EESC456-CHAPTER4.2 Flashcards
Particle density
of minerals : 2.6 – 2.75 ton/m3
of organic matter : 0.1 – 0.3 g/cc
mass per unit volume of soil solids (in contrast to the volume of the soil, which would also include spaces between particles)
describes the weight of solid particles in a given volume of those solid particles,
same as the specific gravity of a solid substance.
The chemical composition and crystal structure of a mineral determines its particle density.
not affected by pore space; not related to particle size or to the arrangement of particles (soil structure).
arable mineral surface soils (1%–5% organic matter), assume = 2.65 Mg/m3
large amounts of high-density minerals, assume = 3.0 Mg/m3
organic matter (particle density of only 0.9–1.4 Mg/m3)
Bulk density
weight of the solid particles in a given volume of dry soil (which includes both solids plus pore space occupied by air).
mass of a unit volume of dry soil (including solids + pores)
determined by drying soil (remove water) + weigh dry mass. using “undisturbed soil core”
strongly influenced by porosity, o.m., depth
–> knowledge of the bulk density of various soils is useful in estimating the weight of (dry!) soil to be moved for construction/landscapers, etc.
1 Mg = 1 million grams
1 m3 = 1 million cubic centimeters
1 Mg/m3 = …
1 g/cm3.
Effect of soil texture on bulk density
fine-textured soils (silt loams, clays, clay loams) = lower bulk densities
–> solid particles organized in porous granules
–> pores exist between and within the granules = ensures high total pore space
sandy soils = higher bulk densities
–> low organic matter content
–> solid particles are less likely to be aggregated
–> only few fine/within the ped pores = less total porosity (even if similar amount of large pores as fine-textured)
–> denser = mixture of sand sizes (well-graded sand) and a tight packing arrangement.
–> less dense = sand particles are mostly of one size class (i.e., well-sorted sand)
Effect of porosity on bulk density
high proportion of pore space to solids = lower bulk densities
more compact, less pore space
= higher bulk densities
–>any factor that influences soil pore space will affect bulk density.
Effect of depth in soil profile on bulk density
Deeper in the soil profile, bulk densities are generally higher. Result of :
- compaction by the weight of the overlying layers
- lower organic matter contents
- less aggregation
- fewer biopores.
–> Many soils formed from glacial till have extremely dense subsoils (past compaction by glaciers)
Increases in bulk density usually indicate a poorer environment for …. + ….and undesirable changes in hydrologic function, such as reduced water infiltration. Tree growth and forest ecosystem function are particularly sensitive to increases in …
root growth
reduced aeration
bulk density.
Forested lands and bulk densities
forested soils’ surface horizons =
low bulk densities
Conventional timber harvest compacts 20%–40% of the forest floor
Intensive recreational and transport use of soils in forests and other areas with natural vegetation can also lead to increased bulk densities. (access roads, trails, and campsites are found)
increased bulk density
= diminished capacity of the soil to take in water
= increased losses by surface runoff.
An expensive, but effective, means of moving logs while minimizing compactive degradation of forest lands is the use of cables strung between towers or hung from large balloons.
Damage from hikers can be minimized by restricting foot traffic to well-designed, established trails that may include a thick layer of wood chips, or even a raised boardwalk in the case of heavily traveled paths over very fragile soils, such as in wetlands.
Urban soils and bulk density: trees planted for landscaping purposes =severely compacted soils.
5 ways to make it better
- large planting hole = loose soil zone for early root growth
- Mulch spread to enhance root growth
- Rigid + porous cover (iron grill) to protect against compaction
- Narrow trenches radiating out from the planting hole and backfilled with loose, enriched soil = paths for root expansion
- “artificial soil” of coarse angular gravel to provide strength and stability, and a mixture of loam- textured topsoil and organic matter to provide nutrient- and water-holding capacities.
Green roofs and bulk densities
Soil bulk density is critical in the design of rooftop gardens. The mass of soil involved must be minimized in order to design a cost-effective structure of sufficient strength to carry the soil load.
relatively thin layer of soil (say, 15 cm) could be used, keeping the total mass of soil from being too great.
reduce the cost of construction by selecting a natural soil having a relatively low bulk density, such as some well-aggregated loams or peat soils.
Often an artificial growing medium is created from such lightweight ma- terials as perlite and peat. However, such very low-density materials may require a surface netting system to prevent wind from blowing them off the roof, and this type of media will not perform the anchorage function of soils as a plant medium (see Section 1.2) for tall plants such as trees.
Agricultural lands + bulk density
heavy machines used to pull
= yield-limiting soil compaction.
tillage implements:
moldboard plow+disk harrow: compact the soil below their working depth. can form plow pans or traffic pans, dense zones im- mediately below the plowed layer.
chisel plow + spring-tooth harrow: do not press down upon the soil beneath them, and so are useful in breaking up plow pans and stirring the soil with a minimum of compaction. Large chisel-type plows can be used in subsoiling to fracture soils to considerable depth and break up dense subsoil layers, thereby enhancing deep root penetration. These implements should loosen the soil without producing horizontal compacted lay- ers, and cut through crop residues while causing little disturbance of the soil surface.
However, in most soils the effects of subsoiling are quite temporary and any tillage tends to reduce soil strength, thus making the soil less resistant to subsequent compaction. In moist fine-textured soils, subsoiling can cause planes of compaction as the implements slide through the soil.
In cold climates, repeated cycles of freezing and thawing during winter can break up …. However, even where it is cold enough to freeze the soil down to 50 or 100 cm, the repeated freeze–thaw cycles occur only on the upper 10–20 cm. Thus, if heavy equipment driven on wet soils have cause …., one cannot rely on cold winters to alleviate the problem.
compacted soil near the surface.
deep compaction
Minimize soil compaction (alleviate deep subsoil compaction)
cover crop plants:
penetrate compacted layers during moist periods and leave deep root channels for subsequent crops’ roots to follow
hand hoes or animal-drawn implements to stir the soil: their weight is applied to the soil in a relatively small area (foot- or hoof-print), and so can also cause considerable compaction.
number of tillage operations and heavy equipment trips over the field should be minimized and timed to avoid periods when the soil is wet.
-prevent compaction
-prevent yield reductions
-prevent loss of profits
–>Traffic is particularly damaging on wet soil. Generally, with heavier loads and on wetter soils, compactive effects are more pronounced and penetrate more deeply into the profile. can be unavoidable in humid temperate regions in spring and fall.
restrict all wheel traffic to spe- cific lanes, leaving the rest of the field (usually 90% or more of the area) free from compaction. controlled traffic systems, establishing permanent footpaths between planting beds.
wide tires are fitted to heavy equipment so as to spread the weight over more soil surface, thus reducing the force applied per unit area. Wider tires do lessen the com- pactive effect, but they also increase the percentage of the soil surface that is impacted.
Influence of Bulk Density on Soil Strength and Root Growth
Root growth is inhibited by excessively dense soils due to:
- soil’s resistance to penetration
- poor aer- nation
- slow movement of nutrients and water
- buildup of toxic gases and root exudates.
Roots penetrate the soil by pushing their way into pores. If a pore is too small to ac- commodate the root cap, the root must push the soil particles aside and enlarge the pore.
density restricts root growth, as the roots encounter fewer and smaller pores.
root penetration is also limited by: soil strength
Compaction generally increases both bulk density and soil strength.
2 factors (both related to soil strength) must be considered to determine the effect of bulk density on the ability of roots to penetrate soil.
- effect of soil water content:
soil water content and bulk density affect soil strength
–> Soil strength increased if :
compacted to a higher bulk density, dry/hard finer-textured soils
effect of bulk density on root growth is most pronounced if those soils are dry, a higher bulk density being necessary to prevent root penetration when the soils are moist.
- effect of soil texture:
The more clay present in a soil
=smaller pore size
= greater resistance to penetration
roots more easily penetrate a moist sandy soil than a moist clayey one (if same bulk densities)
- effect of land use/mgmt:
row- crop agriculture, pasture, rangeland, forestry, or off-road trafficking = affect soil bulk density and strength, restrict or enhance root growth and water movement.
soil strength
property of the soil that causes it to resist deformation.
quantify soil strength ; measure the force needed to push a standard shaped rod (a penetrometer) into the soil
- soil porosity
total porosity varies widely
Bulk density values help us predict only total porosity.
soil pores occur in a wide variety of sizes and shapes that largely determine what role the pore can play in the soil.
Pores can be grouped by size into macropores, mesopores, micropores,
macropores (larger than about 0.08 mm)
micropores (smaller than about 0.08 mm).