EESC456-CHAPTER4 Flashcards
Land-use potentials or limitations (from production pov)
8 soil physical properties
- colour
- texture
- structure
- density
- porosity
- aggregates/aggregation
- tillage/soil mgmt
- engineering considerations
- soil colour
-measured using munsell colour chart (objective)
-clues about soil properties + conditions. used as a diagnostic criterion for classifying soils
-varies in landscape, depth, horizons
-changes with soil moisture (moist=darker)
-3 components: Hue, value, chroma
basic colour (page) Ex: 10YR
–>redness or yellowness
darkness/lightness, purity score 0 to 8 (0-black), on side of page increasing bottom to top
intensity/brightness, score from 0 to 8 (0= dull gray), bottom of page, increasing from left to right
Cause of color
a. organic matter content
b. water content (wetness + drainage)
c. presence and oxidation states of iron/manganese oxides in various metals
Interpretation of colours
Oxidation conditions; brigth colours (high chroma)
–> ferric irons (Fe3+) = red, yellow, brown
–> manganese (Mn) = black
Reduction conditions; paller, low chromas
–> Ferrous iron (Fe2+) = gray, blue, green
Long-term saturation = gleyed colours
seasonal/periodic saturation = mottling (mark with spots or smears of color)
–> delination of wetlands
Organic matter tends to … mineral particles which … and … colors of minerals themselves
darkening and masking
Water content has more profound… effect on soils colours. it influences the level of …. in the soil, which influences the rate of … (darkening the soil). Water also affects the oxidation state of … and…
organic matter accumulation
iron and manganese
Well-drained uplands, warm climates, well-oxidized iron compounds =
bright (high chromas) reds + browns
reddish colours associated with concentrations of oxidized irons
Manganese oxide =
Glauconite =
Dry regions =
(calcite + soluble salts)
Poorly drained soil profiles =
gray, blue (low chromas) due to reduced iron compounds
gray colors associated with reduced irons
gleyed soils:
Soil exhibiting gray colors from reduced iron and iron depletion
Under prolonged anaerobic conditions, reduced iron (which is far more soluble than oxidized iron) is removed from particle coatings, often exposing the light gray colors of the underlying silicate minerals.
If sulfur is present under anaerobic conditions, … may color the soil black regardless of the organic matter level
iron sulfides
Tropical/subtropical landscapes=
temperate landscapes=
Reddish colours (rhodic B horizons)
Dark greys/browns (mollic epipedon)
How colour used to delineate wetlands
The presence in upper horizons of gley-low-chroma colors (either alone or mixed in a mottled pattern with brighter colors) is used in delineate wetlands, for it is indicative of waterlogged conditions during at least a major part of the plant growing season.
The depth in the profile at which gley colors are found helps to define the drainage class of the soil.
- Soil texture (most imp.)
-only refers to mineral fraction (fine Earth fraction)
–>gravels, cobbles, boulders, coarse fragment > 2mm diameter NOT
-NOT artificial media (perlite, peat, styrofoam, nonsoil materials)
- proportions of different-sized particles in a soil
-size class boundaries reflect physical/chemical behaviours + influence mineralogy and nutrient content
-specific surface area is a function of particle size distribution
-specific surface area is a function of clay % + clay type
Specific surface area
Area of mineral soil per unit of soil mass or volume. surface area for a given mass of particles
influenced by particle size (smaller particles = higher surface area)
influences: water retetion, absorbed gas/chemicals, nutrient release, cohesion/aggregation, micorbial activity/habitat
–> higher surface area = higher influence
The texture of a soil in the field is not readily …, so it is considered a … property of a soil.
subject to change
basic permanent
Soil separates
Groups (6) of individual soil particles
- Clay
- Silt
- Fine-sand
- Medium-sand
- Coarse-sand
- Gravel
0.05 - 2 mm
Gritty, visible naked eye
Rounded or angular (depends weathering/abrasion degree)
Coarse: may be rock fragments containing several minerals, but
most sand grains consist of a single mineral, usually quartz (SiO2) or other primary silicate minerals.
–>Quartz dominance = the sand separate generally contains few plant nutrients. The large particle size means that whatever nutrients are present will not likely be released for plant uptake.
Large pores
cannot hold water against the pull of gravity =drain rapidly and promote entry of air into the soil.
Large particles = low specific surface areas = little capacity to hold water or nutrients and do not stick together into a coherent mass.
–>most sandy soils are well aer- ated and loose, but also infertile and prone to drought.
0.002 - 0.05 mm
invisible naked eye
composed of weatherable minerals
–>small size (and large surface area) of the particles allows weathering rapid enough to release significant amounts of plant nutrients.
More, smaller pores = retains water and lets less drain through.
low stickiness and plasticity (malleability) = highly susceptible to erosion by both wind and water. –>easily washed away by flowing water in a process called piping
little plasticity, cohesion, and adsorptive capacity some silt fractions exhibit is largely due to a film of adhering clay.
<0.002 mm
shape; tiny flakes/flat platelets.
Large specific surface areas, = great capacity to adsorb water/substances.
Large adsorptive surface = clay particles to cohere in a hard mass after drying.
Wet: clay is sticky, easily molded (exhibits high plasticity).
Small/convoluted pores, butso many
= slow movement water and air
=allowing the soil to hold a great deal of water; however, much of it may be unavailable to plants
colloids (smallest clay particles)
Fine clay–sized particles are so small that they behave as colloids—if suspended in water they do not readily settle out.