EESC456-CHAPTER2 Flashcards
Why no soils on the moon
No organic matter present, absence of life on the moon
Weathering of igneous, sedimentary &
metamorphic rocks =
- Primary to secondary minerals
- Typical composition of rocks determining the kind of soil you get from parent material
- Mechanical (4) breakdown (weathering)
– Mechanical
* Temperature (wildfire related exfoliation of rocks)
* Pressure – exfoliation
* Abrasion: Water, ice & wind (erosion by flowing water)
* Plant & animal action
Biogeochemical weathering breakdown: (6)
- Hydration – addition of water molecule:
- Hydrolysis – action of splitting of water; hydrogen & hydroxyl ions (H20 –> H + HO)
- Dissolution – dissolving soluble minerals = big cave systems
–> gypson, limestone, dolomite = vulnerable to it - Carbonation & other acid reactions – action of acids on rock materials
- Oxidation – Reduction (“redox”):
change in valence state (& ionic radius)
–>Fe2+ oxidised to Fe3+ (oxidation = loss of
–>Reverse is Reduction (gain electron) - Complexation – biological processes produce acids contributing to decomposition of rocks
Integrated weathering process:
several processes in conjunction
5 soil forming factors at work (interacting)
- parent material (limiting factor, mineral material out of which soil is forming, geological/organic precursors to soil)
- climate (precipitation + temperature)
- biota (living ecosystem contribution)
- topography (relief, elevation, aspect, landscape position, etc.)
- time (period since p.m. began to undergo soil formation. how much depends on factors above; easily broken p.m. = longer/hot, humid climate = shorter)
The nature of the parent material profoundly influences …
The chemical and mineralogical composition of parent material also influences both … and …
Soils are derived from parent materials, but are defined by ….
Characteristic sequences of horizons lead to
soil characteristics.
chemical weathering and the natural vegetation
their difference from them (from the environment)
4 basic soil forming (genesis) processes
- Transformations: physical/chemical alterations, synthesis, rearrangement in different ways
- Translocations: movement of organic/inorganic materials (up/down with water, in solution/suspension, mixing by animals)
- Additions: organic matter in dust (fall outs from atmosphere) + solutes (with precipitation)
- Losses: leaching, decomposition, physical erosion, crop removal when harvesting
Consequences of factors + soil processes = products (of soil forming)
Master horizons (roughly horizontal layers) develop. (USDA). Master horizons: O, A, E, B, C
A : upper mineral soil, darker from incorporation of o.m., often coarser surfaces (Okanagan = 5-10 cm)
E: (exit). not always there. eluviated, zone of max. removal of clay, Fe, Al-oxides (usually clay minerals); coarser (consequence of high leaching) & paler (due to elluviation process)
B: (bulk) original parent material no longer recognisable; illuviation,
accumulation (soil forming, humus-leached o.m.-, clay minerals of E), transformation; many subdivisions possible (B1, B2, B3, etc).
C: insufficient soil development to qualify as B, but unconsolidated enough to be dug with shovel, retains characteristics of parent
material. Transitional B to P.M. (in between zone)
–>Each may be further sub-divided
2 aspects that differ in Canada (CSSC) from USDA
- E is a downgraded to a form of A, Ae
- And underlying rock is a recognized horizon, R (which is subscripted in USDA, e.g. Cr) because it is more important/prominent feature of soil profiles in Canada (shallow soils)
O horizon subdivisions why?
division of O horizon because substantial depth of o.m. needed to be divided. Not just accumulation of litter on top, if it is not consistently there formed in o.m. then p.m. is rarely there.
O (organic)
Oi – fibric (=litter)
Oe – hemic (=fermentation),
Oa – sapric (=humus, amorphous residues) = most broken down
- time (factors influencing soil formation)
– Rates of weathering (biogeochemical)
– Interaction with parent materials
–> basalt (volcanic) needs less time
– Chrono-sequence (sequence overtime)
–>alluvial terraces-layering
–>coastal dune soils; inlands = older, coastal sand deposits = newer
more time = more forming
- topography/landscape (factors influencing soil formation)
– Slope steepness
–> top = loose material (gravity, water, collovial move)
–> bottom = accumulate materials (washed/leached down)
– Position in landscape: accumulation & wetness, catena
– Interaction with vegetation
– Slope aspect (Pole + Equatorial aspects)
–>East/North facing slopes = less sun –> higher moisture, more vegetation
–>West/South facing slopes = more sun –>
less vegetation is supported
– Salt build-up
– Parent material interactions = varying conditions of soil forming
characteristic sequence of profiles down toposequence
Natural sequences of soil types
–> soil mapping; fairly consistent soil profiles (same repeating patterns) across landscape
different sequences of soil forming depending on where you are in the landscape (aspect/slope) = sequences of soil horizons differ
- Biota (factors influencing soil formation)
– O.M. accumulation
–>maintains integrity of aggregates
–> fosters aggregation of soil particles
– Bio-geo-chemical weathering
– Nutrient cycling (released, mineral breakdowns)
– Profile mixing - within soil profile (animals mixing soil around)
– Aggregate stability (o.m.)
– Soil forming = 1/erosion rate (effect of vegetation cover)
–>erosion rate is higher in the absence of vegetation
–> higher vegetation cover = less erosion = more build up of soil
Role of biota (3)
- Type of vegetation: e.g. grassland vs forest
–>grassland soil; thich, deep, o.m. enriched A horizon. o.m./A horizon transfered through soil profile - Role of animals:
-mixing (animal burrowing induces mixing)
-aggregation (earthworms process soils),
-aeration (earthworms tunnel through = pores)
-movement of soil - Human influences: tillage, cover type,
degradation, mining
–>different color/vegetation = different soil forming
–>Cultivation plowing (turning over soil)
- Climate (factors influencing soil formation)
most influential of the four factors acting on parent material because it determines the nature and intensity of the weathering that occurs over large geographic areas. Both below affect the rates of chemical, physical, and biological processes.
-Effective precipitation: residual that leaches profile
-Temperature: rate of biogeochemical reactions more than 2x for each 10C increase in T. Temperature and moisture both influence the organic matter content of soil through their effects on the balance between plant growth and microbial decomposition
–> influences weathering
–>influences potential vegetation:
Humid climates = trees.
subhumid and semiarid = grasses
arid = shrubs and brush
Okanagan soil forming = slow (heat, no water, cold, altitude)
- Parent material (factors influencing soil formation)
A. Colluvial debris (colluvium);
-detached from the heights above and carried downslope, mostly by gravity, assisted in some cases by frost action or water
-Poorly sorted rock fragments (varying grain sizes)
-angular (not traveled far from p.m.)
-coarse- physical weathering = dominant
-Stones, gravel, and fine materials are interspersed (not layered), and the coarse fragments are rather angular
–>bottom of mountain
–> easy drainage + tendency to be unstable, prone to slumping/landslides,
B. Alluvial Stream deposits (alluvium):
1. floodplains:
2. alluvial fans
3. deltas:
-rounded (transported by water)
-layered (each layer = particles same size) due to varying available energy in flows in water suspension to transport materials
–> seasonal, multiseasonal = sequences of sorting
–> layering more horizontal when water, more angular if transported by wind
C. Marine deposits
-Sorted, rounded, layered
–>ocean deposited in marine
D. Glacial & meltwater: glacial ice pushed forward, it swept away the existing regolith with its soil mantle, rounded the hills, filled in the valleys, severely ground and gouged underlying rock. Thus, the glacier became filled with rock and all kinds of unconsolidated materials, carrying great masses of these materials as it pushed ahead. ice melted (glacier retreats) so glacial debris/drift remained. =new regolith and fresh parent material for soil formation.
-Till: deposited by ice; unsorted, unstratified, boulders to clay, more rounded than colluvium, less than alluvium, compacted deposits.
–> transported + dumped all at same place by glaciers close to it
-Outwash: sorted gravels and sands
–> traveled further with glacial water
-Lacustrine deposits: coarse deltaic deposits, as water flow slows; fine silts and clay particles in still water (no energy)
E. Residual
Residual parent material:
underlying rock forms soil on site (saprolite) or broke down/transported forming away from site (regolith)
develops in place from weathering of the underlying rock.
Where the climate is warm and very humid, residual parent materials are typically thoroughly leached and oxi- dized, and they show the red and yellow colors of various oxidized iron compounds.
In cooler and especially drier climates, the color and chemical composition of residual parent material tends to resemble more closely the rock from which it formed
A great variety of soils occupy the regions covered by residual debris because of the marked differences in the nature of the rocks from which these materials evolved. The varied soils are also a reflection of wide differences in other soil-form- ing factors, such as climate and vegetation
Mixed glacial deposits:
various episodes of glacial melt, different things deposited overtime
Compacted (previous + new materials)
Coarser (like concrete, poor rankage) to finer as go down profile
–> does not drain easily
Aeolian deposits:
Wind-transported (eolian) materials important as parent material for soil formation include, from largest to smallest particle size: dune sand, loess and aerosolic dust and windblown volcanic ash from erupting volcanoes.
Materials transported by wind (sand dunes, loess, aerosolic dust, volcanic ash)
–> Wind can most effectively pick up material from soil or regolith that is loose, dry, and unprotected by vegetation. Dry, barren landscapes have served, and continue to serve, as sources of parent material for soils forming as far away as the opposite side of the globe. The smaller the particles, the higher and farther the wind will carry them.
dust transported
= nutrients too
= atmospheric variance (visible gps)
–> ex. Sahara desert to Amazon, Mobile sands Namibia
Organic deposits
wetlands where rate of accumulation
exceeds decomposition (peats)
Organic material accumulates in wet places where plant growth exceeds the rate of residue decomposition. In such areas residues accumulate over the centuries from wetland plants.
- Types of Wetlands (Canada)
- Types of peat materials:
o Moss peat (mostly sphagnum)
o Herbaceous peat – sedges, reeds, cattails
o Woody peat – includes tree & shrub material
o Sedimentary peat – aquatic plants & faecal
material (finer materials)
breaks up rocks and minerals
modifies or destroys their physical and chemical characteristics
carries away the finer fragments and soluble products
synthesizes new minerals that influence important properties in soils.
Weathering is a biochemical process that involves both destruction and synthesis. the original rocks and minerals are destroyed by both physical disintegration and chemical decomposition.
The nature of the rocks and minerals being weathered determines the rates and results of the … and …
breakdown and synthesis
Earth’s rocks
Igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic.
Igneous rocks
formed from molten magma
composed of such primary minerals (light-colored quartz, muscovite, and feldspars and dark-colored biotite, augite, and hornblende).
The mineral grains in igneous rocks interlock and are randomly dispersed,
include such common rocks as granite and diorite