young ACL reconstruction 9 months post op
Y balance test (or 4 hop test or 8 inch step down)
what is the landing error scoring system/12 inch jump down test?
12 inch box, tape 12 inch away.
squat jump in place.
record in 2 planes, 3 reps each
knee flexion at IC for LESS should be greater than
30 degrees
greater than 45 at knee flex displacement
max ER/IR foot position at IC for LESS
30 degrees max ER and IR
How to score LESS
0=excellent, average=1, poor=2
1=error (need a below 5 for low risk of noncontact injury)
Functional ankle DF in half kneeling
measure distance from toe to wall with goni for DF or bubble on tibia
used for athletic population (simulate running stance)
Pros of FMS
Pros: quick, easy, takes 10-12 min
universal language
most athletes struggle with same screen
Cons of FMS
subjective (low interrater reliability)
not conducive to screening many athletes by one clinician