EENT-quiz Flashcards
Each blink of the eye provides tears for what eye structure?
Skin over the eyelid is (thick/thin)
orbicularis oculi
sphincter-like muscle that closes the eyelid
Meibomian glands
glands that secrete sebum onto the eyelid margin
Zeis glands, Moll’s glands
2 types of glands that empty into the eyelash follicles
How many eyelashes are there on the upper eyelid?
How many eyelashes are there on the lower eyelid?
5 months
lifespan of an eyelash
10 weeks
How long does it take for an eyelash to be replaced?
bulbar, tarsal, fornical
3 parts of the conjunctiva
part of the conjunctiva that covers the globe
part of the conjunctiva that lines the eyelids
part of the conjunctiva in the inferior and superior cul-de-sacs
preauricular, submandicular
lymphatic drainage of the eyelid goes into what 2 nodes?
protect the eye, moisten cornea
function of the eyelid
CN VII, orbicularis muscle
What cranial nerve and muscle are responsible for closing the eye?
CN III, levator muscle
What cranial nerve and muscle are responsible for opening the eye?
hordeolum (sty)
small painful nodule within a gland in the upper or lower lid; acute inflammation
staph aureus
bacterial cause of hordeolum
external hordeolum (sty)
inflammation of the glands of Moll or Zeis on the lid margin; immediately adjacent to the edge of the palpebral margin
internal hordeolum (sty)
infection of a meibomian gland; deep from the palpebral margin; found inside eyelid
Hordeolums are contagious. (T/F)
external hordeolum (sty)
eye condition that presents with pain and edema of the involved lid; often there is a central area of purulence and surrounding erythema; the area is palpable and may point through the skin at the lash line
warm compress several times a day for 48 hrs
treatment for external hordeolum
topical antibiotic
treatment for an external hordeolum if there is a secondary infection or if drainage is present
treatment for external hordeolum if it does not resolve on its own
monitor external hordeolum for _____________
another name for an internal hordeolum
eye condition that involves the obstruction of the meibomian gland; focal inflammation within the eyelid tarsus; firm nodule that is located away from the lid margin
An internal hordeolum is (less/more) painful than an external hordeolum
warm compresses
treatment for chalazion
steroid injection
treatment for chalazion that should be considered if the sty is not resolving
refer for excision
treatment for chalazion if nodule is large or lasts more than 1 month
biopsied (risk of cancer)
Recurrent chalazion should be ___________
inflammation of lid margins
Blepharitis is common, esp. in (men/women)
anterior, allergic, posterior
3 type sof blepharitis
presents with irritation, burning, with red rims and eyelash adherence; dandruff-like deposits and fibrous scales may be seen; conjunctiva is clear to slightly red
blepharitis can be seen with what skin condition?
scrub lid margins with cotton-tip applicator and baby shampoo; topical antibiotics if infection is present or lid scrubs are ineffective
treatment for blepharitis
seborrhea, staph or strep, meibomian gland dysfunction
2 causes of blepharitis
anterior blepharitis
eye condition that presents with itching of lid margins, usually bilateral; usually staph that colonized lash bases that secrete toxins causing red eye and corneal infiltrates; can lead to sty formation
hygiene, antibiotics if persistent
treatment for anterior blepharitis
allergic blepharitis
eye condition caused by an ocular allergy; presents with itching, lid edema, mucoid discharge, conjunctival hyperemia, burning, lacrimation, and conjunctival edema
cool compresses, antihistamines, mast cell stabilizer, control of allergen
treatment for allergic blepharitis
posterior blepharitis
infection on inside of lid; infection of oil secreting meibomian glands leads to obstruction and swelling causing a chalazion
treatment for posterior blepharitis
orbital cellulitis
eye condition that causes eyelid swelling, can lead to blindness, cranial nerve palsies, or brain abscesses; life threatening condition
orbital cellulitis is more common in (children/adults)
sinuses, dental, facial, globe, eyelid, lacrimal
there are several causes of orbital cellulitis including infection of what things?
h, influenza, s. pneumoniae
causative organisms of orbital cellulitis in children <4 y/o
causative organism of orbital cellulitis in older people
molluscum contagiosum, warts, herpes
common viral infections of the eye
crabs, mites, fly larvae
3 parasitic infections of the eye that causes inflammation
condition of the eyelid being flipped in; irritates structures of eye (risk of corneal abrasion)
condition of the eyelid being flipped out; conjunctiva is exposed
droopy eyelid syndrome of upper lid
assess status of cornea to determine urgency, lubricate the eye, antibiotics for inflammation, warm compresses, surgery
treatment for eyelid/lash malpositions
Outer eye (cornea and sclera) and supporting structures are (more/less) sensitive than the inner eye (retina)
assessing severity and referring sight-threatening injuries
first priority when evaluating a traumatized eye
high velocity injury to the eye may lead to penetration of the ________
blowout fracture
a blunt trauma injury may cause a ________ __________
an injury from a larger sized object will affect the _____ of the eye
an injury from a smaller sized object will affect the _______ of the eye
zygomatic arch
forms the lateral and inferior portion of the orbit
patients with a zygomatic fracture may have pain opening their mouth (T/F)
water;s view and jug-handle view x-rays, CT if suspected more than zygomatic fracture
diagnostic tests to determine a zygomatic fracture