Edward and Somerset Flashcards
When was the Third Act of Succession?
What made up the Regency Council?
8 reformists 8 catholics
Who did Somerset collab with to get Edward VI in his custody?
William Paget
Who gives Somerset Henry’s dry stamp?
Anthony Denny
When is Somerset’s power officiated?
16th Feb 1547
What percent of Devon was protestant?
What percent of York is Protestant?
Book of ________ be placed in every church: services in ______, superstitious _________ removed.
Homilies, English, statues
What act was passed in Autumn 1547?
Chantries Act
Autumn 1547, Parliament repeals the _________
Treason Act
When was preaching banned?
Sep 1548
What year was the Act of Uniformity?
What was in the Book of Common Prayer?
5 sacraments instead of 7, Holy Communion in English, holy days remained
Who was Somerset’s brother?
Thomas Seymour
When was Seymour caught in the privy gardens breaking into Edward’s apartments?
16th January 1549