST manual, 2023
Amphetamines produce the same effects as Cocaine with the exception that cocaine _______
causes an anesthetic effect
NHSTA DRE manual, 2023
If someone has Distinct and Sustained Nystagmus at Maximum Deviation, should they have Lack of Smooth Pursuit?
If someone has Onset of Nystagmus Prior to 45 Degrees, should they have both Distinct and Sustained Nystagmus at Maximum Deviation AND Lack of Smooth Pursuit?
(Note: I could not find this in the manuals, but I had heard it before, and it is also stated in the Texas District/Counties Attorneys Association ‘Field Sobriety Test Review’)